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Please Read - My Sincere Apologies To Everyone Here On The Forum!!!

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Hello To All Forum Members -


Hope all of you are doing fine, and well this evening. As for me, I'm doing okay staying busy with work and getting ready for my exciting move to Atlanta in a few weeks. Looking forward to this new chapter in my life, and a chapter that's going to be very filling, and rewarding in the long run.


There isn't an easy way to say this, but I believe I owe ALL of you here on the forum a public apology for all the drama that's happened over the past 6 months. Whether the drama were misunderstandings, disagreements with other members, flame wars, over-the-top self-promoting, whatever the case maybe for some of you being displeased with me here on the forum.


I am truly, and regretfully sorry for my irresponsible actions in responding to these disagreements that's caused me or others who were involved in such feuds to get in trouble, and react in an responsible, and even unprofessional manner at times.


To those who may not like me or see me as a over-the-top self-promoting escort(for which I'm not of course), I apologize if I may have pushed too hard at times to achieve goals or have others to like me here on the forum. Maybe I tried to prove myself too hard by coming off too strong that were intended for the right reasons, but I am only human, and a human who is not perfect, and is liable to make mistakes as well as anyone else on this earth. It's not my intention to have people dislike me or hate me by any means.


I hope ALL of you(who may dislike me or displeased with me for whatever reason) can accept my apology, and give me another chance (to make whatever drama that was caused on my end) right to the best of my ability.


I offended some of you by my actions I guess by defending myself or coming off too strong in my approach in promotions sometimes here on the forum for which I didn't mean to happen, pushing too hard to prove myself, so-called self promoted, being over-aggressive, defending myself whenever I felt I was done wrong in a situation, etc. You name it, and I'm sorry for being irresponsible at times for my actions.


I take full responsibility for doing the most stupidest things that were not responsible behavior on my part by getting even with people outside of the forum who I felt were my friends that done me wrong by getting as harshly, and brutally even as they've have onto me which is not a mature thing to do as two wrongs don't make a right, and I do need to apologize to those people as well being It wasn't wise for me to defend myself so much.


The best thing for me to have done from square one when there was a conflict that was unjust was to ignore the drama that was thrown at me, and handled it in a positive appropriate manner by ignoring it, and just let it die out on it's own.


I can't speak or apologize for others actions for they're wrong doings towards me or others, but can ask for forgiveness and a second chance for my irresponsible behavior.


Some of you may have felt attacked or judge whenever you tried to give me constructive criticism, and for that I'm sincerely sorry as I was going through a lot at the time, and wasn't in the mood I guess to take in such harsh criticism. I'm a lot better now by accepting constructive criticism better, and do ask for ALL of you to be open, and NOT afraid to share your feelings. Not go overboard by airing out personal laundry as we don't need to go through that again of the horror that happened 2 months ago, but we can share on what can be done to amend the situation, and be cool. This is so we all can heal, and be on good terms by working out our differences, and be friends here.


I do ask for you guys to forgive me, (whatever actions or displeasure I may have caused that was not intentional) and give me another chance to prove myself, and do better from this point moving forward here on the forum as I don't wanna be on anyone's bad side at all. That is not the purpose for me being an active member on this forum for people to hate me or dislike me. I really am a good guy - maybe just a good guy who needs a little repairing in certain areas of insecurity, and proudly enough I am working on that flaw to better myself, and my self-esteem a lot better.


Tomorrow I am going to seek therapy to help overcome obstacles about myself that does need improvement by not defending myself or having to prove myself to others so much. I think looking back on a few incidences in the past, I may have screwed up on a few things that weren't very wise to do here on the forum, and need to apologize for such stupidity. Sometimes it's just best to keep your mouth shut, and not shoot yourself in the foot by not posting every idea that comes into your head to prove your a good person to those who may or may not like you.


I may have done some stupid things on this forum that were not wise, but I'm still a good person with a good heart, and that I think deserves some form of consideration for one's forgiveness. :).


I promise from this moment moving forward to handle myself in a more tamed, and responsible manner.


Again(and this is coming from the heart), I am truly sorry to ALL of you I may have offended here(not intentionally) on the forum, and do hope you accept my apology for any misunderstandings or drama that was caused as I mean no harm or discomfort of any kind.


Hope you all who are ANTI-JD (for whatever reason) can just find it in your hearts to forgive me for whatever stupid thing I may have said or done for you to dislike me. Was not at all my intention to be insult, say or do things here on the forum to be disliked to such intensity to those who may not care for me for any reason.


Please tell me what I can do to fix your displeasure or make right for the situation.


After-all, this is a BIG step for me to come clean, and admit my shortcomings here on the forum. I think it would be nice for those of you who may or may not dislike me to open your minds and hearts by giving me another chance to prove myself, and not hold a grudge. Life is too short to hold grudges you guys, and even knowing of the wrong that has been done to me here on the forum in the past - I'm open to forgiveness and start fresh again.


