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Worst Ever Massage


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My worst massage ever was done by a guy who has been discussed in the forums here, and while I fortunately was not treated to "aromatherapy" (truly vile story), it was terrible in several of the ways mentioned in other posts, and a few different ways.


To start, the guy lives at the back of a large apartment complex, and it seems that on this particular day- every single one of his neighbors was out and about in the courtyard area. To avoid seeming totally awkward I said hello politely as I made my way through the common area, this caused him to scold me as soon as we were in his apartment. "MY NEIGHBORS DON'T KNOW I DO MASSAGES!". Whoa, dude. I just said hello to a couple old ladies.


To get to his "studio" you have to pass through a few other rooms of the apartment. While it was the middle of the day seemingly every curtain was drawn, all the lights were off, and my eyes had not fully adjusted so it was a little like being in a haunted maze. What I could not miss was the smell. (On my way out with my eyes more used to the dark I could see the reason was piles of clothes on the floor in the hallway, and unclean dishes piled in the sink, on the counter, and on the table.)


The massage itself was TERRIBLE. (This is where I suspect a few of you will know exactly which masseur I am talking about if you haven't already guessed.) He used a heavily perfumed lotion, and way too much of it. The lotion was ice cold, squeezed right out of the bottle, including the little farting noise an almost empty bottle of lotion makes. It felt like he was barely touching me, sort of a cold, wet fish flopping around on my back. He was nude and kept putting his more than ample cock into my hand as I was face down, but he would squirt gobs of this grandmotherly lotion in my hand before doing that. It was something akin to trying to grab an eel. Throughout the massage his phone kept getting text messages which would interrupt the music. He apologized, but said he couldn't turn it off because of the "massage cream" on his hands.


When we finally got to me flipping over I was able to see the "massage cream" was dollar store lotion (April Bath - compare to Bath & Body Works!) and he had a few back-up bottles, he was just trying to really get every drop out of the current one, so there was an elaborate pattern of shaking the bottle, squeezing it until it sputtered out freezing cold goop on me, repeat, repeat, repeat. While I was facing upwards he stayed pretty far away from the table so I wouldn't be able to touch his dick. Nevertheless I was hard (I almost always am) and though he commented on my size, he avoided going anywhere near my cock until the last minute of the massage when he tried to rather robotically speed-pump a load out of me, while keeping his eyes closed and his body far from the table. I told him it was all good and I would finish myself off at home.


When I asked for a towel to try to get some of the thick layer of goop off of my skin he provided a roll of paper towels. As I was getting dressed he tried to make cheery chit-chat, I guess in the hopes of earning a tip. I literally could not get dressed fast enough. I left him the money and he walked me out, but not before warning me not to talk to his neighbors. He followed up with a text about 30 minutes later saying he was "so happy" to meet me and looked forward to our next session. No thanks, man. I'm all good.

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  • 9 months later...
Guest JakeAsherXXX
Whatever happened to Josh Pig Texan Massage anyway? Noticed his ad his gone. Hopefully his unprofessional (putting it mildly) tactics caught up to him.


I was wondering the same thing: what happened to Josh? He was aggressive, but he had a mean mouth on my butt ?

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How about every time we finished the HE and I was given paper towels or a roll of toilet paper to clean up?? ha. That's probably happened too many times to count as one bad time :)


the absolute worst time was when I met a masseur in a motel where he was staying (living?) near North Hollywood. The motel didn't seem great, but it was the middle of the day and even through all of my instincts said to leave - I went up to his room anyway The guy was totally cute, but the room was a big mess and there was drug related crap everywhere. I got creeped out but felt weird cancelling on him once I was in the room with him. He seemed decent (and cute) so I figured I would just get through it and never again.


I always like to go to the bathroom for a quick pee and ideally a quick shower before any massage. I asked if that was okay and he freaked out. The bathroom door was closed and he DID NOT want me to go in there. Eventually he just said, well pee in the sink (which was outside of the closed bathroom door). In retrospect, I actually think someone was just locked in the bathroom. Not quite sure why I think that - little clues. So, I peed in a sink (gross) and then washed my hands and laid down for a massage (on a bed of course). Again, I really kick myself now that I should have just left.


