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Guy Fawkes

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Everything posted by Guy Fawkes

  1. Picked up the last of the meds that I need to keep me going through Aprill. As I went through the store there was a sense of desperation. The meat area is mostly gone. They've spread out corned beef to fill the gaps. It would appear that people don't know how to work with corn beef as it's not selling. Apparently not common to know that It's only beef brisket which works best in a crock pot. Rinse it off if you want less salty. The smarter people are filling their baskets with vegetables with the "Trinity" (Carrots, Celery, Onions the basis for most of American soups) which are the top sellers. I predict that they'll be running out in the next couple days. I picked up those plus mushrooms and avoided the potatoes as they are verboten on my low carb diet. I have a pork stock left over so will be making a pork stew as I found a dozen pork meatball at half price. The store has limited hours to "8am to 10pm" but the workers are working until 1am restocking what they can. They appear to be running out of steam and the customers are being unruly.
  2. Yesterday shows the progression of the panic buying here in Las Vega. All disinfectant products gone, All eggs, All most all meat. A man from Los Angeles is said they're having riots.
  3. Some use a feather; some use the entire peacock!
  4. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/specific-groups/high-risk-complications.html https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/specific-groups/high-risk-complications.html
  5. https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2020-03/documents/sars-cov-2-list_03-03-2020.pdf https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2020-03/documents/sars-cov-2-list_03-03-2020.pdf
  6. Please don't post the same thread in multiple forums.
  7. My main problem is that I have an expectation of privacy. To use RM instant messenger I have to divulge an email address, Then create an account, and then login to that account to send a message. Previous experience shows that RM and their clients monitor RM's users. TMI for my tastes. As long as I could be anonymous, I was fine but now I'm having to reevaluate.
  8. Me! Me! Me! I'd take one for the team if I were in the Big Apple!
  9. Be still my beating heart! Short Muscular Latino If we ever go out to lunch, I'll have to wear a bib to contain the drool. I'll try to not fall down, there are limits to heavy lifting!
  10. But you had to dial the first 3 number of the exchange to avoid the off hook tone! My telephone company actually made provision for this so that it wouldn't tie up the then common cross-bar switches.
  11. I'm a Baby Boomer but because I was raised by my Grandparents I act more like the Silent Generation. I remember Black & White TV, Rotary dial phones and rarely locking the doors (or needing to,) The day JFK died, The Moon landing, The Vietnam war, The Aids pandemic, Platform shoes, and now the Trump Era. I identify with so little of what is currently America, that I sit in the corner, beat my little drum and remember where we used to be and look forward to what we can still become.
  12. @ScottyTX100, @Jeffster Keep it up and you'll be taking a break. @lonely_john don't be tempted, I'm willing to let you take a break too. @Kurtis Wolfe Rein that temper in before you're send to bed without any supper. All I want to hear is: "Yes, Sir," Now just go ahead and backtalk me and see what happens. It won't be pretty.
  13. @LeonTrotsky, @@jjkrkwood You're starting to bore us me. Why not just go rent a room somewhere?
  14. Yes, I can think of several. It does require a very special person but they do exist.
  15. Oh Yeah? I can suck a watermelon through a 50ft garden hose and spit the seeds out the other end!
  16. And on next week's program we'll discuss the average girth of the "Straight White Male American." There will be tears.
  17. Sorry to burst your bubble! We could probably get them to say "Straight White American Males." However keep on trucking, I'm willing to deal with the left overs! https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/271647#what-is-normal-or-average
  18. The average size for White American Males is about 5 1/2 inches. 7 or 8 inches seems to be the boundary for being considered large. The largest I've seen has been about 11". YMMV
  19. I was going to say: "Think of Oz" and then I decided it could be taken the wrong way.
  20. I survived the plague years and I lost many friends to that plague, it wasn't a pretty way to go especially the first decade. Most would have been grateful for an early out.
  21. Sometimes suicide is a permanent solution to a permanent problem. I disagree with those who say such people are being selfish. Until they've lived in someone's shoes who is in pain 24 x 7 x 365 they really should really keep their judgements to themselves. I've several times had to provide hospice to those in need; and someday I suspect I will be in need of that hospice in return.
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