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Everything posted by beethoven

  1. A very nice-looking young man, with an articulate and inviting message. I wonder how many clients he can find in Bradley Beach, or nearby communities? This is not exactly a metropolitan area. Unless he is really special, and has a repeat and growing clientele?
  2. The only Ty in Washington that I know is Ty Cobb. Ask Donald Trump for a recommendation. (Sorry, couldn't resist that!)
  3. The massage sites have emasculated client reviews, have banned meaningful advertising messages by masseurs, and have increased our reliance on reviews such as this one. Bravo, Boston Tom, and also for the other review you posted next to this one, for "B." I enjoy reading your articulate comments, and you should know that you are filling a need for accurate reviews.
  4. With all the good spas in New York (and I'll give a shout out to my favorite, Utopia), I don't understand how these shoddy places can even stay in business.
  5. It's not my place to tell Masseurfinder or M4M, how to run their business, but I think these sites are overreacting to the new federal legislation. It's aimed at sex trafficking of minors, not gay massage. Rentboy was closed as a result of a money laundering investigation, and as I understand it, they were engaged in very shady, if not criminal activities. Despite some paranoid claims in this message forum, I don't think the Feds are reading our posts. People are afraid to send PMs to others about their experiences with masseurs. I wouldn't provide detailed descriptions here (not because of federal laws, but because it's just rude and crude), but in a PM (private message)? C'mon!! I don't know of a nude housekeeper, but there's a very funny song about one in "Naked Men Singing!" (At least until Jeff Sessions buys up all the DVD's and closes the show, which is still running in New York.)
  6. You are taking me on a walk down memory lane! Yes, Paul Roma was gorgeous! So were the von Erich brothers. And so many others. I liked Jimmy Snuka, who is no longer with us, unfortunately.
  7. I just saw the new production, and loved it. GOD, THE DANCING WAS FABULOUS!!!!! And so were the voices. I've never been a fan of the book, and the story is still sappy, IMHO, but Rodgers' glorious music and Hammerstein's lyrics have always compensated for having to put up with Billy in Heaven and returning to earth.
  8. Where are Abbott and Costello when we need them?
  9. I liked this movie, but be warned that it's a real downer. When I was in college, centuries ago, "slice of life" was a phrase that was tossed around a lot. This movie is sort of that; not much plot, good character development, and illuminates a small segment of a young male population whose existence revolves around rodeos. These people don't have much education, and few prospects for a better life. I'm not familiar with the director, who has made other movies, but this one is a triumph of film-making. This woman is an artist, and she has gotten the best from her cast of amateurs. The movie got very high scores on Metacritic.com, and deserves them.
  10. I LOVED this movie! I thought it was hilarious! All the actors, British and American, speak in their own native dialects, and don't try to sound Russian. Steve Buscemi, with his Brooklyn accent, is Nikita Krushchev, who is called "Nicky" by the others, and he calls Molotov "Slava." It helps to know who these yeggs were, but it's not essential. However, many of my friends didn't like it at all. Too bad for them!
  11. Thanatos was the personification of Death in Greek mythology. I'm not sure I'd want a masseur by that name!
  12. I think that 99% of the ads for "tantric" massage are 100% bullshit. I'll concede that somewhere there are masseurs who know what tantric means and know how to perform it. I have never found one, and my advice is to avoid those advertisers like the plague. "Playful" means there will be a HE and probably more, such as mutual touching (which had damn well better be more than touching) and lots of body-to-body contact. The trick is to find a masseur who really means what he says. Just as "tantric" is used to reel in the suckers, "playful" can be used in the same way. That's why you should ask about specific masseurs here: 411, my friend! Use it!
  13. I wonder if the insulting (to say the least!) emails were sent to NY Naked Top by mistake? Perhaps they were intended for someone else? Which does not excuse the invective, of course. Well, he's been deleted, so all's well that ends well.
  14. There's (or was) James in lower Manhattan, near City Hall. Excellent massage, and a HE. I think he advertised on M4M, so you might look there. More of a strawberry blonde than really red hair, I think, if that's OK for you. There was a face pic in the ad, so you can see.
  15. Jason has been discussed here before. Yes, he is gorgeous, but you cannot touch anything between the waist and the knees, nor will he touch you there. I was a client when he was still Dmitri from Ukraine, and was a lot more interactive. He hopes to become an American citizen one day, and that's why he changed his name. I gave him some books on American history, as he was eager to learn. He's a really nice guy, but I want more from a masseur than he's willing to give, so I haven't seen him in about two years. But if you're willing to do without a HE and mutual touching in certain areas, go for it! Check out the other threads on him; you will find similar comments, and I have commented before.
  16. Easter Sunday is also the second day of Passover. So if you're in the mood, you can hide some matzoh and if the masseur finds it, you can give him an extra big tip.
  17. I'm seeing this movie tomorrow. It played in the UK a year ago, and my friend, whose taste I respect, liked it a lot. It got a very favorable review from Anthony Lane, a rather discerning critic, in this week's New Yorker. Great cast: Michael Palin as Molotov, Steve Buschemi as Krushchev. Rupert Friend plays Stalin's son, Vasily. Stalin is played by Adrian McLoughlin (who I don't know, but I have Anthony Lane's review in front of me).
  18. I agree 100%. I saw it about two months ago, and didn't consider it worthy of comment. But your post is thoughtful, accurate, and well written, and I just wanted to concur.
  19. Dmitri -- as they say, Your Mileage May Vary. I don't doubt what you said, though it does surprise me. I suppose anyone can have a bad day (I certainly have been rude on occasion), and I guess that Pierre did. I thought that he had stopped advertising on Feb 1, and had returned to Thailand, but now that you say he's here thru April, I'll look for him. His photos are recent, though lots of them were probably on his ad in 2017. 2018 is not totally accurate, I'll concede. But he does look like his photos! Not much else I can say to you, but if Pierre is in NY, I'll be the first one to call him!
  20. He has been discussed recently in a threat about masseurs on the upper west side of New York. All the comments have been highly favorable. (If you want a masseur who removes his shirt halfway, and only because the room was getting warm.) BTW, how do you remove a shirt half way?
  21. You may not like the tats or you may be impressed by them, but has anyone had any experience with this masseur? https://www.masseurfinder.com/members/dutchviktor.shtml
  22. I would have loved to read his "philosophical reply about trust and marketing!" I also notice that he charges $140 for an incall, and $300 for an outcall. Does he arrive at your home in a Rolls-Royce? This shall remain one of life's many mysteries!
  23. Odd photos, disturbingly similar reviews. If I were you, I'd wait for someone to take the plunge. Unless you're a big fan of muscular arms -- if they're really his.
  24. I'm sure that muscleboy is right. I can't imagine that masseurs couldn't recommend a friend if they wanted to. I like to think that most masseurs I know would be happy to recommend a friend, but it's a business, and many people don't want to lose a good customer. As we used to say in New York long ago, "Does Macy's tell Gimbel's?"
  25. There were several posts here about a month ago on how much of our $60/hour fee the boys at the spas receive, and the usual is 1/3. I remarked that we ought to remember that when we tip them, and that we should be generous.
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