So I'm naked on the bed. He gets naked too and he starts the massage and I start to touch & feel him. I notice that his dick is tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny. I'm not a size queen, but it wasn't a turn-on. I played with him a bit and it got hard, but it didn't show and it definitely didn't grow. Of course he's talking talking talking talking talking - just yapping endlessly. After then after a few minutes of pretending to massage me, he asks me to turn over. He then says - here are your options. I can jerk you off or for more, you can blow me or I can fuck you.


Remember, his little dick is almost non-existent. So, I say to him - how much for me to fuck you instead? and he says, oh - I'm only a top - that's all that I do - strict top only. and so I say, well - I guess just jerk me off then.


I still to this day don't know how he could have ever been a top - like I don't think he could have penetrated anything. I've been with bottoms before who aren't hung and had a lot of fun. I am not sure what made him think he could ever penetrate anything at all. I do feel bad that it was so tiny, but one also has to be realistic about what works and what doesn't.


So he finished me with a lame HE - thank goodness he was cute - and then handed me a toilet paper roll (because How I could expect a towel). I paid him, wished him well and then left.


Never again will I go to a motel to meet someone and if my instincts are warning me - then I'm leaving. It was beyond stupid of me to stay there.

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I hired a massage therapist that admitted some personal challenges that were slightly worrisome to me, the kind of pitiful stuff one wouldn't spread around. Would have been much better if he didn't speak, yet he never stopped. The worst part of all was how he combined drumming, poking and slapping my back in time to the music and would punctuate it with hand claps to the beat at certain points. I almost hoped his music stream would play "shave and a haircut" just to hear whether he'd answer with the inevitable "clap clap" . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dp_07psbkJs:99

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I went to a masseur in his 20's who started the conversation saying he's doing it part time while waiting for publication of his book. I made the mistake of asking what's it all about. He talked nonstop about some really traumatic horrific and depressing atrocities done to him when he was a child which he described in graphic details. By the time for the HE, I was so depressed I lost all my libido and couldn't get it up at all. I felt like I was molesting him. Left unsatisfied, depressed and feeling sorry for him. Too bad because massage was good, in the nude, and he was good looking.

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Ok this one goes back awhile. Back to the years of finding masseurs in the ad section of Frontiers Magazine. Before the advice of forum members. There was a guy whose body was amazing kind of like the guy from Tarzan movie with Bo Derek ... Miles Okeef I think. ( 20 somethings start googling). Any way I arrived at a dingy little apartment. He seemed pretty out of it. He in told me to go ahead and lie face down on the bed which was unmade and sheets were obviously not fresh. ( OK let me say it is amazing what you will let slide when some one is extremely good looking. ) He then lay on top of me and kind of kneaded my shoulder with one hand occasionally mumbling incoherently. On a side note his hair was shoulder length but more little lord Fontleroy then Sexy romance novel and obviously had not been washed in a very long time. I digress,the strange Kneading continues until it becomes obvious he has dozed off. Yes full dead weight on top of me asleep. So he come to as I writhe about a bit. continuing to mumble and pinch. At this point I initiate the turn over and just want it all to end. So I am a bit fuzzy on this but there was some sort of HE, more Hurried than Happy. The kicker, as I am getting dressed he decides it is time for him to prep dinner. This is a one room with kitchenette so I get to watch as he waves a huge knife around and tries to make small talk. Now had it been a paring knife to cut his potato no biggie but this was a fight crocodiles in a swamp knife so I was wondering if was ever going to be seen again. I go into compliment mode, going on and on of what a great time it was as I dressed and edged toward the door. I made my escape to home and a very long shower.

Miles O'Keef! He was ripped!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Disclaimer: The experience I'm about to describe never resulted in a massage!


I was new to Houston, didn't know about this forum, had had only one massage from a guy on MF, and woke up one morning determined to have a massage that day. VERY early, I started scanning Craigslist. There was an enticing photograph of a young, slim, muscular guy, face excluded, with an equally enticing, albeit brief, description of his services. The price was right (a dollar a minute) and he wasn't far away. He listed his hours as "anytime," so I texted him. He responded quickly, identified himself as Matthew, and we landed on 10:30 a.m. for our appointment at his studio. I asked for an hour, with the option to extend the time if all was going well (which I typically do for a first visit, if the masseur is amenable). He texted his address. All this occurred about 7:00 a.m.


