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Everything posted by purplekow

  1. Corey Cann but will he?
  2. A different view of Chris. http://cdn02.cdn.justjared.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/diamantopoulos-shirtless/chris-diamantopoulos-shirtless-sexy-09.jpg
  3. Found out that the man was Chris Diamantopouloushttp://cdn03.cdn.justjared.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/diamantopoulos-shirtless/chris-diamantopoulos-shirtless-sexy-25.jpg
  4. I guess giving someone the Bum's rush was always impolite but is using that expression un PC. When was the last time you heard the word bum that is did not refer to someone's ass? Speaking of nice bums, I was turn dial on the TV set and ran across About a Boy. What stopped me cold was a hot guy in corduroy pants with an amazing ass. He plays a character Mr. Chris who is the love interest for the mother played by Minnie Driver. i can not seem to locate his name so I can look up photos. Anyone have any ideas or his name?
  5. Love #12 3 asses no waiting. And #17 has a great hot ass as well. Thanks for the posting
  6. This is almost Sisyphus and the rock, except, i believe that Sisyphus has the ecstasy of reaching the peak followed by the disappointment of seeing it roll back down, I suppose one might also believe that Sisyphus comes right to the peak and just before reaching it, he loses control only to have to start all over with no ecstasy. Granted this was a punishment, so it is likely the gods would not allow Sisyphus the ecstasy but I think losing it is worse than not having it. So which is worse, knowing the ecstasy and losing it or never knowing it at all? Perhaps Tyro should respond, after all she had his children and then slaughtered them.
  7. Yes I thought most here would know what sounding like a broken record meant, the stylus jumping and repeating the same portion of the record over and over. But I suppose, the main thrust of this thread is that these phrases have lost their context and so an explanation probably was needed. Thanks for supplying it.
  8. Twice today the expression, "sounds like a broken record" came up and both times I thought that a lot of younger people have no idea what a broken records sounds like. In fact it really isnt a broken record more a scratched record but I digress. This led me to consider other expressions which refer to things which are outdated or no longer exist, such as records. Is there an expression that is easily substituted for a husband telling his wife that she "sounds like a broken record". If you are going to drop a dime on someone, do the young people of today even know about telephone booths and the usual fee of 10 cents to make a local call. I do not even have a cent sign on my keyboard. So forum members, any familar references or expressions which once had a precise reference which almost all would recognize and which now refers to something of a bygone age or which has faded into obselescence.
  9. I am more concerned about his French and Greek than his English.
  10. I guess some people just have to get themselves what they really want for Christmas and frequently that is red hot sex in the middle of winter
  11. Put me in the category of clients who enjoy it more if my partner is enjoying it more than i am. Creates a vicious cycle of enjoyment which can spin out to orgasmic levels. So escorts, give up some of your own sexual secrets and you may be unlocking the deepest sexual secrets of your client.
  12. Whose bias? The make up of the Grand Jury is unknown to me and I have no way of knowing whether they went in with an inclination one way or the other. 70 hours of evidence sound like an extensive job was done and without proof to the contrary, I am willing to believe that the Grand Jury members may not have wanted to be there, but that they tried to do the best job they could do. Perhap I am naive to think that there was an honest attempt to get this right. Perhaps other who think differently are cynical. A young black man is dead. A white police officer killed him. Is the police officer a bigot who is glad he shot him? Is the young black man a criminal who got what he deserved? I am sure there are plenty of people answering yes to one of those and no to the other. Ultimately the issues of race in this country continue to rip at the fabric of society. It is better than it was, but with a wealth divide and a racial divide, it is difficult to envision a solution any time soon.
  13. A grand jury heard 70 hours of evidence and decided that there was not enough evidence to warrant a trial. "A boy was killed and the killer gets off free" That is the kind of inflammatory rhetoric that incites. Either you trust the judicial system or you don't, but according to the grand jury, his killer did not "get off" rather there was insufficent evidence to even send the policeman to trial. Perhaps you are inclined to believe, with the limited information you have, that a crime was committed, but according to the people with the most information, that was not the case. In the most infamous recent murder case, OJ got off, he was charged and acquitted. In this case, there are no charges, so no one got off. As for a conspiracy to wait until after dark in order to facilitate violence, I offer that if there was a conspiracy to delay the announcement, one may make the case that they did so in order to get prime time TV exposure and in that one would have a more plausible explanation. As for your assertion that "no one gets justice here for anyone" i would contend that many people did not get the decision they wanted. Many hoped for a different outcome. But ultimately, the appropriate legal steps were taken and justice, agree with the decision or not, was served.
