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Kim Davis Found In Contempt!!!

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I think this sadsack chick intentionally TRUMPED. (knows she didn't have a "prayer" but made herself a brand) and can cash in on her martyrdom so her sad hillbilly Kraft Mac And Cheese life will go from a humdrum 9-5 job...


Next we'll see her on Dancing with the Stars.


(Not really, too large of a gay fan base for the producers put her on the show.)

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SALEM, Ore. (AP) — Marion County Judge Vance Day is being investigated by a judicial fitness commission in part over his refusal to perform same-sex marriages on religious grounds, a spokesman for the judge said.


When a federal court ruling in May 2014 made same-sex marriage legal in Oregon, Day instructed his staff to refer same-sex couples looking to marry to other judges, spokesman Patrick Korten said Friday.


Last fall, he decided to stop performing weddings altogether, aside from one in March that had long been scheduled, Korten said.


"He made a decision nearly a year ago to stop doing weddings altogether, and the principal factor that he weighed was the pressure that one would face to perform a same-sex wedding, which he had a conflict with his religious beliefs," Korten said.

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Elsewhere in TN, a judge is refusing to grant divorces claiming that SCOTUS changed the definition of marriage to something he can't recognize so how can he possibly recognize divorces until SCOTUS redefines that too. Childish to the max.


He should talk to Kim Davis. She clearly knows how to recognize divorces. :p


"It's not so hard to be married.

It's much the simplest of crimes.

It's not so hard to be married.

I've done it three or four times."

--- Stephen Sondheim, Company

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http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/150903122316-kim-davis-marriage-license-contempt-hearing-ath-00011301-large-169.jpg http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.2348546.1441369391!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_635/morehead5n-4-web.jpg


Kim Davis' current husband. He really should keep quiet. I wondered if there was something positive about Ms. Davis but gave up after I heard him speak

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Licenses are being issued by 5 of the 6 other clerks, the holdout is Kim Davis's son. Kim Davis says those licenses are invalid because they don't have her signature on them.


From what I read, licenses currently being issued don't have any signature. No matter which person in the office issues the certificate, the clerk still signs it and she's indisposed (as they say in the South).


Lawyers for those who've received those licenses say they're legit. The other side says otherwise.


This is going to drag on for a while.

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Right. It seems ridiculous to me that only "Queen Kim" can provide the imprimatur. There must be a contingency plan for someone else to take over her duties when she's unable to. (Which seems to me to be the crux of the problem in the first place. There should be a checks-and-balances situation in place here so that she can have the right to say SHE won't grant a license, but she can direct the couple to someone else in the department that will.)

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Right. It seems ridiculous to me that only "Queen Kim" can provide the imprimatur. There must be a contingency plan for someone else to take over her duties when she's unable to. (Which seems to me to be the crux of the problem in the first place. There should be a checks-and-balances situation in place here so that she can have the right to say SHE won't grant a license, but she can direct the couple to someone else in the department that will.)


The law says the clerk must sign the license. (In reality it's a rubber stamp but it's her name.) She has been refusing to allow her name to be used, which is the entire beef here.


The obvious remedy is for the legislature to impeach her ... and then face the ire of voters who think she's right.


Or they can let her sit in jail until her term of office ends. She isn't eligible to run for reelection while incarcerated. As soon as her term ends, the court's jurisdiction over her ends and she's free to go. (Or she can resign, at which point the court's jurisdiction is over and she's free to go.)


Either way, the ball is in her court.

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New accounts of our Westboro friends not happy with Mrs. Davis.



Wow. Just when you think WBC can't get any more bizarre.


But maybe they're just trying to stay in the public eye by latching on to the latest brouhaha.

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Good column, except for the (not uncommon) states rights error about the Civil War. She implies that the South was claiming it (to keep slavery), but actually it was the North claiming their states right to not follow federal law requiring return of runaway slaves. The South's segregation movement in the 1950s invented the states rights canard, which is as fake as their "heritage flag."


This from Renee Graham in The Boston Globe ...


Kim Davis follows the footsteps of George Wallace


Here's a link to the piece...




And an excerpt...


Kim Davis is in jail for contempt of court for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, but make no mistake: this uncivil civil servant isn’t a religious freedom fighter. She’s a homophobe, pure and simple.


...Now Davis will play the martyr, tossed behind bars for putting the laws of God above those of mere mortals. Even after the Supreme Court ruled against her, Davis spent the week telling gay men and lesbians that in rejecting their request for a marriage license, she was acting “under God’s authority.”


...Wrong and strong, Davis’s actions are reminiscent of Alabama Governor George Wallace’s infamous “Stand in the Schoolhouse Door.” In 1963, Wallace, who had declared “Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever,” literally stood in a doorway at the University of Alabama to block two black students from entering the school, despite federal laws. Of course, this was nothing more than a political show for the cameras and segregationists. After jabbering on about states’ rights — as shallow an argument as it had been a century earlier during the Civil War — Wallace eventually stepped away, a small man pushed aside by the resolve of a nation struggling to be just.


Defying the rule of law didn’t work for Wallace, and it won’t work for Davis ... [but] even the shameless Wallace didn’t try to hide his bigotry behind the Bible.


“To issue a marriage license which conflicts with God’s definition of a marriage, with my name affixed to the certificate, would violate my conscience,” Davis wrote in a statement issued by the conservative Liberty Counsel, which is representing her in federal court. “It is not a light issue for me. It is a heaven or hell decision.”


As Mahalia Jackson once sang, “Everybody talkin’ ’bout heaven ain’t going there.”

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I have to wonder if that 'Westboro' account is a parody.


The enemy of my enemy isn’t my friend, apparently.


The anti-gay Westboro Baptist Church doesn’t support the jailed Kentucky county clerk who refused to issue marriage licenses over her religious objections to legalized gay marriage.


Westboro railed against Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis’ multiple marriages and apparent adultery in a series of Tweets over the weekend.


“If Kim Davis has any real fear of God she'll resign and move out of the house from the man she lives w/ in adultery!,” one Tweet said on Thursday afternoon.



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In an article from LGBTQNation, they report the following about Mat Staver Kim's attorney from the Liberty Counsel


"Staver called the contempt hearing “a charade” saying that Bunning had his mind made up before the hearing began."


Lawyers and other legal beagles-how often in this country do lawyers make comments like this about sitting judges? In general I would think that a lawyer practicing routinely before a certain court or judge would normally need to be a bit more circumspect. Of course he's just an out of town hired gun, so very likely may never practice before Judge Bunning again. But considering his practice he is going to be arguing before many federal judges in the future. And a reputation of saying things like that while appealing to his fan base is not going to endear him to the federal judiciary.



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Aren't there encoded-in-law standards that any officer of the court, including lawyers licensed to practice in any given jurisdiction, must act to uphold the public respect for the whole system?


My divorce attorney, in a case not mine, took his professional life in his hands by invoking the rarely used mechanism to charge a judge with incompetent practice. He prevailed but at grave risk to himself.

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