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Posts posted by robberbaron4u

  1. By email says he bottoms and hosts in Flatbush for $150. Doesn't ring right.

    Consider that his rack rate might be for a "short ride", and, of course, he might get lost along the way. !!!TALLY-HO!!!

  2. Claims to be straight. But also advertises "XXL packaging on both ends". And says he's into anal. Hmmmm . . . .

    I would not want to entrust a road map with him. . .

  3. I saw him last year; by his photographs, I did not realize that I had met him twenty years or so earlier as he is now a good deal larger in his physique than at the time he did print modelling for mail order houses. He was very popular as a "total top" with the "private party" crowd at New York in his "salad days", and, as stated, he is yet impressive in his physical presentation; "sexual intimacy", if you will, is dependent upon whether or not you "click" with him. Twenty-five years ago, he didn't give you a second glance unless $1500 was on the table for a single "pop of the cock"; currently, his hourly rack rate for a basic "rubdown" is $150.00; if you require stud service, and, he is willing, you will pay more for his attentions in that regard. Read his rentmen.eu promotional literature to avoid disappointment. And, as with every model I have encountered in my lifetime, he is susceptible to flattery.

  4. What I seem to recall from Latin classes in high school is:


    Erratum - a single error

    Errata - multiple errors. It is the plural form of 'erratum', in other words.


    'Erratum humanum est'

    I stand corrected. Erratum: Benjamin Nicholas is the Heavenly Boy of which I have made note.

  5. Maybe Steven made an honest man of the Baron accepting his proposal and exchanging love for a material arrangement that as pointed by @jjkrkwood may not last for as long as expected.


    Are we more honest/decent than escorts?


    The whole expression of making an honest man out of someone is beyond biased.




    Let's remember that SD was smart enough not to show his face.




    I was vaguely considering saving up some money to maybe hire. But #1 I don't think @Benjamin_Nicholas does incalls , and even if he did, it's all moot now as # 2 my alternator went out suddenly on my 2001 Toyota yesterday * I replaced the alternator, battery, and the serpentine belt for about $680.#3 Plus there's a good chance I need a new catalytic converter and O2 sensor which will cost me about $1600 to $1700. I'd prefer to get a new-er car as Car Max will only give me about $1200 for mine. Unfortunately I wouldn't be able to afford the monthly payments. So I have to keep the one I have.




    *I was on my way to lunch. Red battery light came on suddenly. I pulled over to the side of the road with the engine running to see what it meant. Found out it was most likely the alternator. Drove a mile or so-more dashboard lights came on. Pulled into the parking lot of a furniture store to look up what those lights meant. Turned the engine off. It was totally dead when I tried to restart it. Called my brother to see if he could give me a jump. He wasn't happy but said yes. I went into the furniture store to apologize for being stopped in their parking lot. I explained my predicament. The store (Texas Leather Furniture & Accessories in Frisco, Tx in case anyone is interested) had no customers. And the salesman offered to jump my car. I called my brother back to cancel. The salesman jumped my car. Eureka!! It worked. I cautiously get on the freeway as I'm about 16 miles from home and want to get somewhere closer to get my car fixed. I make it about 8 miles. But the engine starts surging and the brake pedal becomes hard to push. By chance I am driving by a Kwik Kar Lube (auto lube of course-get your minds out of the gutter) and Tune. I get there around 4:40 pm. They diagnose it and are able to fix it by their closing time of 6:30 pm.

    !!!SWEET POTATO PIE AND HUSH MY MOUTH!!! !!!GRAB A TRAIN, HOP A BUS, FLY A PLANE!!! Benjamin Nichols is possessed of physical beauty, personal charm and sexual prowess, Merely to contemplate him in the perfection of his form affords delight! Yes, Mr. Nichols is THE STAR in the firmament of the Heaven that, for discerning men of fine taste, is Escorting. Cross his palm with gold, and, he will provide you a memorable experience betweenst the sheets not to be forgotten; present him in public and you will be the envy of every man and woman you encounter in your excursion.

  6. A baron, not a prince, is his "domestic partner", assuming that Mr. Draker is now approaching 50 years of age, there is a 40 year point spread in their ages; the gentleman is possessed of a tidy fortune from his endeavours in commerce, and, Mr. Draker, of course, is a work of art, a MasterPiece, with some patina; the title descends from the nobility created by Napoleon in 1808, and, the noblesse d'epee and noblesse de robe of the Ancien Regime regard the title with derision.

  7. Steven, I believe, has an upper level university degree. While that doesn't assure you of a good job, I doubt he is digging ditches.



    In my recollection of him, Mr. Draker was a very resourceful man. Although I, too, doubt him to be digging ditches in his retirement from the escorting industry, I surmise he is "diggin' somethin'" somewhere to assure comfort in his old age.

  8. Mr. Draker's formidable and celebrated bum finally hit the pavement. . .golden lad or toad, gravity wins the game in the end. I had an old great uncle who advised me to "save your nickles, lad, and, you will be popular in your old age." Given, as all know, to verbosity, I passed this sage observation on to Mr. Draker some years, or, perhaps, decades ago; hopefully, he took heed and he is "following summer" in his retirement.

  9. Who in the hell was Gary Ware??? Gary worked in the hospitality industry at New Orleans as a waiter in one of the city's finest restaurant establishments. "On the side", he was a much in demand "rentboy" favored by gentlemen of means and women of substance; he was the "inspiration" for the character "Sonny" in the film of the same name, a a part played by James Franco. Sadly, as Gary himself made remark, he was living and working at a time when "being very popular could prove a very bad thing"; he contracted AIDS, and, after a long battle bravely fought, succumbed to the disease some ten years ago. He was a Nice Guy, an accolade I rarely bestow on my fellow man. That stated, have at me you scurvy lot of parlor queens. . .wrong forum, too verbose. . .sink me in having entertained a moment of sentimentality

  10. In a word, "dismal". Gary Ware, now long dead, was a celebrated escort of his day in the city that care forgot, and, now, he, too, is forgotten. The "street trade" should be avoided. That stated, I never miss the opportunity to savor the fresh oysters fried in corn batter at Galatoire's after an old-fashioned whiskey cocktail as an apertif.

  11. Apart from whether or not the escort of reference is your "type", the lad has consistently good reviews. Could it be that the derogatory AF remark is from a would be client who did not want to pay the escort's premium hourly rate and was declined as a client by the escort? "Can't you make it a little cheaper" is a cost approach strategy that, on occasion, gets one shown the door, not the boudoir.

  12. Before I sign off, I want to make mention that I patronize Benjamin in the beginning of his career, and, apart from being remarkably handsome in his physical presentation he was, and, indeed, he is, a "first class" act in every aspect of his enterprise; he is a "classic" in the profession.

  13. He could have charms until the cows come home -and he is handsome-but straight guys don't interest me.



    And, please believe me, I appeciate your lack of interest in him given his sexual orientation. In my recollection, Rock Hunter was "straight 8" in his public persona; however, behind closed doors . . .

  14. @robberbaron4u , you first posted about him on July 23rd, and MY reaction was MEH !.... Nothing special or inspiring.....


    Now here you are pushing his alleged "charms" again.... What's the REAL tea ?



    I am of the opinion that an escort who provides consistent, good service to his clients should be commended, as lads who have maturated in the business should be treated with kindness and good humour when the Magic Looking Glass no longer reflects the perfection of form that was once upon a time commanded notoriety. I realize that he may not be to everyone's "taste", but. he is MY cup of tea.

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