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Posts posted by jt30331

  1. 3 hours ago, Danny-Darko said:

    The stereotype of the minorities/coloreds/blacks/women/etc... working harder for less money is an erroneous one spread from different eras of past history and from certain select high level professions where it can and probably has happened. In my lifetime, never have I worked in any job anywhere where anybody of any race or color or sex was offered a different salary than I or whites! Similar jobs got paid exactly the same to all who did it in the same capacity. On the contrary, I've seen and has also happened to me in the past several decades where "they" got promoted or hired over "us" being less qualified, experiences, educated and given jobs and tasked way above their qualifications. Minority new-hires and just out of school while not considering those already in the company and field! We all know why and no reason to get into political discussions nor being about how to right the wrongs of history none of us had anything to do with. Outside of escorting which I have never seen myself and I'm not saying it hasn't happed (I've lived in many different places and been hiring since I tuned 19yo),


    it is illegal to pay somebody a lower salary for same job because of race. Companies and businesses would be sued all the time for type these behaviors.

    Sorry but I can't agree with you on this. If I'd seen it anywhere I certainly would say so and been in agreement with those of you that make these claims. Stereotypes and reputations die hard and don't change easily because the myths are so perpetuated. And of course, are those that use them to their advantage and/or to promote and agenda. Sensitive topic I know but every coin has its flip side. 

    You sound like you're on drugs.  There's so much wrong with your ramblings that I won't endeavor to speak to everything now.  I'd be typing all night.  However, I'll start here: 


    The stereotype of the minorities/coloreds/blacks/women/etc... working harder for less money is an erroneous one spread from different eras of past history and from certain select high level professions where it can and probably has happened.

    Clearly, you are ignorant to many things associated with this topic, including decades of research, legal actions, and news reports that immediately speak to the disparities that POC face within the workplace; and it gets even worse when you break it down by race and gender.  Stop talking out of your ass, please.  It's insulting to the intelligence of everyone reading your bullshit.  It's clear that you know this because you didn't bother once trying to include anything beyond your own ramblings to support your weak ass claim (i.e. statistics, research, etc.). 


    In my lifetime, never have I worked in any job anywhere where anybody of any race or color or sex was offered a different salary than I or whites!

    Again, another bullshit ass claim.  You haven't been in a position to know the salaries of everyone with whom you've worked alongside since you've been in the world of work and career.  Therefore, it is an absolute impossibility for you to say that NONE, not one, of your colleagues was paid less due to their race and/or sex.  


    I've seen and has also happened to me in the past several decades where "they" got promoted or hired over "us" being less qualified, experiences, educated and given jobs and tasked way above their qualifications.

    Given your extreme stupidity, and your willingness to share and display it publicly, it is no wonder that "they" have been passed over your ignorant ass.  I suspect IQ had much more to do with this than race.  




  2. 8 hours ago, DWnyc said:

    Who’s minimizing here?

    But I don’t think is possible or healthy to reduce everything to “is this person x-ist” (racist, ageist, sizeist if such a word exists and so on) and then make existential judgements on them. The reality is often far more nuanced, and I doubt there is a single one of us who escapes having prejudice (ie pre judging) of some sort or views that others might find offensive. These things vary across geography, generation, time etc as well. And also differ in importance to some, so I might be most offended by age discrimination, you by race and so forth. 

    Coming back to the OP, our collective views influence what the market can support, and where such prejudice exists it does affect pricing. We’ve discussed that elsewhere in the forum when providers have wondered why their rates can’t be higher or why they can’t have stricter terms with clients. So yes there are obviously negative consequences to all this. Sounds like you and I differ on how we change the world on these matters, but that’s ok ... I agree the world should change, and that’s more than you’ll get from some others. 

    You’re right. We disagree on views/approach. I’ll leave it there. 

  3. 2 hours ago, DWnyc said:

    Well you don’t know what I may or may not have said in the entire conversations.

    And Im reminded every Thanksgiving and college reunion that if I broke off ties with everyone I disagreed with I wouldn’t have anyone in my life. 

