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AJ Irons

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Respectfully, I, too, have had very similar experiences trying to communicate with AJ. Last year he had his "Available Now" light on so I thought I'd try that route since the others never got a response. Again, nothing. A few weeks later, with no communication in between, I received a generic note informing me that he was booking for a new trip to NY, to which I responded that despite his fine reputation as an escort, I didn't appreciate the manner in which he communicated and predicted that this style of advertising and then not responding was going to be an issue down the road for him.


This is a long standing situation and not related to a recent phone loss. I have not had any personal contact with him so I can't speak to his skills, but I have heard nothing but positives about him in regard to escorting. However, if this is going to be a professional business, excuses like "I'm dancing as fast as I can" aren't going to cut it. Clearly, as any successful businessman knows, you can't create demand and then treat potential customers disrespectfully. To then double down and say "I'm doing it all myself" suggests a poor understanding of exactly what's going on and how his style impacts those around him. There's clearly a problem here that may have nothing to do with his escorting skills.


Perhaps the other escorts that chimed in with their typical unwavering support could contact him privately and lend a hand. AJ is hardly the only escort in demand, but he has become one of the few known for this kind of failed interactions.

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In my view, everything AJ posted here in the last 12 hours is absolutely true. I had the same communications issue as others did but was able to track AJ down a few days ago and had a great session with him. And I can say that he was not feeling well over the weekend; to recover from a one-time thing, he needed rest.


The other posters on this thread are giving AJ some well-deserved slack. This young man is the gold (or platinum) standard in honesty, humility, and hotness.

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Hi Looking,


Just out of curiosity, why would you be on his "bad list" if you never met with him or had a scheduled appointment with him before? Did you possibly do something to offend or upset him? Reason I'm asking because I know sometimes escorts would only put potential client on a "bad or black list" if the client has done something offensive in some form of way to the escort before possibly meeting in person face-to-face.


Do you recall if something went wrong during the course of your booking a session with him or said something that may have nub him the wrong way? Just curious as it doesn't sound like AJ to not get back to a client right away as he's usually quite good at being prompt and professional in getting back to people one form or another. That's from what I've witnessed and have heard from fellow clients of mine who have hired him know of him of being reliable of getting back to people in a timely fashion.


I can't imagine why I would be on a bad list except I book with many traveling escorts some of whom seem much more in demand or popular than AJ. Never had them say they were fully booked two weeks out or simply not reply to an email. I going to email AJ now about meeting when he comes to my city.

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These guys aren't Rocket Scientists they're not MD's making house calls they're not even the Cable Guy (good luck waiting for him and we're already PAYING for his service) they're ESCORTS. WHY are guys so shocked/pissed etc when they flake lol?? Yes a no-show with no explanation and no further communication especially from a scort with celeb status can be surprising and suck when you've cleaned dusted used your special occasion-only body wash and bought new sheets, but we react like we've been stood up at the altar or something. To me you just "x" them off for good and move on. A last minute cancellation with an "excuse" you may or may not choose to buy, okay give them another shot if you want them badly enough. But an escort doesn't return your call text or email??? OMFG HOW can they be so unprofessional LOL?? My cleaning girl flakes THEN I'm pissed 'cause THAT I do alotta prep for. (mostly hiding stuff) A SCORT flakes? I try n get a last minute replacement and if I can't I just eat something I love that makes me fart that I would never eat before an appointment. I been stood up by the best and also have had NP with some who have the worst professional reps. You gotta take it in stride :-)

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Hello everyone. A few things I'd like to say...


1. I had a 6 night NYC private engagement with a long term client who's also a dear friend commencing on June 20th and concluding on the morning of Thursday, June 25th. As I was about to leave the hotel room I did one last sweep to make sure I wasn't leaving anything behind, but somehow failed to notice I was missing my "professional/business phone" (the escort phone). I didn't realize I was missing it until I was en route to JFK to catch a flight bound for DC. The NYC Hotel I stayed at contacted me late evening of Thursday, June 25th and informed they had located my mobile device. They asked if i wanted the device FedEx overnight delivery. I said, "yes". Unfortunately, the person who filled out the delivery form failed to check the fine print box that states "Saturday delivery acceptable". My device is now scheduled to arrive tomorrow, Monday, June 29th, but I return home tomorrow. The Donovan hotel (where I'm currently staying in DC) will be FedExing my phone on Monday, June 29th to Newport Beach and I'll probably receive by Tuesday, June 30th or Wednesday, July 1st. I don't know who's texted or called the "business phone" and, yes, it's been somewhat kind of crippling, but I was able to keep most of my appointments as some of my "regulars" rely on text message communication only. For those of you guys that know me very well you clearly are aware that I have a private phone that I solely use to communicate with my family, friends, and clients that are dear friends to me. I like to keep my escorting life and private life compartmentalized/seperate. I did reach out to a few of my DC guys through my private phone because there is trust and respect with these guys. Anyways, if you've tried contacting me on the 714-743-5652 number between this past Thursday, June 25th to present day...this is why you haven't heard from me.


