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DAMn, Where in the Hell is our Time Goin'?

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Just think! This is the last week of the fourth month of 2015. Where is our time goin'? And why do our days and weeks and months seemingly zoooooooom by! Hold on! Slow down and happen slowly or much slower at least!


This has bothered me tremendously during this 21st century of ours! Will it ever ease up and slow down? I, for one, truly hope so, for I like to savor each day and month as they appear at a slower progression!


What's your take on this?

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On many occasions of my youth I would encounter someone my senior who would sit back in a chair, often times staring off into the distance, and tell me that life goes by in the wink of an eye. In my younger years it was rare for me to think through the fact that life is short because it had only just begun. As I finally got to my long anticipated first years of college, I started to re-evaluate the purpose of life as most do since you must pick a major. After my first year at UCF the whole major thing really hit me hard because I knew that I was on a four year track for investing into a backup plan for what I would do in case my dreams didn’t work out. It was in this time where two eye opening realities collided to inspire what is now the song I often sing, “Carpe Diem.”


The first of the two eye opening realities came through an unexpected experience. It was late at night as I was driving home from my friends house and a green arrow gave me the right away. When I pressed my foot to the gas I was simultaneously surprised by a bright light. The next thing I knew was my car was spinning through the air because of a lady who ran a red light and hit me head on going 50 mph. By the grace of God both her and I walked away from the accident with no serious bodily injuries. It was in that unexpected experience that the reality that life is short hit me. Life may go by in the blink of an eye even when I am young because of the fact that I am not promised tomorrow. Sadly I don’t have to be old to die…


Not too long after my accident the founder of Apple Computers, Steve Jobs, had passed away (Second reality check). This is a man who relentlessly pursued his dreams and thanks to him I am now typing on a byproduct of a man who didn’t give up on his dreams. Something peculiar struck me though. His whole life he ran after his dreams and accumulated many material possessions as a result. Not that being wealthy is a bad thing and I cannot even say that wealth was his main motivation to being successful, but in his death I realized something about the wealth that drives many people to do what they do. Steve Jobs couldn’t take one of his earthly riches to his grave.


Between my near death experience and this new “aha” moment I started to ask myself what are my dreams aiming to accomplish? Am I making the most of every day or am I working only to gain earthly possessions? What is my hope really in?


Define your dreams…


For me it is because of these two experiences that I dream to create an experience through music that reaches into the riches of eternity. I dream to make music that begs the listener to ask the deeper questions of life (of course while have a good ol time). I have also come to realize that I want to do these things that I love with people I love.

My hope is that this song will inspire you to dig deep and evaluate the why behind what you do and to make the most of the days to come.

Cameron Moreau on "Carpe Diem"

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Wait until you get to be my age- it's breakfast every 15 minutes. The older I get the faster time passes.

Plus that's why I eat the same thing for breakfast every morning. So I will always remember what I had for breakfast that morning even though it was a mere 15 minutes ago!

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To me Time does both. It can creep along in its petty pace day after day. But then something happens, and I feel time slipping away too quickly. It's quite a paradox how it can be both.



Yes, it is quite paradoxical how time can seem to drag on forever yet at other times just slip by... and it usually tends to slip by when we least expect it to do so. I once met a person who was writing a thesis on time and how it not only related to age, but other aspects of the human experience such as the anticipation experienced when waiting for potentially good as opposed to bad experiences.


The old saying says... Time flys when you're having fun!

However, it seems that at least a few of us here are having a bit of fun... be it fast time or slow time!


Often we get the feeling that a slower pace would be best... but then again recall as child how the damned school year seemed to drag on forever... heck when doing my post grad work I thought that I would never get out of the freaking place alive. So perhaps at times faster might be better... and the old saying is indeed correct in implying that a bit of fun might just go hand in hand with that extra bit of velocity.


Just a couple of thoughts before this post turns to a thesis as well...

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today is tomorrow's yesterday...my thought is keep on moving....get up....do your day....be happy about it....lather....rinse...repeat...everyday I read the Times and look at the date....next thing I know it's Sunday Styles....whoosh.....time for Nurse Jackie....Call The Midwife and 3 episodes left of Mad Men....

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today is tomorrow's yesterday...my thought is keep on moving....get up....do your day....be happy about it....lather....rinse...repeat...everyday I read the Times and look at the date....next thing I know it's Sunday Styles....whoosh.....time for Nurse Jackie....Call The Midwife and 3 episodes left of Mad Men....


Love it!!!

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Guest Starbuck

I always thought that it took forever to get to 18 and that, after that, time accelerated. The "prime years" of my 20s, 30s and 40s seemed to speed by at a record-setting pace and, in hindsight, I was too consumed by the responsibilities of career-building, a marriage, a mortgage and kids to pause and consider what I was doing for me. (There is a line in the movie "Parenthood" that comes to mind--Steve Martin's character says, "My whole life is responsibility.") I wouldn't trade-in those years--they are the life I led; so be it--but after the kids became adults and I was launched into the next wave of responsibility--eldercare--I finally started making decisions that felt something like "reclaiming my own life"--doing work that mattered to me, dropping the 100 pounds of excess weight I'd been lugging around for too many years and--oh yeah--having sex with men again after a hiatus that lasted from my 20s into my 50s. I can't say that time has slowed down in my "reinvented" life, but it is definitely passing more pleasurably.

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