    Apart from all you close friends on this forum 😊

    You’re right. I don’t know what you did or did not say to your racist friends/clients. That said, I wouldn’t minimize racist attitudes and/or behaviors to that of a simple disagreement. That said, you have your own way of addressing, if at all, racist behavior on the part of those with whom you do business, personal or otherwise. 


  4. 2 hours ago, caramelsub said:

    I did take before pictures but I deleted them. So it’s hard to tell if I had results or not. Definitely nothing significant.

    I plan on getting a treatment plan of six sessions done, but in Colombia where the cost is much cheaper. I’ve seen some really good results from acquaintances that’ve tried it and RealSelf photos; and the overall positivity results on RealSelf right now for it are 84%.  I hope I can report back a positive experience once I get it done. 

  5. 10 minutes ago, DWnyc said:

    Sure, but no one is having an intellectual argument citing references with their gut when making choices based on what has been internalized over years … maybe ones whole life.


    All I'm saying is that they're verbalizing the fact that they're stereotyping blacks, and trying to justify it with bullshit.  As you say, these are your "friends", so obviously you're totally free to do what you want.  However, I don't entertain or co-sign conversations that clearly are bigoted toward entire race (or races) of people.  I don't want people to confuse a silence and/or a listening ear with agreement.  

  6. 9 hours ago, DWnyc said:

    I heard from more than one white friend (clients) who have said something on the lines of, given stereotypes of higher rates of crime (violence, drug use etc) among African Americans, they will avoid that demographic in providers since such meetings are already fraught with risks.

    These "higher rates of crime" are often mental/verbal cover for racist/prejudicial attitudes on the part of your friends/clients.  The stats that I have seen show that whites and blacks are head to head in relation to arrest rates, especially those related to violent crime and drugs.  I'm sure they're not citing stats that justify their racism/beliefs with you; and if they are, which are they citing?  


  7. On 4/5/2023 at 10:44 PM, wDarling said:

    Saw a guy named Rodrigo at Chelsea Men Spa on 29th. Cute Blatino guy (tall, a little husky). Massage was pretty good, but toward the end he gave me an option on type of massage and told me how much to pay the guy at reception and how much to give to him. Basically ended up upcharging me. 🙄🙄🙄

    I would have repeated with him and I give a good tip, but now don’t plan on repeating with him at all. It was my first time at this spa and first time I’ve ever had a masseur talk pricing/tips with me.

    (I just did the Math and he would have gotten more money from me just from two visits based on what I would have tipped, than what he got from discussing prices on this one visit that will never be repeated… Not smart…)

    It may be just me, but he had no idea how much, if at all you were going to give him for things most would consider “extra”. I’m sure there are plenty masseurs there that go the extra mile only to get the standard $60 and nothing else. I don’t see the harm here in what he did, but it’s clear we have differing opinions on the matter. 

  8. 6 hours ago, Andgarcia5445 said:

    Hi everyone. 

    apparently there is a forum that the masseurs use for the clients that flake on them. I was on their list because I’d flake because i feel like their ad has either suspicion of fake pics and what not. Does anyone have any clue about this? 


    What is the name of the forum, and how did you find out that you were listed in it? 

  9. 42 minutes ago, caramelsub said:

    I actually did four treatments on my butt. But only one treatment on my abs, because it was too uncomfortable for me to want to continue on that part of the body.

    I’m sorry to hear about your ab session. Did you take any before and after photos of your butt? It’d be awesome to be able to see the difference, or lack thereof. 

  10. On 3/6/2023 at 6:28 PM, caramelsub said:

    I’ve had lipo on my abdomen. It works. The only thing is afterwards I had loose skin in my lower abdomen. I had to get a mini tummy tuck where they remove skin from below the belly button. Keep in mind things like coolsculpting and even lipo aren’t meant for major weight loss. Just body contouring.

    I tried one session of Emsculpt on my abs. It was not comfortable, and in my opinion it was borderline painful. I can’t say I notice a dramatic difference. I also tried Emsculpt on my butt, and it was very tolerable, no pain, felt like a massage. No major difference either yet.

    One session of Emsculpt alone is unlikely to yield any real/noticeable result(s).  You typically need 3-6 sessions before any considerable difference is seen.