2. Yes, I have cancelled on a few clients before and I've had a few clients cancel on me last minute too. I understand that canceling is sometimes necessary...Things happen...Shit happens. Some times there are unforeseen circumstances and situations that I have no control over and I have no other choice but to cancel. It could be my health, family, etc. Also, let me make it very clear that if I'm feeling tired or rundown before an appointment I'm going to reschedule (if client's schedule permits) or cancel. Reason being is that it's important to me that I deliver a high quality meeting and not half ass or me going through the motions or being robotic. Just as it's important to me that the person I'm spending time with has a great time it's also important to me that I have good time. Real people understand this and not so real people don't understand this.


3. I'm a one man operation...I don't have a secretary or personal assistant to take or return my phone calls, respond to my e-mail and text messages. I do this entirely on my own and do my best to respond to everyone...I do the best I can!!! That's all I can do. I do the research for my flights and hotels and determine if an overhead is reasonable and a good business move or cost prohibitive. I don't do as many tours as I used to early in my career because most of my time is now taken up by long term private clients. I believe this gradually happens to any good escort. When i'm with a client on a private engagement I don't have the amount of free/private time that I normally have when i'm doing a tour. My longterm clients will always come first and have priority over someone i've never met or a 1 hour romp in the sac. Quite frankly I've become particular of who I decide to spend my time with. I understand that clients hire for a wide variety of reasons, but for the past couple of years I enjoy spending my time with real people...people with substance and who treat me like a person and not a possession. I have many clients that have been hiring me by the hour or multi-hours for years and I continue to visit with them because they're good people. Just as I'm particular with the type of client(s) I take on there are clients who have preferences and particulars of what kind of escort they are looking to hire. My professional escorting career's success depends on interpersonal relationships. How I relate to people who engage my services and how they relate to me.

I could b financially much more successful if I were willing to deal with every person who was interested in engaging me. However, I chose to be more selective and always approach a new client with the stated or unstated dictum that it was a two way decision. I have turned down very profitable engagements because I knew or felt in my gut that the person was none I related to. They had questionable values or treated “service people” badly. If Donald

Trump called me tomorrow I would tell him my book was full…Call someone else! When I choose to bring my professional escorting career to a close (I'll retire not because the phone calls, email and text messages are no longer coming, but because I'll be ready to create a new chapter in my life) to enjoy well earned time to travel and pursue other interests I will have few regrets because I know I have added happiness and pleasure to the lives of many people who have engaged my services!!!


4. Kaboom. I received your email messages...We've both had some communication issues. Also, I simply haven't been home since June 1st. I'm finally returning home tomorrow...sick too! I'll call you once I retrieve my "business phone". If memory serves right I did include my number in one of our email messages that we exchanged. I may be incorrect. Either way, I'll get in touch soon. I do sense your frustration and disappointment and I'll touch base with you soon. Thank you for being patient.


5. I became very ill earlier today and cancelled my appointments for today. But, yet, I was still okay with my client who's also a friend, "Big-N-Tall" coming over to visit (off the clock). He was kind enough to bring me some Thai food (he knows i'm a fan of Thai food) and we enjoyed our food and chillaxed watching TV and catching up. I started dosing off (due to the prescription I started taking today) and then he politely said, "go to sleep bud" and excused himself.


Anyways, I don't really post much on the forum unless it's something positive or humorous. I like to avoid drama and arguments. Seems there's some times a lot of heated flareups on the forum with emotions flying and people misinterpreting or taking things the wrong way. Clearly, I understand that we all have different points of views too. I've never been a fan of negative people and energy... Only positive. I'm certainly not perfect, but I do the best I can...it's all I can do. If anyone has any questions, comments, or concerns feel free to send me an email. I've said everything I needed and wanted to say. Thank you all for your time.


A.J. Irons





6/29 - 7/9: Home base

7/10 - 7/12: Minneapolis, MN (private engagement)

7/13 - 7/15: NYC (private engagement)

7/15 - 7/16: NYC

7/17 - 7/19: Home base

7/20 - 7/21: Miami (private engagement)

7/22 - 7/24: Tampa, FL (private engagement)

7/24 - 7/26: Tampa

7/27 - 7/29: Home base

7/30 - 8/3: San Francisco

8/4 - 8/6: Miami (private engagement)

8/7 - 8/18: Home base

8/19 - 8/24: P-Town (private engagement)



good response sir. you hit things on point and answered like a pro

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Can I add my compliments to Mr Irons on how he has handled all this, and comment on the concern many posters have about missed communications.


Unless you actually talk to someone face to face or on the phone, you cannot be certain that they have received your message. E-mails, texts, voice-mails can be accidentally deleted, go to spam folders or just disappear, so don't assume that the recipient has ignored your correspondence. He may not know it was there in the first place. Even if it happens more than once it could just be that your messages trigger some sort of defence and he doesn't see them. By all means take the lack of response as a rejection if that is how you feel, but if he says he had no idea you were trying to contact him, give him the benefit of the doubt. The fact that he even says that means he has not dismissed you out of hand. For the most part don't assume malice, he doesn't know you, why would be hate you?

