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Does BANNED = Censorship ? Should it happen here?

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RE: Two pennies


>Since Flower is recommending dictionaries, I'd suggest that

>he and Ethan take that advice too. Ethan should start with

>"egocentric" as Flower contemplates "dupe." I know nothing

>about lawyers in Denver, but I think you'll find that most

>cities have attorneys who will feast on such glaring

>examples of false analogies as this one.


I'm sorry, being the dupe, I missed the point here -- did you just "dupe' me?


Flower :*

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RE: Setting the Record Straight


>another interesting expression--I have

>never seen a "bad penny?" Does it have any meaning at all,

>or is it as meaningless as the rest of what you post?


Actually, it is a turn of phrase that dates to a time when counterfit money was common. If memory serves, the phrase actually dates to Ben Franklin. (Who also said "Beer is God's way of showing us that he does love us and wants us to be happy.")


The Secret Service (yes, the same department that protects the President) have done a pretty good job of chasing down counterfiters, which is their original charter. They got stuck with Presidential protection because Andrew Jackson's arthritis was acting up.


So, yes, it's a real expression that's had meaning for a couple hundred years.


Your point was?

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Guest Kalifornia

RE: Two pennies


>>why was it deleted please?


>>Mark -Kalifornia


>Mark, to my knowledge none of your posts have been deleted.

>(We don't delete posts whymsikally, and we generally tell

>each other when we've done it and why.)


>Is it possible you klicked "preview" instead of "post"? It

>actually happens to me fairly regularly.


>"Post" (or submit, or OK, or whatever) is normally the

>left-most button so that's what you klik. But here, it's



>It bites. It's one of my persistent enhancement requests and

>Daddy is sick of hearing from me about it.


>That's about all I can think of.


Thanks deej, that is probably what happened. i do tend to preview my posts before clicking post message button. in that case i might have accidentally canceled my own post, instead of clicking thre post message button. i was only wondering and appreciate your quick reply.


i agree it is set a little oddly but i will get use to it.


Mark -Kalifornia

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Guest seraph250

RE: Setting the Record Straight


I think your heart is in the right place even though I think some of your rhetoric is a little too strong for the occasion. The only thing at stake here is whether some escort gets to post on a message board after all. I don't know if that is worth getting upset about.


You may be taking this a little too seriously but so are the people who are yelling at you. This is the only message board I have ever seen where the moderators yell at and insult the members. You were yelled at by two of them, and these same two people recently complained about all the hostility on this board. It's bad for other people to get hostile but not when they do it. If you ever figure out how that makes sense maybe you can explain it to me.


I don't think there is any first amendment issue here in a legal sense but maybe in a moral sense. Maybe some people here forgot that it is the first amendment that allows websites like this with pornographic content to exist. A lot of people would like to shut down websites like this and they have enough political clout to get prosecutors to do it. The only thing stopping them is that the first amendment protects this kind of speech. If people here thought more about that maybe they wouldn't be so quick to be in favor of censorship.

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Guest Thunderbuns

RE: Setting the Record Straight


>So, yes, it's a real expression that's had meaning for a

>couple hundred years.


>Your point was?


He didn't have one - he seldom does. He also has great difficulty grasping the meaning of ordinary words, and as for understanding words that are strung together to form a sentence - forget it!


His hero worship of Ethan defies all logic. Several members have spoken out in this thread to express their dislike of Ethan and their relief that he is no longer posting. Flower chose to ignore all these sentiments as they don't mesh with his agenda. Sort of like "selective hearing".


I still contend that a banned poster should not be allowed to post through another member and if they, in collusion, try it, both should be banned.



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Guest newawlens

RE: Setting the Record Straight


>Come on guys this thread is really getting out of hand. Let

>Ethan and HooBoy resolve the issues. This has little to do

>with us or with escorts.



I thought Ethan was an escort. I thought this thread was about how an escort can be banned from this site even though he does not break any of the published rules. I guess both escorts and clients would be interested in that.

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Guest newawlens

RE: Setting the Record Straight


>you have such a way with words--I

>think I love you




I respect what you did in this thread. You stuck to your guns and stuck to the issue and didn't insult anyone who didn't insult you first. More than can be said for any of the people who criticized you.

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RE: Setting the Record Straight


I must admit that I'm reading this thread but wondering to myself why I am bothering to do so? It's like watching a train wreck, I guess.


I also echo this latest comment of TB, especially given Flower's earlier assertion that he doesn't know Ethan but emailed him "out of concern" when he stopped seeing posts by Ethan. Why a complete stranger would get involved to this extent on behalf of someone whom he apparently does not really know is beyond me.