I arrived at his very nice mid-rise apartment complex and there was a gate, which he had not mentioned. As I was about to text him for the code, up pulled a FedEx truck, so I just followed it through. Found his building, climbed to the top floor (there might've been an elevator, but I didn't see it), and at precisely 10:25, I knocked on the door. No answer. No footsteps. I texted him. No answer. I knocked again. Nothing. Texted again. Nothing. I know, I know: I should've just left, but after this long, I was curious. Knocked one more time, LOUDLY, and soon heard footsteps and the door hardware rattling from the inside.


He opened the door, YAWNING and rubbing his eyes, foul breath emanating from his wide-open mouth. "Aw, man, what time is it?" "It's after 10:30," I replied. "Aw, man, I'm sorry, I musta fell asleep on the couch. I had a rough night. Come on in." His hair was a mess and he was wearing only long gym pants; his upper body was totally ripped, though, which, along with the positively ELEGANT apartment, was the only reason I stepped farther into his home. "Right this way," he said, leading me into a small room that contained a massage table with no sheets, a futon made up as a bed, and a computer desk, on which sat an open laptop.


Matthew sat down at the desk and began noodling on the laptop. He said, "Let me find us some music. What kinda music you like, man?" "Oh, anything like you might here in a spa, or jazz, or classical. Something instrumental." More noodling. He eventually landed on something okay and I said that would be fine. Then he moved over to the futon and stretched out. "Man, I've got the WORST breath! I had garlic last night. I ain't even had time to brush my teeth this morning. You need the bathroom?" I said no, and then he went across the hall to brush his teeth, thank God! "Go ahead and get undressed and we'll start out face down," he said through a mouth full of toothpaste.


When he emerged, he was wearing short gym pants, and his nice hairy legs showed. He sat at the computer and watched me as I finished undressing and laid on the table. I laid there on the bare leather massage table with my face in the cradle for what seemed like 10 minutes while I heard him typing on the computer. Just as I raised my head to say something, he got up and came around behind me. He put one hand on each heel and put my feet together. "Well, you're symmetrical," he said. I replied, "And that's a good thing, I take it?" No response. He moved each hand up to the backs of my calves and squeezed them. Then he abruptly came up to my right shoulder, rubbed it a little bit, and said, "Man, I'm sorry, but we're all out of time."


I jumped up from there and got dressed faster than I ever have during a backstage costume change as he said, "Next time, it'll be $20 off. Just text me. My name's Matthew." I said, "Okay, well that's nice of you, but I asked for an hour today and I've been here less than 30 minutes, so here's a 20." I handed him the $20 and he grinned like a Cheshire cat. "Aw, thanks, man." He laid back down on the futon and I showed myself out.


Worst massage ever? Actually, there was no massage. Definitely in my top five weirdest experiences.

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Disclaimer: The experience I'm about to describe never resulted in a massage!


I was new to Houston, didn't know about this forum, had had only one massage from a guy on MF, and woke up one morning determined to have a massage that day. VERY early, I started scanning Craigslist. There was an enticing photograph of a young, slim, muscular guy, face excluded, with an equally enticing, albeit brief, description of his services. The price was right (a dollar a minute) and he wasn't far away. He listed his hours as "anytime," so I texted him. He responded quickly, identified himself as Matthew, and we landed on 10:30 a.m. for our appointment at his studio. I asked for an hour, with the option to extend the time if all was going well (which I typically do for a first visit, if the masseur is amenable). He texted his address. All this occurred about 7:00 a.m.


I arrived at his very nice mid-rise apartment complex and there was a gate, which he had not mentioned. As I was about to text him for the code, up pulled a FedEx truck, so I just followed it through. Found his building, climbed to the top floor (there might've been an elevator, but I didn't see it), and at precisely 10:25, I knocked on the door. No answer. No footsteps. I texted him. No answer. I knocked again. Nothing. Texted again. Nothing. I know, I know: I should've just left, but after this long, I was curious. Knocked one more time, LOUDLY, and soon heard footsteps and the door hardware rattling from the inside.


He opened the door, YAWNING and rubbing his eyes, foul breath emanating from his wide-open mouth. "Aw, man, what time is it?" "It's after 10:30," I replied. "Aw, man, I'm sorry, I musta fell asleep on the couch. I had a rough night. Come on in." His hair was a mess and he was wearing only long gym pants; his upper body was totally ripped, though, which, along with the positively ELEGANT apartment, was the only reason I stepped farther into his home. "Right this way," he said, leading me into a small room that contained a massage table with no sheets, a futon made up as a bed, and a computer desk, on which sat an open laptop.


