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Posts posted by robberbaron4u

  1. Yes, the link goes to the correct travelling gent. I had a long ago acquaintance with him, not as a "hire", some years ago on the west coast, and, given that acquaintance, I treated him to lunch at New Orleans. After living the lifestyle of the rich and famous for a time in sunny California as husband to a woman of substance, he was put out on the curb and migrated to Miami. He is in "reduced circumstances", or, if you prefer, "stoney broke", and, although yet a handsome man, his days as an "Italian stallion at stud" are behind him; "desperate" comes to mind with him. The fresh oysters fried up in crisp corn batter served up at Galatoire's is yet a simple, fabulous dish to be savored.

  2. One in the same. He has been travelling cross-country, and, presently, he is on the west coast. If you must have him, request current photographs which can be verified, and, in any meeting, keep your purse close to your bosom.

  3. If you want him, now is the time to make the "hire" as he is

    on the road and in "desperate straits". I no longer reply to his emails as he has commenced to be demanding in his requests and presents a meaness of spirit, which, in my charity. I attribute to his unhappy situation in life. That stated, with him do not give until you have gotten that for which you bargained in the hire. He has used the stage name "John Titor" at Miami and New Orleans: his photographs posted under that name are very, very old.

  4. Having had an acquaintance with "Adam" some years ago on the west coast, I treated him to lunch in the course of the last week at New Orleans. The photographs he has posted to his adam4adam profile are not current; he is yet a good-looking man, "thirty-somethin' " years of age, but, having suffered a reversal of fortune, he requires "detailing" to bring him up to his full potential as a mature escort, and, the attentions of a competent personal trainer to recapture his "Italian stallion" physique. I found him to be far more attentive in the here and now, that is, "hard times", than ten or fifteen years ago when he had "closed the deal" on a woman of substance. Sadly, he not comprehend that when one is bought and paid for in a relationship, a certain exclusivity of ownership to the party that writes the checks is part and parcel of the deal.

  5. I had lunch with him yesterday. Photographs posted to his online adam4adam profile are dated, but, yet, a handsome man for his age in a sympathetically lit room; I have no doubt that he was a very desirable property at one time.. "Straight" for pay, or, I surmise, "anything goes" if the proffered reward meets his need. A certain amount of desperation on his part was noted; "Now. what can I do for you?" was his closing line on a prospective hire. Passed. The oysters, fried up in corn batter, at Galatoire's were, as usual, a simple but delectable repast.

  6. Ah. yes! The Bugatti Boy class of escort. . ."if you have to ask the price, you can't afford It". Being that mt houseman informs me that the locals consider me, respectfully, as an "odd eccentric", and, my mother has pronounced me "cheap" thereby placing me in the category of cheap, odd eccentrics, I now wait, as for desirable, exotic fruit, for these lads to mature, ripen, and, finally, fall to the ground where they can be gathered at a considerable discount. "

  7. My mother, who is 95 and recovering from a stroke suffered two years ago, has been diagnosed with metastastic breast cancer. On noticing the "team" of consulting physicians assigned to her that she wished the malady to be treated aggressively, one asked of her, "Mrs. _______, you are 95 years old. How many more years do you want?" She replied, firmly,"As many as I can get."

  8. Maxi at London serves to amuse in his youthful hubris, and, by my own experience with him, if the proffered reward is adequate to his need of the moment, he delivers a stellar experience betweenst the sheets.

  9. Ah, me! Sweet memories. . .Alex Summit, retired and being kept in grand style by the heir to a NYC realty fortune; Konstantine, yet the life of the party in South Beach cafe society; Michael Sterling, 40+ but "lookin' good", delivering flowers at Dallas; Bill, the Atlanta Underwear Model, in a "partnership" with a Silver Daddy forty years his senior at Palm Springs. . .

  10. For any number of years, Jaime Lee, "The East Coast Boy", was my "steady date" on The Island. Presently, I import Adam Michaels out of Orlando. He presents nicely in his physical appearance; he serves to amuse in his hubris; and, sexually insatiable, he delivers "as advertised" on demand. The caveat with him is that "travel expense" fees may be applicable in the "hire".

  11. My godson, who was an "in demand" escort some years ago, is now forty-something and supports himself as a delivery man in a florist shop; though a distant memory, that he once cleared $50,000 and was made a gift of an expensive sports car in one winter season at Ft. Lauderdale is his often recounted claim to fame in life.

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