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Everything posted by TorontoDrew

  1. I am headed out to the strip clubs in Montreal tomorrow (Thursday), I want to have a fairly early night given I have a long drive on Friday. Any suggestions for which one to go to? I'm into twunks and athletic guys.
  2. Great body. Surprised he mentioned smoking with that body. Straight though so no kissing.
  3. I think that's a bit harsh. I want to experience pleasure for a fair price. I don't want to take advantage of someone when I can afford not too.
  4. Waterworks aren't my thing but it sounds like you had fun!
  5. I see it as a potential one time gift for an extraordinary time. Although I'd most likely tip well instead.
  6. He's versatile/top and bisexual so I have to wonder how versatile he really is. I have thought about it though.
  7. He doesn't have a lot of reviews based on the number of years he's been around. There's a bad review that concerns me. As an older guy I've had people be very disinterested. I like them engaged with me.
  8. Had that happen to me recently with someone. Had to shake him awake multiple times.
  9. I've had trouble finding a muscular vers guy in Toronto. I'd like it to be a regular thing One guy who advertises as versatile says he doesn't perform oral or rimming. What? Another agreed to a daytime encounter but when asked about meeting at 11:30 am replied "I'm not a morning person". Didn't even offer another time. A third I asked very detailed questions and he never answered them and just tried to book a time. I've had a great time with some dom tops but I'd like to get more than fucked. Any suggestions?
  10. He looks like an escort who was recently in Toronto. I can't find the ad though.
  11. Any experience with this guy? https://rent.men/Valentino_XxL
  12. I don't trust the reviews with no description. As long as all the comments don't sound all the same I have found them to be helpful. In my reviews I say exactly what happened. I've been asked for a review but was always honest. I don't review a less than stellar experience as it's not worth the aggravation of them whining about it.
  13. Website has a section on that. Risk factors are anonymous sex etc. They didn't ask any questions about it though.
  14. Two - fun, Four - nice, six - maybe when i was younger, but eight - I'm going to be sore for days.
  15. Bump...anyone met him. Surely someone had him over Pride weekend.
  16. Toronto has three clinics including one downtown. Info is here. https://www.toronto.ca/community-people/health-wellness-care/health-programs-advice/monkeypox/ The downtown location, Metro Hall, isn't that far from the gay village. Google maps will show you the way. I went to the one on the east end and they weren't busy at all. It's also a clinic for covid shots and they seemed surprised someone came in for Monkeypox. I'm sure the downtown location is busier.
  17. You got the old Smallpox vaccine which they think is effective. I figured a new shot would be a good idea. For most people it's not too bad but can get ugly. Quarantine can't last up to a month.
  18. Link no longer active.
  19. As long as you don't pass it to someone who it could hurt.
  20. Imvamune or Imvanex are the two Monkeypox vaccines available in the US. I got Imvamune this afternoon here in Canada.
  21. I haven't seen many ads yet saying they are vaccinated against Monkeypox. That was holding me back so I went out and got one myself.
  22. Trev was amazing. Seeing him again after his trip.
  23. If you like those check out his Twitter https://twitter.com/SamSteinerXXX?t=qn5S_2Bh4Y1YkPOzydKpjA&s=09
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