Matthew sat down at the desk and began noodling on the laptop. He said, "Let me find us some music. What kinda music you like, man?" "Oh, anything like you might here in a spa, or jazz, or classical. Something instrumental." More noodling. He eventually landed on something okay and I said that would be fine. Then he moved over to the futon and stretched out. "Man, I've got the WORST breath! I had garlic last night. I ain't even had time to brush my teeth this morning. You need the bathroom?" I said no, and then he went across the hall to brush his teeth, thank God! "Go ahead and get undressed and we'll start out face down," he said through a mouth full of toothpaste.


When he emerged, he was wearing short gym pants, and his nice hairy legs showed. He sat at the computer and watched me as I finished undressing and laid on the table. I laid there on the bare leather massage table with my face in the cradle for what seemed like 10 minutes while I heard him typing on the computer. Just as I raised my head to say something, he got up and came around behind me. He put one hand on each heel and put my feet together. "Well, you're symmetrical," he said. I replied, "And that's a good thing, I take it?" No response. He moved each hand up to the backs of my calves and squeezed them. Then he abruptly came up to my right shoulder, rubbed it a little bit, and said, "Man, I'm sorry, but we're all out of time."


I jumped up from there and got dressed faster than I ever have during a backstage costume change as he said, "Next time, it'll be $20 off. Just text me. My name's Matthew." I said, "Okay, well that's nice of you, but I asked for an hour today and I've been here less than 30 minutes, so here's a 20." I handed him the $20 and he grinned like a Cheshire cat. "Aw, thanks, man." He laid back down on the futon and I showed myself out.


Worst massage ever? Actually, there was no massage. Definitely in my top five weirdest experiences.

This does sound awful, tho he sounds hot as hell...LOL.

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I have a top 3 list of WORST. No links or names of course:


1) HOT guy. But when I got there, there was something up with him. I'm convinced he was on drugs. He wouldn't shut up about his recent DUI and was asking me advice (he was out of state then) on how to get out of it. He was more focused on that than the massage. After 20 minutes (tops 30) of a VERY mediocre massage he flipped me over and wanted to F__ me Well that wasn't going to happen. He kept insisting but I kept rejecting. Finally the "massage" was over. Yes I stiffed him part of the payment. But in my defense, he delivered only a fraction of the massage. I exited the hotel and ran to my car. While driving away he called me many times on different #s stating I cheated him and he was going to report me. I LAUGHED: report me for what, not wanting to get F__ by you ? LOSER


2) I can't even remember this guys name. Seemed decent when we talked. He gave me the address. As I approached the motel (in the middle of a saturday afternoon) it was by far the SEEDIEST part of town. The motel had a security guard. I parked and the guard approached me asking who I wanted to see. Well I didnt have a name or room # so I stalled. I text and called him many times and he never answers. So he set me up!!! Why I don't know to this day. Nothing in our conversation was bad negative etc.


3) Chatted with an out of town guy. Everything seemed fine (like in #2 above). We made plans for the next day. He told me what hotel he was at. Our appt was 1pm. I got there and texted for the room#. He gave it to me. There was NO such room #. I texted and he assured me it was. Then we discovered I was in the wrong hotel. He said he had to switch. I was like WTF Asshole, you didn't tell me this. Now since I spent 10-15 minutes figuring this out he said he had a 2pm thus we would have to reschedule. Needless to say I did not. Once again I did nothing to deserve this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

These stories, man... WOW.


My worst ever massage was supposed to be legit, then turned erotic, then turned really, really uncomfortable.


I was in California for work (before I moved here) and I set up a massage at the spa in my hotel. I was 100% not looking for an erotic massage, and in fact, I really needed the therapeutic benefit for my back. I was doing a lot of work travel and being constantly shoved into a tiny airplane seat was taking its toll. The person assigned to give me the massage was a pretty average looking guy. He didn't strike me as gay and seemed very professional. He was wearing the scrub-like uniform that this spa favored and quickly ushered me into the treatment room.


We briefly discussed my back pain, agreed to go with deep pressure and he stepped out of the room so I could get comfortable under the sheet and what felt like 7 layers of heated blankets.The massage starts and I was actually feeling super uncomfortable and sweaty because of all the heat. It turns out the table was also heated. I asked him to remove some of the layers because I was getting too warm. Eventually I was just draped with the cotton sheet which was perfect.


