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Posts posted by robberbaron4u

  1. He is a possessed of a mercurial temperament which, on occasion, impacts negatively on his work product. As to whether or not the fact that he is "right pretty" balances the books is the call of the client.

  2. Robber, I hope that comment was tongue in cheek, because living with relentless, chronic pain is no laughing matter....It reduces you to a shell of a person.....

    I am afflicted with rheumatol

    Robber, I hope that comment was tongue in cheek, because living with relentless, chronic pain is no laughing matter....It reduces you to a shell of a person.....

    I am afflicted with rheumatol arthritis. Humour helps. . .

  3. As you know from my previous thread, I had a medical problem already and was seeking out surgery. That problem has already caused me a bunch of issues--serious issues. After several months of consults, I finally scheduled both the preliminary surgery (in a few days) and a major surgery with a 6 week recovery.


    Then, 4 weeks ago, I wake up with what seemed like a muscle spasm. I'd had them since childhood and they always resolve after a few days. This time, it worsened. Finally, I asked for an MRI. It showed that the lower half of the neck (cervical spine) had severely deteriorated. I saw a really good physiatrist today. He basically said, "Sure, I"ll do a nerve block but here's a referral to a surgeon. You can apply for temp disability. Oh, and you just got a prescription for for that famously strong pain medication? You're clearly suffering, so it's not enough. Here's a bunch more.". With an opiate epidemic going on, you can imagine how bad the situation must be to be for him to encourage that. So now I'm facing spinal surgery on top of the original surgery. Spinal surgery is famously risky and can leave you worse off than before--with a damaged larynx or even paralyzed. Everything was relatively ok 6 weeks ago and then bam! My life as I know it is over.


    When Avalon posted a similar thread, I thought he was pretty young. I'm about two decades younger. I could have eventually accepted being homebound, even bed bound, if that had been my prognosis. I would have been ok with walking around with a walker. (For now, I'm still walking but obviously I need medication for that.)


    What I can't take is this level of pain, not for long. The medications can barely touch neuropathic pain, and the little relief they give doesn't last. I barely sleep because I'm woken up by pain. I hesitated to post this because I know that others have been through worse. But I could really use support right now.

    Fortitude and cognac.

  4. The !!!FAB-U-LUXE!!! Ken Rolle is at New York City. Pull your life savings from the sock under your mattress and put your money on the table for a memorable experience betweenst the sheets that should not be missed in a lifetime! Ken will take the curl out of your hair and put it in your toes! And, boys, PLEASE, no change or small bills.

  5. Hubris can be compelling, and, indeed, amusing, in those men who, in their presentation, come close to the ideal of the perfection of the form. Sadly, gravity carries the day in the end. . .

  6. Merely to contemplate him in his physical beauty and virility affords pleasure. I have tendered to him an invitation to have the use of my home in Florida for a week or two in the summer season, and, as a "kicker", a "shoot" with Dennis Dean, an "up and coming" photographer at Ft Lauderdale. I ain't given to selfish greediness, and, thereby, in the event he accepts the invitation, I surmise he will be available for "outcalls" in the course of his sojourn on The Island.

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