  14. Since you used a quote from me at the head of your post, I believe I am correct in assuming this was directed at me. What confuses me is, you do not know me, we have never met or spoken and yet you assign motivations and intentions and are able to do so with authority. In fact, your assertion could not be further from the truth. If your concern about rape in the military was a righteous indignation, you could have started a thread on that topic at any time. In fact, you could have started that thread in a separate thread when you wrote your original post. My response in that thread would have been completely different. You chose to impose this on this thread. That, for me, was just rude.
  15. Certainly rape is an issue. Merry Christmas and don't forget all the slaughter done in the name of Christianity. Welcome to NYC and enjoy your stay but don't forget the homeless while you are here. Welcome to the Bahamas, enjoy your vacation before the oceans rise eliminating these lovely islands from the habitable places on earth. Happy Birthday but lets not forget you failed art in the third grade. Happy Fourth of July and dont forget all the fingers lost to fireworks. How about just being positive for one fucking day, that is not hypocrisy that is humanity. Not everyone needs to be reminded of negativity in every aspect of our lives, that negativity has a way of finding us. So how about a fucking break from it for one small sliver of society for one day. Thank you for your service for one day and 364 days of women get raped in the military. Is that too much to ask. Thanks for your post and don't forget that you are an.... Well you fill in the blank, I am done with negativity for this post.
  16. Military veterans are almost invisible 364 days a year and on the one day they are honored you suggest that we remember rape. You must be great fun at parties. Debbie Downer.
  17. I do not think it was accidental that Kalinda stayed with Lockhart Gardner while the blond investigator went with Florick Argos. Kalinda is also on the storyline with Argos and Bishop while Alicia is on a separate storyline with her candidacy. So while it may be storyline driven, the show biz certainly has its share a bitches and these two might just not get along. I had not noticed that they have not had scenes together, but in thinking about it, it seems since the blond investigator came on, Kalinda is basically working for Cary and sometimes for Diane and I cannot recall even a group shot of Kalinda and Alicia together.
  18. http://nypost.com/2014/06/14/move-over-ladies-orange-star-matt-mcgorry-has-fans-swooning/ Seems there is a body under that suit. Yeah he plays an asshole, but I enjoy fucking assholes.
  19. I read his lips as saying "Sweet" I love it when a man straddles me and plays with my nipples (mine are small but directly wired) and I particularly like it when he then lubes up and rises up and impales his ass with my cock. I tend to keep my eyes closed too but an ass suddenly moving down my cock, is a real eye-opener.
  20. If you missed the first two episodes, you need to go back just to see the scene in which the defendents boyfriend law student walks in on Annelise and her boyfriend, the cop, who is going down on her. When he walks out shirtless, well lordy lordy lord Sam never had a chance. And if it is the cop who committed murder, I hope they switch the show to follow his life in jail. Oz revisited.
  21. it is unrealistic that 1st year law students would be doing this type of work, it is more like a rotation an L3 would do, so, they can promote them along and have them continue to work for Annelise. Of course it is called "how to get away with murder" so they do not even need to get rid of the character that killed Sam, my guess it is the mousy blonde or the hot bearded guy who has no obvious motive to this point. in another Shonda Rimes show, Grey's Anatomy, the show has been running so long that the cast members who started out as first year residents are retiring to collect social security,
  22. Though i love me some Superman, and there are several beautiful ones here, Batman won my hard I mean heart.
  23. I find it really hot how he bites his lips when the pressure is applied in the top shot
  24. His tanning salon is just around the corner from my home and his cousin used to work for me and from what is told to me and what is reported in the local papers, it seems he fell in with some unsavory characters who promised him the moon and wound up giving him the shaft. It seems likely he is headed for a suspended sentence and restituion of back taxes. It does not look like he is as bad off as Richard Hatch from Survivor who did serve time for tax evasion.
  25. Each of these entertaining clips shows rimming using the tongue, sometimes with amazing desterity and mobility. When i am in those regions, my tongue tires out and once the area is nice and wet from saliva, I use my chin and a fairly firm pressure. I have received some nice compliments about this technique. Is it a common trick to use the chin when rimming? When I expect to be engaging in this activity, I usually go unshaven for a day or two and use the stubble as an extra stimulant. Most like it, but some have found it too abrasive. Thoughts?
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