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In my view, everything AJ posted here in the last 12 hours is absolutely true. I had the same communications issue as others did but was able to track AJ down a few days ago and had a great session with him. And I can say that he was not feeling well over the weekend; to recover from a one-time thing, he needed rest.


The other posters on this thread are giving AJ some well-deserved slack. This young man is the gold (or platinum) standard in honesty, humility, and hotness.


+ 1

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T My cleaning girl flakes THEN I'm pissed 'cause THAT I do alotta prep for. (mostly hiding stuff)


I had a brainstorm when I read this!! Have you ever thought of putting cut flowers in your fleshjack (assuming of course you have one)?



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I had a brainstorm when I read this!! Have you ever thought of putting cut flowers in your fleshjack (assuming of course you have one)?



LOL THOSE Fckng things ruined solo porn lol! A hot guy JO-ing with his whole dick completely HIDDEN inside a thick piece of rubber????? And no I don't have one :-) Actually I have no toys. (unless a few of my fave Maychbox Cars I saved count :-)

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In this crazy world we live in, we all know that when it rains, it POURS. It's like Murphy's Law. When things start falling apart, that's when EVERYTHING wants to pile in all at once. Hence, When AJ had the phone issue late June / early July that is EXACTLY when life throws some illness at him too. Have had it happen to me as well- have destroyed/damaged a phone, and while I'm attempting to fix that- I ended up rushing around and getting in a rear end accident that was my fault. While still trying to rectify THOSE two issues, I get a call from the lesbian roommate I have in Connecticut; Hot Water Heater is leaking at the bottom(we have hard water; this thing gets replaced every 1.5-2 years)...it's always SOMETHING and things always go wrong all at once.


And honestly...it's best to slow down the work when trying to fix all these IRL(In Real Life) issues...because you as an escort will NEVER do a good job during a session, while you're worried about water in your basement 2200 miles away. You Just gotta tick these issues off one by one until you get yourself back on point, then nail the road again! It's all you can do!


Gotta run. Doggies glaring at me for food.

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Very helpful post, Tristan. It's a bitch when "real life" intrudes, but it does.


For my part I am constantly amazed at how good escorts can put aside their own issues so often to show me a good time. It is a great gift, and one that I am sure can't always be given. So I respect an escort who knows his own limits and respects them. Communication issues? Doesn't everyone have them, from time to time? The important thing is to keep the line open somehow until it is clear that something can happen or that it can't. If it can't, well, Thank you and Best of luck. Really. You're as much a person as I am and if it isn't to be, I really do wish you well. If it can, then Let The Fun Begin.

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These guys aren't Rocket Scientists they're not MD's making house calls they're not even the Cable Guy (good luck waiting for him and we're already PAYING for his service) they're ESCORTS. WHY are guys so shocked/pissed etc when they flake lol?? Yes a no-show with no explanation and no further communication especially from a scort with celeb status can be surprising and suck when you've cleaned dusted used your special occasion-only body wash and bought new sheets, but we react like we've been stood up at the altar or something. To me you just "x" them off for good and move on. A last minute cancellation with an "excuse" you may or may not choose to buy, okay give them another shot if you want them badly enough. But an escort doesn't return your call text or email??? OMFG HOW can they be so unprofessional LOL?? My cleaning girl flakes THEN I'm pissed 'cause THAT I do alotta prep for. (mostly hiding stuff) A SCORT flakes? I try n get a last minute replacement and if I can't I just eat something I love that makes me fart that I would never eat before an appointment. I been stood up by the best and also have had NP with some who have the worst professional reps. You gotta take it in stride :)

This is why I don't understand. It sounds like he has a really full plate. Hell, I'd be less the courteous too if I had a that kind of schedule and all these tools calling me wanting individual attention and getting upset. Who cares. Move on.

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It's a bitch when "real life" intrudes, but it does.


I thought escorts are supposed to be SUPER HEROES ! ;) :cool:


At least that what some expect them to be ... superhumans.

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I thought escorts are supposed to be SUPER HEROES ! ;) :cool:


At least that what some expect them to be ... superhumans.


I'm sorry to be off subject. But now anyone can be a superhero.




You Kick Ass is a company where you send them a picture. Through the use of 3-D Printing Technology, they 'print' the head and affix it to a superhero statuette.






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When one has a tightly crafted schedule, with very little room for unexpected occurrences and overlapping commitments, it is easy for problems to cascade after something goes wrong. That's the danger of living so "close to the edge," as it were. How one responds to those incidents, and to those who are impacted by them, reveals a great deal about one's character.


Personally, I'm more than willing to be patient and forgiving, and I believe in the principle of second, seventh, and tenth chances. However, there does come a time when it is really better to just "move along" ... and to do so without malice.

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