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Posts posted by LookingAround

  1. No show for me two times in a row. First time he claimed he texted and said he got no reply (even though we had texted and confirmed that morning). I have texts from me confirming showing “delivered” but he sent a screen shot not showing my confirmation. We set it again for tonight and he was a total no show after we confirmed this afternoon. For $500 an hour he shouldn’t be a no show twice.

  2. Whether a client is high maintenance or not is irrelevant. The profession is all about companionship. The escort's job is to be there for the client and provide for the experience.


    If the escort is embarrassed, or has personal issues about being seen with someone who doesn't fit the escort's vision, then too bad for the escort. It is their job to make that client feel important and special, or, to not accept the client at all.


    If they are uncomfortable with an unanticipated situation, then it is their responsibility to respectfully end the encounter and, possibly, accommodate the client for services not rendered.

    Can I find that job description published somewhere other than your post?

  3. a) Escorts have never told me about a neighbor, or even the names of any of their clients.


    b) The major exception was someone who was retiring and talked about his life in general. The celebrity he mentioned would not surprise anyone on this site. And even if the name had been a surprise, it was a private conversation. I certainly knew enough not to repeat the name.


    c) Everyone already knows I am gay, so it would not bother me much if an escort mentioned my name occasionally

    Isn’t it always a private conversation?

  4. That is absolutely true. And we are all free to do business with whom we choose. Being present with drugs and drug paraphernalia puts me in a legal position I can choose not to be in. Not to mention the potential the provider might be high during our session.


    Again, I don’t judge people who choose to do it, I just choose not to be a part of it and ask that I not be judged in turn.

    I wasn’t aware anyone was judging you.

  5. I'd put "grindr" conversations into a different category. Their not about hiring situations. So I thinks it's a bit unfair to hold someone to a non-hiring situation when that's what's you're actually arranging.

    No it was a hiring arrangement. When I contacted him on Grindr his first reply was “I’m an escort.” It was a 100% hiring situation.

  6. No I didn’t. Chatted with him on Grindr and he said he was into the scene I proposed (going together to steamworks). I texted him a few days later and he said he wasn’t interested in that scene. I said I was confused and he more or less said that was his right. I said of course but the reason I was confused was he seemed so interested on grindr (he said “sure I go to SW all the time.”) and sent him a screen shot of our convo just to be sure it was his and not a fake profile. “I have a right to change my mind” he said. I said of course and moved on.

  7. A RM who I often see who does porn for TIM told me one shoot was canceled because they had a lot of cancellations by actors. I asked why do actors cancel and he said a lot of porn actors get nervous before a shoot. Just anxiety having to perform like that before the camera over and over.

  8. I agree when you get older we all kind of get that "the hell with anyone else thinks". Were talking about young very image conscience twenty somethings though.

    You can’t be serious.

  9. I have an idea. Why not find a more mature guy for dinner dates and keep the young ones for the bedroom fun.


    Ridiculous. He shouldn’t or needn’t be embarrassed. Have dinner with whomever you want and to hell with what anyone thinks.

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