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Everything posted by LookingAround

  1. Because you’re so beautiful and your clients are not?
  2. Attempting to lecture a portion of your audience will not score you any points or elevate your position. It isn’t convincing.
  3. Why do you say he “claims?” You don’t believe him?
  4. You’re missing the point. He responded as he did because you came across as cheap the way you approached a well known and popular in demand escort with the first words out of your mouth being “Do you have a 30 minute rate?” You’re missing the point here. Read others’ posts above and try to get it.
  5. Well now you have feedback that — especially to a well known escort who presumably is in demand — that comes across as cheap and asking for a discount. I’m surprised he even responded to you.
  6. You were the one in the wrong not the escort.
  7. They no longer check for proof of vaccination I believe but they accept a photo of your vax card. I never took my actual card there I just showed them a pic of my card.
  8. Nobody has answered his question though. I love it if a guy can cum multiple times. I once edged a guy who came seven times in like an hour or an hour and a half. Not kidding not exaggerating. Never seen anything like it—before or since. It was so hot.
  9. Rafael is a great guy. It’s well known he’s had implants. I think it’s amusing guys believe his innocent white lies about squats etc. People believe what they want to believe haha. Regardless he’s a wonderful person and the best of the best. But there’s no question he has implants. It’s well known in the industry.
  10. The term used in the post wasn’t “undocumented.” It was “illegals.” Btw I don’t know but it probably escaped the awareness of that poster that he, himself, is an “illegal” (to borrow his term) by virtue of his hiring. 😂😂😂
  11. “There were good people on both sides.” We get it now. Riiiight.
  12. From the CDC: https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/basics/prep/prep-effectiveness.html “PrEP reduces the risk of getting HIV from sex by about 99% when taken as prescribed.”
  13. I don’t believe what makes me happiest. I believe the science and data. You believe in fantasy and your own numbers that exist between your ears that you make up in your mind and present here as fact.
  14. The numbers you cite are wrong. The data indicate that prep is 99% effective. You are making up your own numbers and you cannot cite authoritative sources because there are none. You are left to make it up and rely on BtmBearDad as your source. I rest my case.
  15. You’re wrong plain and simple. You’re spreading misinformation.
  16. Misinformation. It’s more than 97% effective — it’s about 99% effective. And I for one am completely adherent to the dosing schedule so don’t say almost no one is. You’re wrong in both your comments.
  17. I don’t think these are authentic posts. This guy is stringing us along just for the fun of it. Nobody can be this stupid. We’re being jerked around.
  18. Your commentary speaks for itself. I think it’s kind of ironic that you characterize the message board as stalker like when you began your commentary above by saying you thoroughly researched a poster in various ways after he reached out to you. I might ask who’s the stalker here? 😂 Btw I’m not sure crowing about being booked while in Chattanooga is worthy of an entry in your resume.
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