All was going fine until it was time for me to flip over. Once I was on my back his demeanor totally changed. It was like a switch had flipped and all of the sudden he was like super lax about draping, and kind of made these sex kitten noises while massaging me. Then he started adding somewhat erotic flourishes to the massage. I'm human, and so my cock got hard. And I'm a leaker. Now all of the sudden I'm leaking through the sheet. My boner is clearly visible under the sheet and the wet spot isn't doing anything to hide it.


The guy then slides his hand under the sheet and grabs my cock and jerks me off. However he had his eyes closed tightly, like super tightly clenched, and even is he didn't he wasn't even really facing towards my body, and he never pulled back the sheet. He seemed so afraid of my dick.


Anyhow, I blow my load and he sort of silently starts freaking out as soon as my cum touches his hand. He begins silently mouthing "OH MY GOD, I'M GOING TO LOSE MY JOB" and "I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT JUST HAPPENED" and... "I NEED TO GO TO CHURCH". Uhhhh... OK. Then, he starts crying and sort of hitting himself in the head and calling himself "dirty and stupid" and saying shit like "help me Jesus". Meanwhile I am laying on the table slicked in sweat, cum-covered sheet stuck to me and really unclear what was going to happen next, but trying to console him, while figuring out where my robe is so I can get the fuck outta there.


I end up standing up, totally nude and saying (in a forceful whisper) "pull yourself together, work through whatever it is you're doing on your own time. Escort me back to the lockers, NOW." Which I guess is what he needed to get back on track. I got dressed fearing there was going to be a manager or security waiting for me on checking-out of the spa, but everything was totally fine.


Still one of the weirdest interactions in my life.

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These stories, man... WOW.


My worst ever massage was supposed to be legit, then turned erotic, then turned really, really uncomfortable.


I was in California for work (before I moved here) and I set up a massage at the spa in my hotel. I was 100% not looking for an erotic massage, and in fact, I really needed the therapeutic benefit for my back. I was doing a lot of work travel and being constantly shoved into a tiny airplane seat was taking its toll. The person assigned to give me the massage was a pretty average looking guy. He didn't strike me as gay and seemed very professional. He was wearing the scrub-like uniform that this spa favored and quickly ushered me into the treatment room.


We briefly discussed my back pain, agreed to go with deep pressure and he stepped out of the room so I could get comfortable under the sheet and what felt like 7 layers of heated blankets.The massage starts and I was actually feeling super uncomfortable and sweaty because of all the heat. It turns out the table was also heated. I asked him to remove some of the layers because I was getting too warm. Eventually I was just draped with the cotton sheet which was perfect.


All was going fine until it was time for me to flip over. Once I was on my back his demeanor totally changed. It was like a switch had flipped and all of the sudden he was like super lax about draping, and kind of made these sex kitten noises while massaging me. Then he started adding somewhat erotic flourishes to the massage. I'm human, and so my cock got hard. And I'm a leaker. Now all of the sudden I'm leaking through the sheet. My boner is clearly visible under the sheet and the wet spot isn't doing anything to hide it.


The guy then slides his hand under the sheet and grabs my cock and jerks me off. However he had his eyes closed tightly, like super tightly clenched, and even is he didn't he wasn't even really facing towards my body, and he never pulled back the sheet. He seemed so afraid of my dick.


Anyhow, I blow my load and he sort of silently starts freaking out as soon as my cum touches his hand. He begins silently mouthing "OH MY GOD, I'M GOING TO LOSE MY JOB" and "I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT JUST HAPPENED" and... "I NEED TO GO TO CHURCH". Uhhhh... OK. Then, he starts crying and sort of hitting himself in the head and calling himself "dirty and stupid" and saying shit like "help me Jesus". Meanwhile I am laying on the table slicked in sweat, cum-covered sheet stuck to me and really unclear what was going to happen next, but trying to console him, while figuring out where my robe is so I can get the fuck outta there.


I end up standing up, totally nude and saying (in a forceful whisper) "pull yourself together, work through whatever it is you're doing on your own time. Escort me back to the lockers, NOW." Which I guess is what he needed to get back on track. I got dressed fearing there was going to be a manager or security waiting for me on checking-out of the spa, but everything was totally fine.


Still one of the weirdest interactions in my life.

I gave it a like because it was hilarious and would make a great movie comedy scene, but it was awful to have been a victim of that weirdness!