I would love for ALL of you to be at peace with me and each other as were all a big happy family here. Let's not destroy such good harmony with holding grudges and drama. I care about all of you here, and despite what crap that's happened in the past - I'm over it, and want to move on with a fresh new start here with my forum family.


Come on guys - Think we can move forward, and start new? Think you all can accept my formal apology as I'm sincerely sorry from the bottom of my heart? Would be nice indeed that's for sure. :).

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Don't be offended by what I am about to say. A few months ago someone predicted you'd make a thread apologizing. This is that thread, and it is unnecessary. The damage is done, the drama is over, and the only thing keeping it all fresh in everyone's mind is that you keep bringing it up. Apologizing does nothing. Acknowledging and admitting certain things that you fucked up with doesn't all of a sudden make it okay. I can guarantee you it'll happen again, in some way some how, at some point in time. What you need to do is make amends with the people you feel you wronged. Making amends and apologizing are two completely different ways of being "sorry." Just typing it is total bullshit. You need to fix what you broke, and contribute to each individual relationship whatever is necessary to make it work again, or at least do your best. That means writing e-mails, making phone calls and simply asking them "...what can I DO to make this right." Doing it the right way might keep you busy for a while, but it'll be worth the time. I normally wouldn't comment on something like this to avoid the drama. However, I don't think what I wrote calls for any. To be truthful, only a select 8 or 9 people will come out and say they care. 11 months ago I suggested you step away from here for a while and that it was unhealthy for you. But here you are, unchanged, still singing. Please don't make posts on your therapy updates, please refrain from posting any personal squabbles in public, and please don't seek relevancy by any other means than keeping it where it counts, with your clients. Just end it here, request the thread be deleted, and truly, truly move on.

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JD, sounds as if you are moving in a positive direction. You are an awesome person--friendly, fun, gifted and talented with a really good heart. It is no secret here on the Forum that you have issues involving insecurity. That you are taking steps to address that problem is wonderful. You can't let things like that drag you down, and it is entirely appropriate to seek professional help on matters like self image. I wish you every success with those efforts and with your move to Atlanta.

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the various forum members have every right to maintain their personal opinions of various other members, including you.....you should not make a post here virtually pleading for forgiveness, though you still seem to remain worried about your reputation here.....


the best you can do here is make practical posts helpful to others, not to yourself..(NOT the "yeah, good point"- or"luv ya, sweetie"-type posts).....most of us can see thru the thinly-veiled self-serving posts, which still continue


don't take it too seriously....

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Please tell me what I can do to fix your displeasure or make right for the situation.



JD, Try to watch how other people react when being attacked in this forum and especially the political forum. Several people are particular good at using humor, not anger.

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I'm suddenly craving a gif.


I'm pretty much turned on by Killian James' intelligence. Although you know you're in trouble when the paragraph begins with, "Don't be offended by what I am about to say."




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From a person who HAS taken an extended break from here, a return doesn't really change much if you yourself haven't changed... Its just another new day with NEW people to fight with. There will always be those with whom you don't see eye-to-eye, and vice versa. I am in no position to give ANY advice. There are many times when I know I should just keep my mouth shut, but my personality doesn't allow for that. If I have something to say, I SAY IT. But I think the trick is learning HOW to say it, and not saying too much. I am a work in progress... I am a lot less EXPLOSIVE than I used to be. But once people know your weaknesses, if they are out to get you, they know what buttons to push, so its a slippery slope. But I don't make apologies. I did the deed and I will own it, and unless you know 1000% that it will never happen again, just keep your mouth shut and move along. As they say "actions speak louder than Words"...



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Consider changing your online signoff not to include an enormous pic of yourself and so many links. Might help change people's perception of you being self promoting.



Honestly, not sure the self-promotion part is the biggest issue ? Afterall this is a site for connections between escorts and clients, so a bit of self-promotion is in order and appropriate...

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Consider changing your online signoff not to include an enormous pic of yourself and so many links. Might help change people's perception of you being self promoting.


Understandable, but just so you know - there are other escorts on this site (who I shall remain nameless) have the pics and links to they're ads in they're signature, so I guess people will see perceive them too as self-promoting in a way right?


Not to say what you said, Doug is bad in any way, but I'm just curious being they're are other escorts doing the same thing who are well-known. I'm sure you know who some of those well-known guys are if you look hard enough;);).

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The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. I have breakfast at 6am, usually a grapefruit, whole grain toast and a poached egg. The pipes in my condo building bang and make odd noises. Most of the young people on the bus are wearing headphones or looking at their smart phones. Several older riders read the newspaper. JD posts a long and earnest speech. It's all part of life here on planet earth.

