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Everything posted by LookingAround

  1. I’ve had more MSM erotic massages than you can count and not never once had this happen or attempted. Please. Kinda think a lot of fantasies being posted as fact. Stop worrying.
  2. He was fully clothed with me (despite saying yes when i asked nude with release?). He gave a very good massage. Obvious he has training. He gave a HE but nothing remarkable. I can see why guys rave about his massage skills. I’ve seen no one here say he was naked for their massage.
  3. Wouldn’t he just stand? Sorry couldn’t resist. Just a little attempt at humor.
  4. Didn’t Netflix handle this one already with Grace and Frankie?
  5. “The answer, it turns out, depends on the type of crash you’re in. ” I’ll take my chances thank you.
  6. Brent was in NYC not that long ago.
  7. Lol where do you get that idea haha.
  8. Good luck to him. He’s a bit too long in the tooth for my taste but more for the rest of you guys.
  9. No one has said he takes his clothes off. I think everyone has received a HE. I don’t see a discrepancy.
  10. Was not nude with me even though I asked and he replied “yes” when I booked.
  11. No. The studies showing beneficial effects of HAART and combination antiretroviral therapy didn’t ask people to estimate their cognitive functioning. They administered validated neuropsychological tests to actually measure their cognitive functioning. And you don’t have to take it from an anonymous poster. Look at the research yourself. In 2 minutes a google search pulled up some articles: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/18510891/ https://aidsrestherapy.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12981-016-0104-0
  12. Self report of cognitive functioning has little statistical relationship with actual cognitive tests. It relates more to level of depression as shown in multiple studies. HIV can affect the brain but studies show improved cognitive functioning in persons on combination therapy. Be careful folks in drawing conclusions from persons writing on an anonymous internet board.
  13. A condom by comparison is a false sense of security relative to truvada if you go by data.
  14. I can feel my IQ plummeting reading this thread. Masseuse? Broken English? Help....
  15. Anybody see him? Says he’s biracial.
  16. Just one man’s opinion but I’m used to people “admitting” to a crime or misbehavior or to a shortcoming. I haven’t as yet heard someone “admit” to being smart for example. Anyway just something to think about. Personally I don’t admit to being gay I just say I’m gay and am happy that I am.
  17. Kind of a sad and self-disapproving way to phrase it, no?
  18. How does one get to FOUR HOURS without having a clue? I have a suspicion there’s another side to this story.
  19. (With respect) but it doesn’t stop you from sounding like one on an internet chat board. You’re dishing out lots of analysis of his motivations and psychodynamics sounding authoritative but without training. As a psychologist I’d caution you to be slightly more careful sounding like a knowledgeable authority with your analysis for a person who could have real psychiatric issues or illness.
  20. Sounds very much like a bipolar episode. You should see a psychiatrist for medication. I’m getting more and more convinced it probably is bipolar the more you reveal your symptoms.
  21. Unless you can prove it let it go. Personally I’m not convinced as I really don’t see a motive. Also drugs aren’t cheap. Why would he spend part of his revenue giving you something.
  22. Ummm I think you mean waist. Kinda changes the meaning otherwise.
  23. Sorry can’t accept the premise here. The young guys from Grindr who come over drop their clothes like they’re radioactive. Who says young guys are afraid of nudity.
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