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Posts posted by procheck

  1. 14 hours ago, ChasingGirth said:

    I don’t agree they are offering « a service ».

    We have the choice to go through with an individual or not without to explain ourselves.

    For an escort to go as far as launching an app, manually enter your phone number to leave a review about you when you don’t end up hiring him is a bit petty.

    We talk about guys on here that we had experiences with, and that’s mostly what we talk about. Occasionally we mention if a guy is not responsive or communicative, flaky but that’s about it. 

    But we are clients. it’s like if A restaurant would leave a fake review on you on Yelp because you didn’t tip well or canceled your dinner reservation. It doesn’t make sense. 

    An escort acting like this tells more about him than anything else and if they can be identified I want to know. 

    While I agree that it is petty and unfair for an escort to leave a negative review on Mr Number for you not deciding to book with him, and that whoever did this is an asshat, the vast majority of the reviews on Mr Number are about people who flake, who don't show up to appointments, who don't pay or don't pay in full, who do crazy shit. 

    And there are a LOT of them. Believe me. I would say 90% of inquiries escorts receive are total bullshit from people who have zero intention of meeting up. People who collect a pic or two and then block. People who make plans and then cancel repeatedly, or who play games, or send people to the wrong address. And people do waste your time - asking lots of questions and sharing their specific turn ons and then, when it comes time to make an appointment, ghosting altogether.

    I think it's 100% reasonable for escorts to have a means to warn each other and protect each other. I'm aware from reading this forum of the many horror stories people have of escorts being abusive, stealing, etc. But you have to understand that many escorts experience crazy shit from clients and would-be clients as well - theft, mind games, stalking.

    Y'all have this forum to look out for each other. Escorts get to have one too. It sucks that people may abuse that service to tarnish a decent client's reputation, but the same could and probably does happen here. 

  2. 4 minutes ago, DynamicUno said:

    You can certainly report a user on RM if they're being abusive in some way.  You also have the option of blocking the user, as well.  It's not perfect, but you certainly don't have to keep dealing with someone who is jerking you around.

    When I try to look at RM's user reporting policy, I'm not finding what they consider to be valid grounds for reporting, or a description of how they go about ascertaining the validity of someone's claims. 

    Which makes me balk, because I don't want to go down a road that attracts negative attention to myself or invokes the ire of the offending client, when I don't even know what to expect of RM's response. It also makes me wonder how easy it would be for a vengeful client to shut down a provider's ad in retaliation, or to play games. And it makes me not want to report or reach out to RM at all. 

  3. 4 minutes ago, Colton said:

    This sucks, but these are issues that many businesses face.  Even back in the 80s, people would call in a pizza delivery order and send an order to a prank address.  

    I think the fool me once, shame on you, fools me twice, shame on me tule applies.  

    Have you tried working with RM to get the user banned?

    I haven't, because 1) I don't know how RM will respond and I fear getting on their bad side and losing my ad and then screwing over this very important income stream of mine and 2) I fear stirring the pot with the client in question and dealing with more games/backlash/having them trying to get me banned and then screwing up my income stream.

    It's frustrating not having the ability to stand up for yourself beyond a certain point for fear of losing your ability to work your job. But these guys don't have anything at stake and don't face any consequences.

  4. If I have a client who sets up a time and place to meet, and doesn't show up, or sends me to the wrong address, or who otherwise messes with me...

    What are the consequences? Has anyone here had any luck holding them accountable via RM?

    It seems like there should be a mechanism to get people like this banned from the website. 

    Or a forum for providers to post about these clients by their usernames - to warn each other and hold them accountable.


  5. 55 minutes ago, Jarrod_Uncut said:

    Who knows. Best to just have your protective policy in place. Whether that be deposits, confirmation and instructions by a certain time, etc. 

    Also Austin is just a pocket of liberal in a much bigger surrounding. I was thinking it’s the “biggest little city” but that’s actually Reno I was thinking of (which also is flaky as fuck city). 

    Again, gay acceptance and visibility don’t always mean much and can actually work against the cause. It can also translate to: “Yeah we’re gay and open and proud, and I will give you my goods for free! You should do the same!” 


    I'm pretty sure I just stumbled on the "Dallas Mafia" and figured out which escort is behind it...


  6. I would have twice as many reviews at this point if RM would allow non-Premium clients to leave reviews.

    Do y'all think that if a bunch of providers asked the website to change their policy regarding this, that they would listen?

    I assume their stance is that they are trying to protect providers from fake reviews. I imagine the reality is that the moderators got sick of having providers complain about fake reviews and having to spend time taking them down. But can't premium clients leave fake reviews just as easily? And does having this policy do more harm than good to the providers, who have fewer reviews as a result of it? 

  7. 7 hours ago, Jarrod_Uncut said:

    I was discussing this elsewhere about Nashville. I rarely make visits there much except once a year for a couple days. But the market there is definitely bottoms up (no pun intended). 