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The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. I have breakfast at 6am, usually a grapefruit, whole grain toast and a poached egg. The pipes in my condo building bang and make odd noises. Most of the young people on the bus are wearing headphones or looking at their smart phones. Several older riders read the newspaper. JD posts a long and earnest speech. It's all part of life here on planet earth.




It's more like "CYBERSPACE" than earth . Sadly, on Earth you cant just Delete shit !

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JD is right, other escorts have pictures and extensive links in their signature blocks. I've watched them comment in here too. There is a disagreement with someone, they say they wish it hadn't happened and invite the person to PM them to sort the issue out. One or both come back and say it's all resolved and nothing more is said.

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Not getting involved since I don't know the whole back story, but... my!... that is one very detailed opening post. You must have plenty of Virgo on your astrological chart. And some dramatic Leo too.




I'm a Cancerian myself, but I have three (less important) planets in Virgo. I am a history and old movie junkee who likes to compile filmographies with complete credits involved.


One of a few minor corrections...


"I can't speak or apologize for others actions for they're wrong doings towards me or others"... "they're" should be "their". *chuckle chuckle*


You probably don't need therapy. You just need to hang around some Pisces folk who will simply say to you "Yeah... whatever."

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Hey Killian,


Thanks for the advice, man, and do appreciate your input, and sincerity in the situation, but wanted to clarify why I created this thread more in depth....


Apologizing does nothing. Acknowledging and admitting certain things that you fucked up with doesn't all of a sudden make it okay. I can guarantee you it'll happen again, in some way some how, at some point in time.


Apologizing and admitting, Killian how truly sorry I am for fucking up on my end is the first step of healing, and coming to terms is that I'm not perfect, and a real human being for wanting to do better. It's not to say in the least that others who may be out to attack didn't have they're part-take in doing me wrong that may have caused my anger, but the way I may have handled certain matters were not wise, and I take responsibility for that. Now, it's not my choice of people want to take whatever personal squabbles or disagreements I may have had publically - that's on them as I wouldn't do that as that's just crossing the line for trouble by doing that to anybody on the forum. I do have respect for others reputation and privacy when it comes to that regard.


When it came to the attacks, my mistake, Killian was NOT keeping my mouth shut. I should have done what you, and others who were looking out for me said - was to shut the fuck up by defending myself too much just put me in the hotseat. You live and learn right, and this is a major learning lesson for me, seriously.


To say this mess will happen again....OHHH - I have learned a lot from my mistakes, and can say I won't put myself in a position for such drama like this to happen again. If so, I'll leave the forum voluntarily on my own before that happens.


What you need to do is make amends with the people you feel you wronged. Making amends and apologizing are two completely different ways of being "sorry." Just typing it is total bullshit. You need to fix what you broke, and contribute to each individual relationship whatever is necessary to make it work again, or at least do your best. That means writing e-mails, making phone calls and simply asking them "...what can I DO to make this right."


I agree, Killian for which your absolutely right on that 100%, but are these people ready to make amends with me as I am with them? Plus - I don't have some of the forum members email address or phone numbers.


However, I guess I could PM them right? That is if they don't have me blocked to where they won't get the email of my apology. Some people I may get through, and some not as not all people I guess you can say are open-minded and want to hold grudges I guess, but that's they're problem - not mine as all I can do is try my best like you said, right?


But here you are, unchanged, still singing.


No one said a drastic change will happen overnight, Killian. LOL. Come on, let's be somewhat realistic here, dude I'm trying to get out singing the blues here, and do something about my sorrows for once. I would only be singing if I didn't make the proper steps to wanna make a change and in this case I am, so give me some creditability for making the steps doing the right thing in doing what and all I can to make a change in my life.


This is that thread, and it is unnecessary. The damage is done, the drama is over, and the only thing keeping it all fresh in everyone's mind is that you keep bringing it up.


The drama maybe over, but the damage isn't, and need to make right on my end for all horror that's happened on my part whether it's my fault entirely or not. There are still two sides to every story here that brought on the drama, and even though I failed in trying too hard to defend myself in however way I can to get out of it - I still did stupid things by calling myself getting even with people who wronged me - I still need to make right for my mistake by defending myself, getting even, and not leaving it alone. I realize getting even just wasn't a wise or a mature thing to do, and have to compensate for such a crime in some way.


The drama keeps being brought up in a recent thread called, "bragging" by a particular member who seems to keep it fresh in everyone's minds it seems.


I need to set an example, and by me part-taking in these sort of unjust behaviors/dramas isn't good or healthy for me or anyone else on this forum. Have to handle controversial drama here on the forum in a different light, and I'm very sorry to all of you here on the forum, and to Daddy personally I haven't done so in the past.


The only thing I can do moving forward is to improve, heal, and refrain from negativity the best way possible.

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