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I gave it a like because it was hilarious and would make a great movie comedy scene, but it was awful to have been a victim of that weirdness!

Can you imagine someone jerks you off and prays to jesus for help-while funny, the poor soul must have been filled with gays being the devil and so maybe he was just praying his own gay away? Sad and tragic. Hope the dude got comfortable with himself.

Edited by Walker1
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I enjoy reading these, because some are downright hysterical, and others seem like the start to a really tragic Lifetime movie.


I posted this in a different thread about my worst massage.


My experience with xxxxx was likely one of the worst massage experiences I have ever had. I will stay short of giving a review, but will provide these highlights:

  • the house is at the end of a sketchy street, was pretty dark, a total mess and stunk of weed
  • he took photos of my feet and legs (and who knows what else?) with his phone while I was face down and unaware (allegedly for "comparison to show how great his technique is")
  • he told me it was $50 extra for him to work nude, but he was a sweaty, chubby mess with zero ability to get an erection
  • he would not stop talking the entire time, mostly about how awesome he was, and sort of making digs about my body "if you want to lose weight you could..." but I am thinner and more muscular than him. He was like a stereotype of someone flying high on cocaine.

In the follow-up to me posting that I started getting creepy voicemails from the provider on the google voice number I use to contact masseurs. Eventually I received a final call where the provider sounded very sorrowful, a little sniffly, and begged me to forgive and book another session for 25% off.

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I enjoy reading these, because some are downright hysterical, and others seem like the start to a really tragic Lifetime movie.


I posted this in a different thread about my worst massage.


My experience with xxxxx was likely one of the worst massage experiences I have ever had. I will stay short of giving a review, but will provide these highlights:

  • the house is at the end of a sketchy street, was pretty dark, a total mess and stunk of weed
  • he took photos of my feet and legs (and who knows what else?) with his phone while I was face down and unaware (allegedly for "comparison to show how great his technique is")
  • he told me it was $50 extra for him to work nude, but he was a sweaty, chubby mess with zero ability to get an erection
  • he would not stop talking the entire time, mostly about how awesome he was, and sort of making digs about my body "if you want to lose weight you could..." but I am thinner and more muscular than him. He was like a stereotype of someone flying high on cocaine.

In the follow-up to me posting that I started getting creepy voicemails from the provider on the google voice number I use to contact masseurs. Eventually I received a final call where the provider sounded very sorrowful, a little sniffly, and begged me to forgive and book another session for 25% off.


Creepy. But you posted a review of the masseur's bad behavior and he read it, hence his remorse?

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Here's my contribution -- two sessions with a traveling masseur who was in Dallas for a few days.


Session #1 was 2+ years ago in a hotel not far from my house. The hotel was in an OK area but seemed kind of sketchy (it closed not long after). The session went the full time; the massage was OK, he was fairly interactive and playful (but it was on a bed, which I'm not a fan of).


Session #2 was about 18 months ago. This time the hotel was sketchy and in a sketchy part of Dallas. I arrived 15 minutes early and parked near his room, waiting for our appointment time to get closer before texting him to let him know that I arrived. For some unexplained reason I happened to back into a parking space facing his room when two young-ish guys (looked like rough trade) walked out and he walked out after them. The three of them chatted for a few minutes; the two guys went on their way and he went back into the room. I grew really uneasy and debated about whether to make up some excuse to cancel (it was dark, I was far enough away for him to not see me, and I'm pretty sure he didn't know what my SUV looked like, so it wouldn't have been an issue).


I ended up keeping the appointment and wish I hadn't. I asked him who the guys were, and I think he said they had met that afternoon and were sharing a room, which was a mess. He used a table that time, but seemed drunk or high; he used regular body lotion instead of massage lotion or oil; and the massage was awful -- just rubbing the lotion on. I had scheduled 90 minutes but he went about 45 before he jerked me off and asked if I needed anything else. I said no, thanked him, paid him, and got the hell out.

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I think we know of whom you speak. He was blocked (I think) from this site 4 or 5 months ago due to his frequent, increasingly angry and strange outbursts. Sounds perhaps drug related from the above commentary.


Hopefully he's getting the help he needs.

He's no longer living in LA. Seems to have moved out of the country after going on frequently more erratic and rambling diatribes on his Instagram account.

Seems to have been gone for three months now.

His ads are all expired

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