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Posts posted by PileDriver

  1. i have regulars who have stood me up, some on multiple occasions, if a deposit was involved it was refunded, no questions asked...all great guys. and i'm willing to be flexible for them. i have canceled too at the last second and depending on the relationship even then paid in full for a missed assignation. just to let everyone know where i'm coming from. but then there are those guys, and the signs are there...some show up and demand payment in full but can't perform, some cancel at last second and keep the deposit, some show up but then the entire session is one of demands and disappointment...sometimes bait and switch, sometimes looking at their phone rather than being present...etc.

    So I have my warning signs...too often i ignore them. What are other peoples experiences?

    The reason I ask is that for the past year there has been an uptick in bad escort behavior from where I stand and play. Including an uptick in escorts aggressively blaming any issue on me. Sorry, not the case. 😇

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