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When They Were Young


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Truman Capote



George O'Brien ...


... and with Spencer Tracy (1932) ...


... and with Johnny Weissmuller ...



Cecil Beaton and Gary Cooper, 1931



Buster Crabbe


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. . . .


George O'Brien ...


... and with Spencer Tracy (1932) ...


... and with Johnny Weissmuller ...



George certainly gets around!

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Richard Cromwell, 1934 (age 24) ... His career was at its peak when he appeared with Bette Davis in Jezebel (1938) and with Henry Fonda in Young Mr. Lincoln (1939). Rumored to be gay, he was married for nine months to Angela Lansbury when she was 19 and he was 35.



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Alfred Stieglitz, self-portrait at age 30 (1894)



William Holden


e1a61cf02d7916d05e6be7c9cee95fcd.jpg http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-VTGsldnzv1Y/U1BGen7uNTI/AAAAAAACRT8/fKFBwDpaiCo/s1600/young+william+holden.png


Jerry Brown, age 33, takes the oath of office as California's Secretary of State from former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (and former California Governor) Earl Warren (1971)



Perry Como, age 32 (1944)



Omar Sharif, age 26 (1958)


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Simon and Garfunkel, both age 25, London, October 1966



Dennis Cole ... before his big acting break at age 26 -- a starring role in the ABC police drama Felony Squad in 1966-- he modeled for men's physique magazines.





Sam Elliott, age 28 (1972) ... before the mustache, in Frogs ...



Yul Brynner, ca. 1940, when he would have been 20 years old ...

http://iv1.lisimg.com/image/463200/454full-yul-brynner.jpg http://www.cancertodaymag.org/Winter2011/PublishingImages/YulYoung300x329web.jpg

... and posing for George Platt Lynes in 1942, age 22 ...


Edited by Moondance
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Sam Elliott, age 28 (1972) ... before the mustache, in Frogs ...





I know it's OT here, but at age 73, Sam Elliott remains an exceptionally handsome man who has aged well, and I originally fell in lust with him back in 1976 when he was the lead in "Lifeguard!" 6'2" and a tall drink of water...my kind of man!



TruHart1 :cool:

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Lou Ferrigno, age 22 (1973)

http://66.media.tumblr.com/045f7fd5ddcd808e773909af0ad65669/tumblr_ny3aeherjJ1ut2zt9o1_1280.jpg http://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e15/10735567_719883868102520_925143096_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=ODM0OTE3NDA2NzQ5MTA1Njg1.2


Miles Davis (age 33) and Bill Evans (age 30) recording Kind of Blue, 1959. (Photo by Don Hunstein)



Cliff Richard, ca. early 1960s



... and here, age 23 (1963)



Charlie Haden



Jack Kerouac, age 20 (1942) getting ready for duty with the United States Naval Reserve



Sam J. Jones, age 26 (1980), as Flash Gordon ... less memorable, perhaps, than he was at ...



... age 21 (1975) when he posed for the June issue of Playgirl under the name "Andrew Cooper III" ...





http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-2FdRDltCU_A/VclSoxU6hXI/AAAAAAAC3X4/LgtctsiptaY/s1600/a.jpg http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_TpgMJyi7y2I/TSujBuDOOlI/AAAAAAAAE8M/CNw0IaP561Q/s1600/%2521JonesS01.jpg



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Leonard Whiting, age 18 (1968) in Franco Zeffirelli's Romeo and Juliet


"He has a magnificent face, gentle melancholy, sweet, the kind of idealistic young man Romeo ought to be," said Zeffirelli.


Here, Whiting with Olivia Hussey as Juliet ...



Brad Davis, age 27 (1976) was Sally Field's love interest in Sybil ...



...and then, age 29 (1978) was Billy Hayes in Midnight Express






Diagnosed with HIV in 1985, he kept his condition secret to continue working. In 1991, at 41, he died from an intentional drug overdose.

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Any photos of Robert Conrad from his days on Hawaiian Eye and Wild Wild West?


For @Electra225, Robert Conrad:



Talk about your VPL:

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-8Mr6ffT-YPU/Tsu8sy7YT0I/AAAAAAAANiY/xxJ1ZGCzJ_I/s1600/BU00.jpg ff3b30376f6d718810b218c70cea71b6--beefy-men-famous-men.jpg


What I remember getting turned on by in the show (Wild, Wild West) was when he climbed anything, his pants were so tight, his prominent muscled ass looked amazing. For some reason, my search turned up absolutely NO pictures of the 8th wonder of the world which Mr. Conrad was blest with at that time! :(


TruHart1 :cool:

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  • 2 weeks later...
For @Electra225, Robert Conrad:

Talk about your VPL:

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-8Mr6ffT-YPU/Tsu8sy7YT0I/AAAAAAAANiY/xxJ1ZGCzJ_I/s1600/BU00.jpg . . . .


