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Posts posted by PileDriver

  1. well...the way to start is be honest yourself and discuss with your future partner...and i now have a stable of men i rely on and for me it works...all adult responsible 

    men...not fool p[roof, nothing is, but it works for me and its a model that could work for others...i refuse the cynical approach and it has worked for me...

  2. well i also am upfront about my status, including when i was last tested and what the results were and I am explicit about the medications I take and ask the escort to be honest about their status and medications...the escort can always lie of course but I've  found it does establish an adult rapport...have three times had an escort contact me about std's. one canceled an appointment because he tested positive for syphilis, two contacted me after the fact to say they just tested positive for something. in both those cases i tested negative. not a fool proof method of staying free of infections but it is the right thing to do. we are adults.

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