    Being that you included Austin, in my experience it seems it’s often the “entertainment” cities that have this issue the most. Las Vegas, Miami included. Also towns that have experienced housing crisis/shortages like Nashville and Austin are also prone to it. And then when you add the fact that there’s more escorts than the city can actually accommodate (when I lived in Nashville and was doing somewhat decent for myself, there were only like 5 escorts. Even then it was feast and famine. Now there’s like 50 and it’s fell off completely). 

    That said, it’s so many places that are becoming like that lately. I haven’t really found any 1 flake proof city these days. I have pretty much had to run the same policy in every city. However it is hard when some places with very conservative demographics don’t want to pay deposits or anything. Had that happen in one town, and since neither wanted to send a deposit and wanted the same time: I booked them both in case one flaked, and they both showed up. Literally. Not something I’d normally do or recommend, but it was quite the adventure 😆 

    Interesting what you said about the entertainment cities. Hadn't considered that.

    I've never had a problem in Houston, I'll say that much.

  8. Just now, jusmeinbr said:

    It said “newbies” beneath the screen name, so I may have erred on that and it may have been how the forum classifies members by length of membership.  Not sure why it said “newbies” rather than “newbie.”  Anyway, I’ll own that one.

    I’ve been on this forum about eight years as a member (and knew of it long before joining), and it’s an invaluable resource.  I’ve been spared what would have been disastrous meetings by this forum’s contents.   It’s pretty common to report sudden drops in communications.  I think the term often used is ghosting, but I prefer flake.

    As my RM profile says, I rarely even respond to ads anymore because, as I said in the outset of this post, it’s so rare for me to find what I’m looking for.  

    Chase was an exception, and I truthfully indicated that his pictures and profile details were the best I’ve seen enter the NO market in a decade.  It wasn’t meant to be, however, and I’ve moved on.  

    As for the title of the post, prospective clients can read it and make up their own minds if it impacts their desires to initiate contact or not.


    I understand where you're coming from, and your intentions, and am sorry to hear you've not had good luck finding guys that do it for you lately. 

    Wishing you the best and happy hunting.

  9. Just now, jusmeinbr said:

    Post whenever you'd like, but for someone new, you sure come on laying down the law!

    Rough introduction to the “Big Easy?”  Buckle up!  It’s going to get much rougher!

    I also sense something, particularly the screen name being plural, and that's more than a little interesting given the follow-up post I made on this forum earlier today.

    Screen name being plural? Don't understand what you mean by that. Not tryina lay down any law, either. Just saying how I see it. I think it's important for providers to push back on some of the disrespectful attitudes that clients can display at times (I am not referring to you so much as the voices calling for bad reviews when an encounter never happened), especially when they're just talking amongst themselves, and the same holds true the other way. Ideally, more respectful behavior is encouraged on both ends in the exchange. It should be a respectful dance both ways. 

  10. Just now, jusmeinbr said:

    You have your definition of "flake," and I have mine, and by MY standards (and I've been hiring for 20 years), he flaked!!\.  Pure and simple!  I was polite in asking him what day and times may work, and he said, "this weekend could." 

    I then proposed a date and time, and he discontinued all correspondence.  That's a classic "flake" in my book!

    I even inquired, if my proposed time didn't work, suggest one that will work and I should be able to make it happen. 

    I started the correspondence by giving him the direct link to my own profile, which told him tons about me including the only three activities I'm interested in (very specific and conveyed via hashtags).  If, upon seeing that material, he, "wasn't interested," all he had to do is say so.  Other providers have been very courteous in that regard, and I've indicated to them that I appreciated their honesty.


    Don't get me wrong - the courteous thing to do would have been to say he wasn't interested or something.

    But I do not agree that he flaked on you. He dropped out of the earliest, most non-comital stage of communication. Clients do this to providers all the time. I think of a flake as someone who makes plans and then bails or doesn't show up.

    I think of the word "flake" as a serious thing to call someone in this ecosystem, because peoples' reputations as providers are built on trust and reliability. Clients have the benefit often of being anonymous and unaccountable and being able to mistreat and string along providers without consequence or damage to their reputation. Providers do not have recourse to report clients as "flakes" in a big, public way.

    Now, obviously you disclosed who you were in a way that is refreshing and better than the average client. It also sounds like you displayed courteous, thorough communication and it is unfortunate that he did not reciprocate. But I feel like impugning his name on this forum just because he never got back to you at the earliest stage of communication is a bit uncalled for.

    But I guess it's not worth getting into any further. I've said my opinion. I'm not interested in anything heated or overly contentious.

  11. I'm sorry, but that's not someone flaking on you. If you two had agreed on a day and time to meet and he canceled last minute or didn't show up, THEN he would be a flake. But all he said is that this weekend "could" work and then he never got back to you. Maybe he decided he wasn't interested, or was too busy. He hasn't made concrete plans with you, so he doesn't owe you anything. And it's very rude of you to post about him being a flake on here, as this could affect his reputation before he even gets his career as a pro off the ground. 

    And for those of you suggesting a review, you need to check your entitlement. No one is obliged to meet with you, and you are not entitled to review a pro you have not met with. Period. 

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