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Everything posted by sniper

  1. The insurance industry is scrambling to exclude coverage from liability policies for this.
  2. If you make enough money that it actually helps you out, then odds are enough people are seeing it that someone close to you will find out.
  3. Seems like a tautology: of course if you're bisexual you have a choice to settle down one way or the other. But as bisexuals for the most part settle down with partners of the oppostie sex(in no small part because that greatly facilitates a host of other lifestyle choices in a heteronormative if not actively gay-hostile society), that's not who the people who call homosexuality a choice are complaining about, nor is it who the people who say homosexuality is not a choice are talking about. So what's your point here? You're knocking down a strawman.
  4. Is it just me, or did he bear a resemblance to Dick van Patten around the eyes?
  5. Yeah that's not going happen. Why? Because it would cost them some money in the form of lost deals. Particularly when the current zeitgeist is to refer to any and all sex work as "human trafficking."
  6. Also, genes have switches. You can have have a gene for a trait but it will only express if the switch is on. And sometimes what turns the switch on is something environmental. Hence identical twins can have differences.
  7. These keep getting called webcam chats which makes people think they were private messages that got havked somehow. But that wasn't how it worked- he was broadcasting on an open channel.
  8. On Instagram the giveaway is often who they are following. Given the large fraction of attractive females in the list, my guess is he is at best bi and probably straight.
  9. My issue isn't a bathroom break, it's sitting in one place that long gets uncomfortable.
  10. I'd say go to physical therapy before an ortho. If the PT doesn't work then see about surgery.
  11. There are lots of self employed people in the country who perform various services that don't require specialized licenses or naming your clients. Seems it should be fairly straightforward to pick ome and run with it(consulting?).
  12. The murder rate is still a fraction of what it was 30 years ago. What's different is social media makes it easier for individual stories to go viral. I'm just not buying that it's more dangerous today than in the 90s. Maybe more dangerous than 5 years ago.
  13. There's also the fitness division where they're less roided up...
  14. The Adonis nude parties in both LA & NYC are Saturday as well.
  15. @Coolwave35 you coming to Vegas?
  16. Eh, chasers are a thing and once in a while they themselves are jacked. I've occasionally been pleasantly surprised in free encounters by guys I wouldn't expect to have a shot with approaching me. If they only knew how much $$ they could make doing what they love...
  17. But there is also my theory that most men, gay or straight, are like ducklings and imprint strongly on what they first jerked off to. Given most men are straight, most gays first jerk off to straight men...
  18. I should say I do think there are some clients(not all) whose exclusive desire for straight men is a manifestation of some not-so-subtle internalized homophobia and they would do well to examine that a bit. It's one thing to prefer guys who give off a straight vibe. It's another to describe them as "REAL men."
  19. And that "very easy lawsuit" would entail further publicity of the activity you didn't wanr exposed....so...
  20. 8-10 guys chipping in, or we could just ask Coolwave...;)
  21. Well one of the reviews on yelp says something about beimg there in the 90s and knowing owners "Nancy and Lucky."
  22. Well I'm staying in Vegas now and next door to the host hotel and surprisingly little muscle on Grindr though I've seen a specimen or two in the casino. And there was a female bodybuilder practicing her posing in the Paris gym yesterday. (For a bber that is all that gym is good for...).
  23. Eh, i get where you're coming from, but once you've crossed the line to hiring I'm not sure there's a principled stand to take on whether they're straight or not. By definition you're paying someone to do something they wouldn't do absent the money. To me the question is are they respectful. There are gay escorts who are assholes and are abusive towards their clients as well. There are some straight guys who are just in it for the money but still manage to be nice to the clients and as long as they cam perform the tasks asked of them I don't think it matters. This isn't courtship, it's a service. Some of them do this specifically to keep their sex work and their romantic relationships separate. I know of some lesbians who strip for men for.similar reasons. As long as nobody's walking away from the encounter feeling shitty about themselves then it's fine IMO.
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