  11. On 4/3/2023 at 1:47 AM, Unicorn said:

    Fake news. Look at the actual statistics from the prior post. There hasn't been a single case reported in California in months, much less any transmission. Even assuming the vaccination is effective, the chance of contracting the virus with or without vaccination is zero, since not a single person in this state with tens of millions of people carries the virus. If you feel moved to get a vaccine for an extraordinarily rare virus, might as well make it rabies. 

    Absent the information shared in the previous post, I believe in finishing what I started.  I was fortunate enough to be able to get the first MP shot amid an extreme shortage here in the US, and I'm going to get the final one as advised.  

  12. On 3/7/2023 at 9:18 PM, KeepItReal said:

    Yes, indeed.  I am traveling to the West Coast next week. My firm utilize a travel agent that provides travel alerts as part of travel preparations. They sent me a note this afternoon notifying me that there has been an uptick in Monkeypox cases in CA during the past month. 😳

    This is a reminder that I need to get my second MP shot.  I hadn't heard this news 'til now.  

  13. 9 minutes ago, musclestuduws said:

    He’s weird indeed. I had great massage experiences in the past but I stopped seeing him before the pandemic because I found it weird he’d barely say hi.  After the  recent glowing reviews on here, I’ve decided to try him again, which I greatly regret. I had one of the worst experiences ever. Making an exception to the golden rule with massage providers, I paid in advance because he offered me a deal for two sessions if I paid at once (out of the blue, I had just asked for his current rates).  I trusted him so I sent the money without asking further questions. When I finally saw him more than two weeks later (busy time for me), he barely talked to me and the vibe was more aloof than ever. The massage was rushed and abrupt, making it impossible to feel any sensual connection even though he did massage me fully (a slower rhythm is essential for anything sensual for me). But worst of all, the session lasted little more than half an hour. I was shocked and perplexed since my previous experiences have been completely the opposite, was I  being punished for paying two sessions in advance? In any case, I did speak up and called him out on his lack of professionalism, let alone any regard for a client. It’s sad that he has soured so much so as to lose the respect he owes to his own business. Needless to say, I won’t ever be back. I guess my intuition was right when I stopped seeing him years ago before having any negative experience. His weirdness just keeps getting worse with time. Be warned. 

    Damn! I'm sorry to hear about your experience, but seriously thank you for sharing it, and the warning.  

  14. 6 minutes ago, KeepItReal said:

    If you want more than a good massage with a happy ending (like getting off from ass play) you are looking for an escort, not a masseur. There are escorts that can and are happy to, provide massage as foreplay - see thus discussion. 



    Well aware.  Still interested in hearing from others in respect to this question.

  15. 37 minutes ago, panpanda said:

    I tried him back in November of last year, so take this review with a grain of salt.

    For context, I live in Upper Manhattan (the Heights), so if you live in the city, it's an 1.5-2hr train ride on the L train (one-way)

    He lives in a studio apartment where he set his massage table. He doesn't really do the traditional Thai massage where he stretches you and steps on you with his feet. It was pretty much a stroking massage mixed with nuru slip and slide near the end. He does offer 'edging' session, or a combination of edging and shower with him after the session, during the massage for more $ if you're into that. I figured since I was already this far in Brooklyn, I might as well try it out. He uses one of those vibrating stick to edge you along with his hands, so it was a different experience. I wouldn't do it again though, just because the commute didn't outweigh the experience I got during the session.

    Regarding his photos, back in November, he was a bit chunkier, and wasn't as lean as he was in his photo. He told me that he was bulking and planning on cutting for spring, so he may be leaner now. The photos are few years old. His face still looks like him, but slightly older if you meet in person.

    Thank you for sharing your experience with us! 

  16. 15 hours ago, JayinHKNYC said:

    He may return, but I won't. To him, 1 hour equals 40 minutes. To him, massage means a pseudo version of a rub, not a massage. And he doesn't follow through on the sensual/erotic features that he said he includes, mind you not what I asked for but what he stated were automatic in the way he worked. When I told him he said it, he tried to upsell me for a future visit, not with a discount, just a higher price than he advertised. This wasn't even a case of YMMV but 3 counts of fraud.

    Wow, I’m sorry to hear about your experience! Thank you for sharing it. It seems that clients either have an extremely good or extremely bad session with him. 

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