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Posts posted by LookingAround

  1. Then I'm confused - none of the 3 iMessages I showed delivered, and they're still not - so what DOES that mean? Plus, he had a 2nd (non-Apple) phone and I texted that one as well, with no response.




    What happens to a blocked text message?

    Texting someone who's blocked you works as you would expect. The message sends as normal, and you don't get an error message. This is no help at all for clues.


    If you're using an iPhone yourself, you used to be able to get a clue as to whether someone has blocked you by sending an iMessage. The iMessage would attempt to send, but after a couple of minutes it would resend as a text message that would never be received by the person who blocked you.


    Now, though, Apple has updated iOS so that (in iOS 9 or later), if you try to send an iMessage to someone who blocked you, it'll immediately say 'Delivered' and remain blue (which means it's still an iMessage). However, the person you've been blocked by will never receive that message.


    1) he could have his phone turned off;

    2) battery might be dead;

    3) he threw the phone away or got a new number;

    4) he’s in jail and can’t use his phone.

  2. I had never seen that. Thanks.


    I note the following: "Personal information that an individual has publicly provided may be allowed in some cases"


    So apparently there is a court somewhere that @LookingAround needs to take me to, in order to establish if my case of repeating some very publicly available information "may be allowed".

    You've already been told more than once by the moderators you have violated the TOS.

  3. You are wise and correct of course.


    I'll just block @LookingAround, since by calling me names (Miss Naive) he has violated the TOS, specifically the one that says "please do not attack, insult or disparage others".

    It wasn't an attack or insult. Just a description of your style.

  4. Where can I find those rules?

    In another one of these 3000 threads I am supposed to have read before I started posting?


    Yeah, and my hidden agenda is that I would like to hire this escort.

    Check your common sense.

  5. So I knew about a guy on Instagram that I found cute and I thought I would ask on this forum about him, to see if your guys knew if he escorted.

    But I did my homework beforehand, I did a search on this forum for his first name and then on his last name (as he uses it on Instagram.)

    Nothing. Nothing at all from those searches. This guys' name was never used on this forum.


    Then only after checking, I created a thread about it.


    Some people kindly redirected me here, but others (you will recognized yourself I guess ) said the following:


    There is already thread, why are you asking here?

    Because that other thread uses a completely different name that has nothing to do with the name that I know.

    How am I supposed to know this other thread is about the guy I am asking for? I m supposed to be just super lucky and stumble upon it among the 3000 threads on this forum?


    Where have you been for the last 6 months?

    Duh, I have been living my life, what are you? constantly stuck on this forum, waiting for a new post? Sorry, I have no intention to read everything you guys post. If that is a mandatory requirement, then I'll leave.


    Why are you using his real name?

    That is the name I know him by. That is the name he and other people call him on Instagram and Facebook and tumblr. What, am I supposed to know all the aliases of everyone?


    What game are you playing at?

    Just trying to get some information, what game are you playing at?


    Anyway that thread was deleted within 30 minutes. Apparently there is a problem asking about an escort that, as it turns out, publicly uses his own name on his own RM page...


    Check it out, you will find a link in the description to this:


    I can't believe you guys gave me shit about using any other name other than Justin_teen, when he does that himself on his RM description.


    I think we need to establish a new rule on this forum: assume good faith.


    Admin Note: TOS Violation. No personal information.



    Don't play Miss Naive. You know it's against the rules to give an escorts real name. I call you out on a hidden agenda. And you can't seem to stop posting about it.

  6. @Benjamin_Nicholas I expected some of this. :) It's the stalker and creep comment that got under my skin. I'm over that already.


    @instudiocity Didn't publish it, as you suggested. That is the type of spiraling I was referring to earlier. :)


    Publishing would mean I came in here or elsewhere and publicly spread his personal information.

    You published your knowledge to him which is what is offensive.


    What do we care who he is.

  7. Again, I thinking this is spiraling way out of the reality of the circumstances.


    You guys are making me out to be some stalker and online creep. I gotta tell you... I'm more than a little surprised.


    I accept that he may have been startled that I did my research. But not ONCE have I given you any indication of who I am referring to and not ONCE have I discussed the actual personal details.


    I can recall MANY of the people here advocating that you should use people who you can verify, come well reviewed, etc... But if you're advocating now that clients shouldn't DO that research, then I'm more confused than ever. You can't do due diligence without learning something.


    Or, I guess, people are advocating that clients should lie and not be honest with the professional they are hiring.




    Personally, I have ZERO expectation of privacy on this forum or any other online forum. If I give you my personal cell #, then I expect you can tell my name, home address, how long I've lived there, my date of birth, every traffic citation, state license (in every state), the approx. value of my home, how much I pay in taxes, who my friends are on Facebook, Twitter, SnapChat, Instagrams, whatever...


    That doesn't make you a stalker and that isn't a violation of my privacy. A violation of my privacy is coming into my space, contacting my friends, discussing the business between the two of us, and betraying the trust I placed in you to respect my information.


    That's my feelings on the situation. Maybe what I learned is that if you don't use your stage name (a name you expect people to call you), that you aren't mature enough to handle the industry. Because if the escort in question had used a reasonable name, then the rest would have been academic.

    You're missing the bigger picture. It's called social skills. You're missing the key point.

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