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Posts posted by BriansBodywork

  1. 2 hours ago, Just Chuck said:

    I suspect that a lot of the no-show clients were really just fantasizing about the meetup and to extend the fantasy a little further, they message the escort of masseur.   Then, before they actually go to meet up, they masturbate to the fantasy . . . and then it's over.

    My thoughts exactly!!!!

  2. On 11/1/2023 at 9:36 AM, ButchAtl said:

    It is just a case of bad manners.  With texting so easy, there is almost no  excuse short of an accident or sudden death!  

    I suspect there's also some of the me, me thing, and maybe some just don't know what to say or feel some elaborate excuse has to be given.  

    I can't imagine that if you can make an appointment, you can't at least nofity someone you won't be able to keep the appointmen - for whatever reason. 

    I agree with what you said 100%! If you have the ability to make an appointment, then you have the ability and should have the courtesy to cancel the appointment……even if you lie and say “I’ve been in a wreck”, which I’ve heard before! 

  3. So here’s how it works: for instance, this particular client stood me up once, then made an excuse of why he didn’t make it, said he’d make it up to me $$$ and scheduled again, he flaked a second time. Didn’t know about Mr. Number at the time but once I did, I ran his number through and lo and behold he has 21 derogatory comments. These types of comments and logged experiences help us to determine if we want to take a chance on them, ask a deposit from them, or totally pass on them all together. 🙌🏽🙌🏽





    On a side note I’ve been no showed on maybe 20 times in 18 years, that’s not a bad ratio considering this occupation. I also use a Google Voice number for business and it archives all my text messages unless I choose to permanently delete the thread in which I don’t. This helps me know if a client is trying to schedule that has stood me up in the past. 
    This actually just happened to me last Friday. I had a guy trying to schedule last minute who actually stood me up 2/19/23 of this year. I told him to go fuck himself, and I also logged the report into Mr. Number so other Masseur/escorts can determine if they want to take a chance or pass on him.


  4. 7 hours ago, goosh69 said:

    I might be naive, but scammers don’t usually ad this useless disclaimer- “
    ** NOTE : I am a professional and professional bodybuilder not a prostitute!!! Any fees paid, or money exchanged is for my companionship. Anything else that may or may not happen is a personal choice between two consenting adults of legal age.”

    I haven’t seen one of those in a long while!! 

  5. I’ve had my Pro Ad on Adam4Adam since 2008. It used to be really good for business back in the day until it seemed to slow down around 2016. I still keep it active because it’s very affordable. I pay the yearly fee of $250, so one massage pays for the entire year of advertising on the site. Even though there is a Pro logo some people don’t seem to notice it, or they just don’t care and message me a non massage related message. I politely tell them “my profile here is a Pro Ad for massage services and I’m only here for work.” I wish the desktop version looked like the app version. You are also not allowed to have a racy profile photo on the app version which I think is pretty silly. The wording is also different in the desktop add and the app version, something I think the site should improve. 🤷🏼‍♂️


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