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Everything posted by beethoven

  1. I thought that Jesse Green's review was a bit curmudgeonly, but I LOVED his line, "You haven't lived until you've heard a woman who once played Eleanor Roosevelt sing the praises of cunnilingus." I can't really argue with his criticisms, but I think that audiences -- at least the one I was part of -- relaxed their high standards and laughed at the Neil Simonesque lines, and thoroughly enjoyed the performance.
  2. This thread started in November. Evidently, no one has tried him: https://m4m-forum.org/threads/411-on-middleeastali-nyc.153709/
  3. Very attractive young man! Anyone know anything about him? https://rentmasseur.com/Leo_guy
  4. Yes, those videos are unique. However, I hope that there's more than stroking for the two hours, especially if they're both naked in the bathtub. (With orange slices!) Perhaps if one finds the price a bit steep, he might consider skipping a massage with one of his regulars, and go for a different experience this time. It might be worth it?
  5. I definitely agree, but I'd say that the play is for ALL audiences, not just those over 60.
  6. I agree with William M. that the first volume is the most interesting and the best. The chapter on how LBJ brought electricity to the Hill Country is one of the most moving descriptions of America in the 1930s that I have read. This chapter should be required reading in all high school history classes. I have read all of Caro's volumes, and recommend them highly, but Volume One is special. That probably gives the best insight into the mind and motivations of this remarkable man -- love him or hate him. No one in American history is perfect. George Washington owned slaves. Jefferson sexually abused his slaves. Even Lincoln, at one time, wanted to send all Negroes (the term then) back to Africa, and although he was vigorously opposed to slavery throughout his life, he didn't regard Negroes as his social equals. LBJ gave us The Great Society, and all its social programs, but also got us into a terrible war. As we can see in Caro's magisterial biography, he could be petty and cruel and corrupt in his ascent to power, even as a young man in college. What he did to Leland Olds of the FPC was Mccarthyism at its worst.
  7. This is a beautiful and poignant movie. Unfortunately, it's playing in only a very few theaters in New York this week, and was relegated to the "unimportant" reviews in Friday's NY Times. It's about a difficult subject, the Holocaust, although there are no scenes in Treblinka or any other of the camps. Definitely worth your time. I have a feeling it won't be around long. I hope I'm wrong.
  8. Perhaps the pun is in "true to its roots." Is the dentist an endodontist?
  9. Do I really want to feel like Jell-O when he's done with me? I admit I haven't seen those PMs, but...... You can tell us here --- Jello? What flavor?
  10. Seriously, I didn't know that some clients expect a lower price for a "way uptown" location. If a masseur were out in the sticks, like Staten Island or Nassau County, I might expect a lower price. But upper Manhattan.....get real!
  11. Jorge massaged me at Shangri-La. The deepest ever! I almost, but not quite, had to tell him to take it easy. His English wasn't too good then, but that was months ago, so I'm sure it's improved a lot. Nice guy, and probably more talkative, now that he's more comfortable with English.
  12. I'm curious why a masseur who seeks clients and needs to be reasonably nice to them would hang up on you after two minutes. I'd love to hear how that conversation went, if you're willing to share with us. Having asked about Pizh back in September, I'm especially interested in your deflating experience with him. I didn't hire him, and it's not looking good, is it?
  13. If Jerry (Chinese, slightly built) is the same Jerry who worked at Utopia (and East Men's Spa), run, do not walk, to his new spa. Jerry is one of the best!! He knows how to massage, and pampers his clients. Also a super nice guy,
  14. You have picked gorgeous guys, and I'm sorry that I can't offer any information. However, I notice that Gio doesn't offer erotic massage in his ad. What a shame! What a waste!
  15. I hear that Sean is one of the most popular names for boys in Kazakhstan these days.
  16. When I'm at a spa, and I see a cute, muscular guy who I'd want to be my masseur on my next visit, I just ask the person at the desk who that cute, muscular guy is. They're always happy to tell me.
  17. There are spas where the masseurs will indulge in oral sex, but they can't be discussed here. I suspect there are quite a few of them. Other than oral sex, I think you're looking for escort services, as sever others have already said.
  18. I think this guy, being new to the game, just doesn't know how to market himself. Yes, great photos! He needs an agent or a publicist. Maybe he'll trade some free massages for some marketing advice? (hint, hint!)
  19. Interesting to note that he will do outcalls ONLY IF the client has a table. That indicates he is a serious masseur. With MT and HE; trifecta!
  20. Absolutely! Someone owes someone an apology.
  21. There was some talk in The Spa over the past few days about being short changed on time at Utopia. I commented in a reply that management reads these posts, and also that clients should complain to management, as Mark and Jack want to do right by their customers. I have been a client at both spas for some time, and Jack (Xiao) knows that he can always email me. I received an email from him today, saying that yes, "I read the reviews [comments]on the message forum." He added, "I am so sorry abut [our] masseurs' behavior" regarding short time. "I hate that," he added. He also said that if clients complain at the front desk about being shorted on time, "Clients don't need to pay full fee and tips." He asked me to get this message out, knowing that I would comply with his wishes.
  22. About Times Square and their video cameras: No one said that the interiors of the rooms are shown WHEN THERY ARE OCCUPIED! Maybe you're getting upset over nothing? I can't imagine they would have any customers if they showed clients getting massages! Of course, it's not comforting to know that they could do that. But I've never been there, so I'll stay out of this controversy. But, don't make a mountain out of a molehill. Just saying.....
  23. A few words about Utopia, always one of my favorites. First, I have had good massages from Alex, but he shorted me on the time on my last visit. YOU SHOULD COMPLAIN TO MANAGEMENT, as I did. I didn't pursue it beyond the email complaint to Xiao, but he did reply. (I thought he should have offered me a free 30 minutes, though he did not, which annoyed me. There might have been a misunderstanding on Alex's part, so I didn't get that upset.) I have never been shortchanged at Utopia, except for that one time, and I really doubt that they make a habit of that. It's a poor way to stay in business, and Xiao and Mark try hard to take care of their customers. Utopia's management used to read these posts in The Spa. I don't know if they still do, but I have learned not to say things about the masseurs that I would not want management to know -- such as expanding the sensual envelope. If a client has been shortchanged, Xiao might learn about it here, but if you have a complaint, you should email him or Mark. Someone said here yesterday that Utopia has been sold. News to me; are you sure? How about their other spa, Shangri-la?
  24. Reckless, since you're new to this site, here's some advice: when you ask about a masseur, put the city in the title. That way, more people will look at your message I usually ignore posts unless they say "NYC."
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