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Everything posted by LookingAround

  1. They’re saying the DOH is getting a lot of vaccines in next week. If you follow the NYC DOH on Twitter and do an alert for their tweets you’ll find out when they will be available. That’s probably the best way to go about it.
  2. That’s for smallpox. Doesn’t relate to monkeypox immunity necessarily in terms of full protection needed. Go get vaccinated for monkeypox and don’t trust that a shot 60 years ago will protect you.
  3. Does anybody know if the second shot is the same dose as the first shot?
  4. I can’t speak for him and I’m not the monkeypox police but yes he has pox and is on Grindr. Let that be a warning to all. I’m certain he’s not the only one either. Why I mentioned it.
  5. Their evidence sounds as strong as mine. I certainly wouldn’t want to hang my risk on their words. Nobody has data. Big risk on 50+ years after a vaccination with words like “likely…some…” and “not entirely clear…” and zero data. Big bet based on somebody’s opinion with no evidence. Other doctors have told me the OPPOSITE.
  6. You’re in a scary state of denial. So was I at first. I thought “the numbers in nyc are so low it’s like the lottery—what are the chances?” Then a sex buddy of mine texted me a few days later that he was very sick and he was pretty sure it was monkeypox and he was worried if I was sick. I assured him I felt fine but we had had sex only a week or so before. I called some colleagues and my friend went to a clinic and the diagnosis was confirmed. He was in a lot of pain. Not a pretty picture. Rash on his back, arms and neck. The numbers are low because they can’t do many tests per day so they just tell presumptive cases to go home and isolate. I’ve seen my friend on Grindr since, hooking up. So much for isolating. Since then two other friends have come down with it. It scared me so much I went to Canada to get the vaccine. NYC has been a disaster and after the very near miss I had with the pox I wasn’t going to wait for NYC to sort it out. Don’t be in denial please.
  7. Absolutely not. The vaccine doesn’t last that long.
  8. Strong Strokes told me with him there still was never more than MT and HE.
  9. I wonder if/when they will be allowing or offering the second dose of the vaccine in Canada for those of us who got the first dose. At the moment they’re only giving the first dose.
  10. No healthcard required. Available to ANYBODY.
  11. Yes. Eligible for anyone now who shows up and asks for it.
  12. Pathetic that the United States can’t get its act together and so many of us have to go to Canada.
  13. The numbers are A LOT higher than those reported. They’re saying something like 180 in nyc. That’s ridiculous. I personally know three guys who have gotten it in the last week. One who is hooking up on Grindr now.
  14. I had a super hot four way with a friend of mine and two identical twins from Latvia. Super hot scene and one I’ll never forget.
  15. Did you do lobotomies too?
  16. Sounds like paranoid delusions secondary to meth use. As an FYI ECT Is not dor paranoid delusions but for major depression. Would not help him for these symptoms.
  17. A close friend of mine is a “recovering escort” (my term) who retired because he said that escorting was bad for his mental health. I asked him to elaborate and one of his key points/issues was clients who wanted to control him. This thread is one such example.
  18. This is evolved thinking and gets away from the old fashioned thinking so seemingly dominant here. Breath of fresh air. Thank you.
  19. I agree with this. It’s the “asking them to remove it” or (as you observe) “send them packing” (my words/paraphrase) I take issue with.
  20. No you went beyond that. You asked him to remove it. The arrogance and I’ll ageee. The fragile masculinity here.
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