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Amazing critique!!

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I was not impressed with Jon Stewart's performance on Crossfire, and I thought he was one of the worst guests they've had in recent times. He seemed tired, angry, and defensive, and a bit sluggish at times, as though he was having trouble forming his thoughts.


Or perhaps I was just having a bad day, so never mind.



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>He seemed tired, angry, and defensive, and a bit sluggish at times,

>as though he was having trouble forming his thoughts.


I didn't see tired, and I think there's plenty to be angry about! He gave it to this worthless mega-corporate media which just goes along with everything they're told and has no idea what Journalism is anymore.


Defensive? Do they normally attack their guests like that? Then they deserve what they get and I thought his counter offence was perfect (even if pre-emptive)!


It's hard to think as two idiots are yelling at you at the same time! I thought he was damn witty!


I think you may have missed something and hope you give it a second viewing, though I can see how fans of the show may not have liked him pointing out it's (now?) just crap theater by and of political hacks, not the useful debate it purports to be.


I'm eager to hear what others thought!

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I was blown away by Stewart's attack on the political shriekfests. He's absolutely right that the sponsors of this crap bear responsibility for the degradation of political discourse in the U.S. So do the actual participants in these shows, both hosts and guests. They've contributed to the exaltation of sound-bite politics (e.g., the insane controversy about the Mary Cheney remark) over content and issues. Talking fastest and shouting each other down is NOT debate. Reducing complex problems to simplistic slogans means there's never a serious discussion about the difficulties of finding solutions, or the fact that there can be many ways of dealing with a problem short of the most extreme ones. There's never any effort to find consensus. It's beyond disgraceful. It's ruining the country.

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Jon Stewart is one of the most honest people in the media today. I loved his remarks on Crossfire. Tucker Carlson complaining about the Jon's show just comfirms the whiney it's not my fault attitude of the Republicans. I loved it when told him that a show on has a lead

in of talking puppets should not be the standard that Crossfire is trying to achieve. But in fareness it must be hard to have you head that far up Bush's ass and still kept your bow tie straight

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Screw You John Stewart!


I missed the broadcast, because I rarely watch the very biased Communist News Network (a.k.a. CNN).


But I did watch the quicktime clip. My thoughts are as follows:


1. As a commedian, John Stewart could learn a good lesson from Jay Leno. Jay balances his humor -- equal # of jokes about Republicans and Democrats. Jay is smart enough to realize that this country is split almost exactly 50-50; so if you make your money entertaining people, why piss off half of your audience!!!


2. As for John Stewarts's Crossfire appearance, I thought he failed to make his LEGITIMATE point that many of the media serve as the politicians "bitches". Basically, he acted like an ass. Every time he criticized the "Crossfire" show, he was looking towards the same person (thus blowing any credibility). Add in a stupid joke about the bow tie, and it's pretty clear John came on the show to promote his one-sided agenda -- if you think John was criticising the media in general, April fools.


3. John tried unsuccessfully to make the case that HIS show is a comedy show, therefore it is above criticism; whereby Crossfire is a piece of shit, and deserves every critism. At least on Crossfire (unlike most of their content), CNN is making some effort to tell both sides of the story.


Hey John, I for one am not laughing!


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Guest Tampa Yankee

A breath of fresh air...


He acurrately points out a pox on both houses. Spin bullshit belongs in the can. Too bad I dont have that option on my remote control but I can change the channel... and I do. x(

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Hey folks,


I did watch it on an AOL feed.


If you aren't a regular viewer of the Daily Show then you probably didn't get it. He cracks on them constantly. And the "puppet show" comment was perfect!


IMHO--He hosted Crossfire trying to bring a truce to the Left-Right wings hacks on the show. He tried to moderate. LOL


I'd wished that Bob Novack had been on the right that day. The Daily Show is downright deadly when it comes to Novack exposing the female intelligence officer. They bomb him relentlessly.


Stewart's speaking style was slow & short to keep control and not fire up the yelling, name calling & boxing ringside bells blaring as usual.




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