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Rentboys wanting pics

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I know that this issue has been touched upon previously. But, in the past week I have chatted with two guys on Rentboy. Everything seemed cool. I didnt haggle, ask them for nasty pics or ask for anything that wasnt "vanilla". But at the end of the conversations they both asked me to send them "a couple of pics".

Has anyone else experienced this recently? Trust me, I am not a "newbie" by any means. I have been hiring guys for over a decade. I have hired in every major city in the country. I have met at least a hundred people on RB and have never been asked for pics. It isnt like I am lookin on A4A or Craigslist. As I see it, if you advertise on RB, you are kinda accepting all takers. That is part of the beauty of RB, isnt it??

I am not ashamed of my looks. I am no Paul walker to be sure. But, I have never had a "meeting" when the guy was displeased. Guys almost always contact me at a later date in order to meet again.

Have the rules changed?? Did I miss another memo??

I am interested to know what the members of the forum have to say.

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But, still, the "boomerang" risk that Juan speaks of (in the "Ask An Escort" thread on face pics) seems additionally relevant to this situation...


Guess it's a "good for him" that the gent can screen clients in this way, but the practice does raise enough legitimate questions (and/or red flags) that to "just move on" (as Killian says) seems the wise move...

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the "boomerang" risk that Juan speaks of (in the "Ask An Escort" thread on face pics)[/url] seems additionally relevant to this situation...


Guess it's a "good for him" that the gent can screen clients in this way, but the practice does raise enough legitimate questions (and/or red flags) that to "just move on" (as Killian says) seems the wise move...


Was thinking the same thing.

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Since I've been doing this or doing something related to this (i.e. seeing guys on webcam), I've been asked 4 times for pics. Three from webcam guys and one from an escort.


The webcam guys...

I had being interacting with them for some time before they asked. At the time, I didn't have a webcam so they never saw me. I guess they were curious to what I looked liked. One of those webcam guys has become a dear friend. As for the other two, I have no clue where they are now.


As for the escort...

He and I had been talking through email for some time (which is a story for another day). Without me asking, he would send me pics. One day he just asked for a picture of me. He asked for a face pic and any nudes I wanted to share. I didn't mind the face pic, but I have no nudes and wasn't about to take any. LOL!


He thought I was cute and was eager to meet. When we finally met he turned out to be a good guy and we had a lot of fun together.


The one thing the 4 people had in common was in some form or another, I had interacted with them rather extensively. So when they asked for a face pic, I was comfortable enough to send them something. If a guy, I never met or interacted with extensively, asked for a pic... I'd tell them no. If they persisted/insisted, I'd just move on.

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Insider knowledge or know-it-all remarks aside, the client is the one hiring, and so if he finds himself being vetted, well IMHO that changes things quite a bit.


I personally do not care how many "titles" an escort has (and happily have hired and appreciated so many on the Daddy's Reviews' lists of the past - not knowing they were "titled" or winners). What sways me more are the reviews, private comments and advice of so many contributors here. Of the men I have hired in the last 20-odd years, not one of them ever asked me for a photo and only a handful (politely) asked me to call so we could hear each other's voices and chat a bit before hiring and we both came away from the encounter happily.


[bTW - I have learned that the phone chat is a definite plus --- I can hear (as the escort can hear) whether the guy on the other end is coherent, sober, grounded, etc... and has a voice that I can listen to for 60, 90 or whatever minutes - or if not, I can call the hire off ahead of time.]

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I've been asked for photos I'd say adverage once out of every five-six hires, almost always for trade, meaning (ala my other thread) if he doesn't have a face-pic and I request one, he asks for a pic in return. I have no issue with it, I ALWAYS send a partially blurred face thou, but he can still tell generally what kind of guy is hiring him. Some as we know ask NOTHING, not even age, shape, etc, they just take the booking. To each his own. I did have one scort tell me he always asks for a pic, face blocked is cool w him, and if the client refuses, then he asks "general" age and size etc, since he had a client WELL into his 80's (God Bless lol!) whom he was afraid of injuring lol and another in the super morbidly obese class whom he was afraid of being injured BY lol. So I get it :-)

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I'm with you on this one BaronArtz. I usually offer to send one, just so the escort will know what to expect. That being said, I only hire guys who have been escorting for some time and who have multiple good Daddy's reviews. Definitely would not send a pic to some random person from M4RN, Backpage, or God forbid, Craigslist.




Well thank you. Good advice about Backpage and Craigslist. I generally avoid those, but I have had some success with undiscovered talent on adam4adam. In my initial email to the escort, I always introduce myself and give my basic stats: age/height/weight/body type. I find that it is usually an ice-breaker and sets you apart from the other, more random client who introduces himself with 'let's fuck'. Not saying my way is better than 'theirs', but it has worked well for me. And if they want a picture, they can have it. With clothes on though.

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If your comfortable with sending a picture, then do it. I understand every escort has their own way of doing business.


Personally, I wouldn't put up with that shit. This is not a date. Any escort who is so focused on the physical aspects and stats of their clients is not one who I am interesting in hiring or meeting, period.


The best escorts out there can find some aspect of their clients to focus on. I learned that from meeting some of the best out there. I also learned some of the escorts out there asking for pictures do so to discriminate without publicly facing any backlash for doing so (by race, by age, by weight, by ethnicity etc. etc.).


We can agree, however, to just move-on in these cases.



p.s. I wonder if the picture collecting escorts get angry if you send them a 3 year old picture, even when they are posting 5 year old pictures of themselves.

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I have experienced pic request on backpage. It always puts on a big RED light for me. I never do it as part of discretion.


I agree with you.


Those guys want clients who are young and in shape, maybe they don't have "the stomach" to be escorts, they ain't cut for the job, and I'm sure they will go out of this activity soon.

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Um, you realize my post was meant as a compliment to you and Derek, right? That I consider both of you to be sufficiently well-established and well-reviewed, that if I were to hire either one of you, I'd have no problem offering to send you a pic in advance.


I thought his response to you came across as kind of insulting as well. Tone of voice is hard to convey in the written word. Maybe he was being sarcastic or trying to be funny and it just didn't translate.

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