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Everything posted by RyanDean

  1. NYC's got a wealth of resources so it might help if you shared a bit more about what you're looking for. Any gents catch your eye? And do you have any particular preferences (type, role, activities)?
  2. The Recharge app can be pretty great. Nice hotels (though not 4hours for $90) but still quite reasonable.
  3. You two have me contemplating a trip to London...
  4. He is on Chaturbate. https://chaturbate.com/colbymoney/ But I'm pretty sure he doesn't escort.
  5. Sean Costin's appeared at Adonis events (on both coasts, I believe). Dunno whether he's open to making appointments.
  6. We enjoyed a good text exchange and I was getting excited to meet, but found his hourly a bit steep.
  7. better link: https://rent.men/DustyWilliams/
  8. I found him insufferable. But then there'd be another shot of him in his blue trunks... Or he'd look at the camera with those incredible chestnut brown eyes and... SWOON. But then he'd be utterly insufferable again. <and repeat>
  9. I love to rim. Don't much enjoy being rimmed. I just figure it's another version of the "hot-wired" nipple thing. Every body is different.
  10. Yes to this. I too find myself more reluctant to contact someone without a face-pic. But if you are willing to share something -- locked pics, a pic with blurred features, even a description ("my friends say I look like a beefier James Franco") -- that would suggest to me that you're genuinely concerned about privacy/discretion and not running a scam.
  11. I would recommend rummaging through the folks selling these kind of books on AbeBooks. https://www.abebooks.com/collections/sc/vintage-paperbacks-gay-male/6Nw6vyjt9FXtsQoVDbgKYK Many are private dealers/collectors, some of whom will set up viewing appointments. Hang Fire Books -- which set up the gallery linked above -- is based in Brooklyn and does arrange such appointments.
  12. http://www.townhouseny.com/ The door staff definitely attends to the dress code and, yes, I would say that prep/business is right. "Casual Fridays" or "Garden Party" would probably work very well. On the one or two occasions I've been, I've been a bit too shy to chat anyone up, so I have no idea about the etiquette/protocol.
  13. Perhaps the OP, like me, doesn't like letting too much hang out in the general forum. Some of us are shy, delicate flowers.
  14. Speaking as a client, I'd say that certain pros would be veryvery good at making this a great experience, while other pros could be disastrous. So I'd encourage screening potential pros by experience and reputation first, and rather than using "type" as first criteria. And though it's not the same thing, when I've fielded invites (non-professional, mind you) to join as a third, I've always tried to be clear that both partners were into the scene. (Not, as happened in one unfortunate encounter, with one was "just going along" because the other clearly wanted to do this.) And, yes, your partner gets to set the boundaries and you get to have fun within them.
  15. Any wisdom? https://rent.men/StevenRomanxxx
  16. Can someone here help me understand the difference (if there is one) between OnlyFans and JustForFans?
  17. I participated in a few BodyElectric events years and years ago, and know a lot of folks who've gone through the training. (Am also acquainted with the founder.) It's definitely a powerful constellation of techniques. Not really for me, ultimately, but I've seen it have a transformative impact within the lives of a wide array of guys. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FExC89b7xfY
  18. Brodie Scott's been getting strong buzz on the board of late... https://rent.men/BrodieScott
  19. Any intel? https://rent.men/MaxTiller
  20. If you have HBO, it's definitely worth watching ViceNews from March 16, 2018. In the final "Vicepedia" segment, I found the way Rippon talked about his own butt to be quite -- ahem -- delightful.
  21. This gent is legit, fit, masculine and a bottom with a great butt. Not a bubblebutt exactly, but great... https://rent.men/PatrickNYC
  22. RyanDean

    Weight loss

    A few years back, when I was in my mid40s, I made some significant "lifestyle changes" and dropped about 75 pounds over about a year. It's been almost 4 years and most of that weight has stayed off. My strategy stayed pretty simple -- eat less, move more -- and, for that first year especially, I was vigilant with the food tracking and daily movement goals. (My movement goals were also simple -- hit the daily stepcount no matter what and engage one hour of "exertion," either strength training with my trainer or a group fitness class, either on video or in person.) I also stopped weighing myself daily and instead only checked when I felt like I needed to. Things have shifted over the years, and I no longer track calories (mostly just pay attention to balance of macros) but I still pay close attention to what I eat and have a structured/supervised near-daily activity regimen. The hardest part for me probably came at about the 9-10 month mark, when the pounds STOPPED melting away. I had become accustomed to the "reward" of dropping 1-2 pounds a week, so, when that slowed (or, rather, came to a grinding halt), I found it challenging to sustain the discipline. Fitness plateaus are tough. But I stayed on task and thanks to my newly-discovered commitment to strength training I began to discover other measures of whether I was on track or not. I'm by no means done, as it's a lifelong thing I think, and I've still got a few sizable stubborn spots of residual flab, which may be mine forever -- but I'm very glad I made the commitment to make that "lifestyle change"... BTW: when I started this journey, I deleted my WW subscription (which I had maintained off and on for nearly a decade) and switched to LoseIt for tracking, which I found very clarifying. Some of those old WW tricks do come in handy -- yay dill pickles -- but I've found the macro-nutrient approach as simple and even more portable than "points"...
  23. Brent Barrett with the incomparable Michael Jeter. I saw the original -- vivid memories of Karen Akers singing from a frame/box on stage left.
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