TruHart1 :cool:


It just seems so weird that a costumer designer for the show would look at those pants and say, "Oh, fine, those will do." I know he/she might find them OK for other reasons but not for professional ones.

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It just seems so weird that a costumer designer for the show would look at those pants and say, "Oh, fine, those will do." I know he/she might find them OK for other reasons but not for professional ones.

I happen to have been around about 12-16 years of age during the period when WWWest was on TV. I remember vividly a couple of 18-20 year old brothers who were around my age (in my church, of all places) whose dress trousers ("Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes") left nothing to the imagination because they both always went commando! There were many times when I conjured up the images of what was plain to my eyes in both the front and the back of those tight trousers within the privacy of my room for a quick, hot jack-off session! VPL's in that era of male fashion just didn't seem that uncommon. I found a stash of even earlier Paris Match magazines around then in my uncle's room (with no airbrushing to hide VPL) which instilled such dirty thoughts in my lusty, youthful mind, it was like I'd discovered a stash of pornography! :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


TruHart1 :cool:

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Harry Belafonte, age 27 (1954)



Serge Lifar, age 29 (1934) ...



... and, earlier, on the beach with Josephine Baker, ca. 1930



Jean Cocteau, age 20 (1909), Paris ... reminds me of a young Dustin Hoffman (lower right) ...

http://68.media.tumblr.com/c056f71f4bf8b85901a89e076349aa84/tumblr_ops3abuTXG1s8mqb2o1_1280.jpg http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/7e/58/61/7e5861ba1735dc5a3e76616634460e93.jpg


And more Robert Conrad



http://pdxretro.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/robert-conrad-yng.jpg http://www.briansdriveintheater.com/beefcake/robertconrad/robertconrad33.jpg http://www.briansdriveintheater.com/beefcake/robertconrad/robertconrad2.jpg


Here, about to take a whippin' on The Wild, Wild West ...



... and from that episode in which, during a fight, his pants split open, revealing that (what!?) men wore briefs in the 1870s! (Who knew?)


Not for nothing, it's been said that, in it's time (1965-69), If you were gay, that show was the best soft porn to be found on commercial television.

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Bela Lugosi came to the U.S. in 1920. With fellow Hungarian actors, he formed a small stock company that toured Eastern cities playing for immigrant audiences. In 1922, at age 40, he appeared his first English-speaking Broadway play, The Red Poppy,(top photo):





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Louis Aragon, age 27, and Andre Breton, age 28 (1924). Photograph by Man Ray.



Helmut Berger, age 25 (1969) in The Damned ...


... and age 26 (1970) in Dorian Gray ...



Robert Mitchum



Jay and Jed Johnson

http://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m4t559AUfY1rqsapgo1_1280.jpg http://images2.fanpop.com/images/photos/8100000/Johnson-Bros-andy-warhol-8104051-334-390.jpg


Twin brothers Jed and Jay Johnson, born in 1948, moved from Minnesota to Manhattan in 1967. Two weeks later, Jed delivered a telegram to the Decker Building, which was being renovated by Paul Morrissey before it became the new home of Andy Warhol's Factory. Jed Johnson accepted an on-the-spot job offer to sweep floors, but quickly moved into film editing, and eventually directed Andy Warhol's Bad.


He picked out a townhouse for Warhol on East 66th Street, designed its interiors, and became Warhol's longest lasting live-in lover.


Both Jed and Jay were well known on the New York scene in the 1970s.


After designing the offices of Interview magazine, he continued to build his career, eventually forming a partnership in both business and life with architect Alan Wanzenberg, and taking on clients such as Mick Jagger and Richard Gere. He was awarded the Interior Design magazine Hall of Fame Award in 1996.


On July 17 1996, Jed Johnson was killed in the crash of TWA flight 800 into the water off Long Island. His brother Jay now runs the interior design business.



Jay Johnson (1970) photo by Robert Mapplethorpe



Andy Warhol and Jed Johnson (1982), photo by Scavullo



Jed, Jay and Andy

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