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Marc in Calif

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Posts posted by Marc in Calif

  1. On 10/4/2022 at 7:18 AM, pubic_assistance said:

    I can't be responsible for catering to every extremely emotionally triggered individual out there. 99% of everyone else got that it was a joke. There's always going to be somebody who can't take a joke. Life is just life that. I'm quite sure I could tell that to everyone of my Jewish friends because there's nothing offensive about it.

    You're looking for problems where there aren't any.


    I'm sure you'll laugh it off when jokes about bisexual men "married" to women are made about a massage provider who claims to be bisexual and "married" to a woman The joke might be about such guys having low self-esteem and small dicks. You know —  the common stereotype about such men. None of my bisexual friends would take offense at that at all. They'd laugh! 


  2. 4 hours ago, JD87 said:


    Well I saved everyone on here $250. SKIP! I don't think he's ever had a massage himself. Literally ZERO technique. Sure if you just want to have fun with him then hire him as an escort. massage was non-existent. 


    He says, "Prices VARY UPON CERTAIN Massages" 

    Which one did you choose? The Low Skills or the No Skills? Which specific options did he give you? 

  3. On 10/2/2022 at 5:03 PM, pubic_assistance said:

    Are you looking because you keep Kosher during the high holy days ?

    Comments about specific religious practices of a provider based solely on his name are — once again — heading down the wrong track. It's not a cute joke for everyone in this forum. It might, however, be cute in your own circle. 

    MODS: Can we please put an end to irrelevant and stereotyped comments about a provider's perceived behavior and attributes based only on religion? 

  4. On 9/28/2022 at 9:03 AM, HeyDude said:

    Mark’s blog is all about “Balinese male tantric nipple massage"

    This is not a thing in Bali. He probably made it up himself. People use "Balinese" all the time to give the impression of something exotic and unusual. Trust me. I've lived in Bali and I still visit regularly. If this were really a thing there, I'd know about it — and I would have had many sessions already. 😁

  5. 2 hours ago, Funtimes69 said:

    Hey, stay away from this guy. He's also as Danny_california on RM. He's not the guy in the pictures or the guy pictures he sent me. I think the reviews on both sites are probably fake. Really bad, dangerous guy.

    You joined this site today just to make a negative comment about someone you didn't link to. Seems suspicious to me. 

  6. On 9/23/2022 at 7:41 AM, wsc said:

    His into list features neither anal nor oral. Worship only?


    Into:  Anal | Body Hair | Feet | Kissing | Latex | Cum | Nipples | Piercing | S & M | Socks | Tickling | Wrestling | Armpits | Bears | Fisting | Jocks | Leather | Muscle | PNP | Shaving | Smoking | Tattoos | WS | Oral | Daddy | Twinks | Groups | Toys

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