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Guy Fawkes

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Everything posted by Guy Fawkes

  1. Visiting Honolulu is cheap and easy.
  2. He was fun to play with...
  3. Could we not be so graphic?
  4. He did one just last week at the urologist while being examined for the Mac Guiness book of world records
  5. I once was a frequenter of "Sin City Books" in Portland, the details of which are not important.... One day I took a straight friend of mine to sample the various video delights to found there. After a while, he came out and asked what to do about a rather aggressive, persistent type that we lovingly had labeled: "Hungry Hanna" I said: "Tell him your not interested." He replied: "Did that!" I said: "Tell him to get the hell out of your booth!" He replied: "Did that!" I said: "Knock him on his ass." A while later, we hear this rather loud crack, and when we went back to the back we found the six foot or so of "Hungry Hanna" laid out in the center aisle. Hungry Hanna was done for the night and was asked to leave the premises. I don't agree with this #MeToo Political Bullshit. I watched Kurtis's response and felt he did an excellent first pass at setting his limits. Given who he had up and hanging on his waist, he was far kinder than I would have been. My Question is: "Where was the bouncer, and why wasn't he doing his job?" I will not speak to the Draven interaction other than point out that he's my type of man: Short Muscular Latino You don't do anything to this man that he doesn't want you do. Period. End of Statement. I just want to know if "Blueberry Hill" is acceptable for dinner?
  6. I for one found that to be offensive. You have been warned. http://images.clipartpanda.com/strike-clipart-440628-royalty-free-rf-clip-art-illustration-of-a-cartoon-baseball-batter-striking-out1.jpg
  7. Give up making New Year's resolutions.
  8. Sorry the only channel I can get is Hulu...
  9. Does his nose grow if he tells a lie?
  10. Hummmm... That's the same thing I do if you call me at 9am... (He was an Ass)
  11. I'm in favor of Before, After, and During. http://fringefamily.typepad.com/.a/6a0105364a8fba970c017ee42b1d98970d-800wi (Do you know how hard it was to find a photo that was within the rules?)
  12. https://blog.bufferapp.com/optimal-length-social-media http://memes.ucoz.com/_nw/48/83021053.png
  13. We have to find a super-twin for Victor? I don't think us mere mortals could handle being in the middle of that dual. http://www.floppingaces.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/the-ambiguously-gay-duo.jpg
  14. Normally I'd have locked this thread, but it's Victor Power's four months of fame! http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-9igfOIEfcUo/TvnxWo_XwlI/AAAAAAAAA9s/Pmqs-RbXxWo/s1600/Trick+Lock+-+Broken+Heart+%2528Opened%2529.jpg
  15. In most jurisdictions that's enough to get them busted. Remember Daddy's Rules? Don't Panic Know The Law Obey The Law
  16. This Reply looks like one of those things someone makes up and posts, just to get attention.
  17. I once bought a guest gift for a Japanese Hostess. This one was simple compared to what the little old lady did for me after the 10 minute interview about both parties.
  18. It's a Gay Pride Triangle (Pointing Down)
  19. Gift bags work well for the underachievers.
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