Quite honestly I do skip many threads on these boards, and when I see certain members' names, I skip their posts. I guess I missed most of Ethan's posts because of this. From what has been described above, even by Ethan through his defender Flower, I consider myself fortunate for having missed most of this.


I still don't understand why someone would think "free speech" applies to someone entering someone else's home (the real life equivalent of this cyber event) and then badgering and maligning the host and other guests. Yes, one has the "free speech" right to say most things, even hate-speech, but that does not mean that one has the right to speak one's mind whereever one wants. "Censorship" applies to an attempt to prevent someone from expressing one's point of view EVERYWHERE. From what has been described above, it seems like HooBoy was using editorial skills.


Would you want Fred Phelps to start posting here, calling us all fags, telling us we're all going to hell, etc? I wouldn't. I would hope that he would be "moderated out" of the message boards. I'm not saying that Ethan = Fred Phelps, but again, based on the descriptions above, it seems like the point of many of Ethan's posts were just to stir up shit by being mean. I am equating that kind of behavior with the behavior of Fred Phelps and his gang.

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Guest Thunderbuns

RE: Setting the Record Straight



>>you have such a way with words--I

>>think I love you




>I respect what you did in this thread. You stuck to your

>guns and stuck to the issue and didn't insult anyone who

>didn't insult you first. More than can be said for any of

>the people who criticized you.


Your understanding of the English language seems to be as convoluted as Flower's. It was HE who started the insults by telling me I "had my head stuck up my ass" simply because I didn't agree with him. Once you start something like that you can hardly expect civility in return!


So he stuck to his guns - big deal - only a fool sticks to his guns when he has no background on the subject he is preaching. And a bigger fool who elects to ignore the truth when presented to him by one of the moderators of the site.



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RE: Setting the Record Straight


>>Come on guys this thread is really getting out of hand. Let

>>Ethan and HooBoy resolve the issues. This has little to do

>>with us or with escorts.



>I thought Ethan was an escort. I thought this thread was

>about how an escort can be banned from this site even though

>he does not break any of the published rules. I guess both

>escorts and clients would be interested in that.


Did you register today so you could post a bunch of negative comments in just this thread or do you plan to do so in a lot of threads?




if you want it


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Guest seraph250

RE: Setting the Record Straight



>>you have such a way with words--I

>>think I love you




>I respect what you did in this thread.





All the other message boards I visit are moderated, but this is the only one I have seen where moderators threaten and insult people and tell them to get out. You handled it well. I wish everyone here was so mature.

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Guest newawlens

RE: Setting the Record Straight


>Did you register today so you could post a bunch of negative

>comments in just this thread or do you plan to do so in a

>lot of threads?



I'm a gay man living in America. I guess that's why I usually am in sympathy with people who question authority and the rules, not the people who kiss the asses of those in authority and tell anyone who asks questions to keep quiet. Hope that answers your question.

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As you all know, I have had my sparring matches with young Mr. Ethan, but out of curiosity, do all of his many other detractors believe him or his posts to be less lesthal than the posts on another strand advocating or contextualizing about the benefits of swallowing semen? I am not sure I would censor or ban that speech either, but it does make me wonmder whose behaviour is more dangerous to escorts and clients alike!

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Guest 7Zach

RE: Setting the Record Straight


Reading the above, I haven't seen anyone who kisses ass. Clearly u've been here before, so wonder why the new name? Skinny, skinny, fat, fat, fat,

come on tulane, where u at?

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RE: Setting the Record Straight


>All the other message boards I visit are moderated, but this

>is the only one I have seen where moderators threaten and

>insult people and tell them to get out. You handled it

>well. I wish everyone here was so mature.


This is also the only site where posters only show up to lob grenades at the site operators, and are not deleted.

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Guest Thunderbuns

>As you all know, I have had my sparring matches with young

>Mr. Ethan, but out of curiosity, do all of his many other

>detractors believe him or his posts to be less lesthal than

>the posts on another strand advocating or contextualizing

>about the benefits of swallowing semen?


I think you are missing the point here.


No one has ever (in my memory) had issues with the topics Ethan chose to initiate or comment on. The problems arise when he uses foul mouthed four-letter words to in an attempt to insult other posters.


The thread about semen has been conducted in a non-vicious manner.


There is a world of differance!



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Guest newawlens

RE: Setting the Record Straight


>Reading the above, I haven't seen anyone who kisses ass.

>Clearly u've been here before, so wonder why the new name?



Registered last year but there was some kind of big housecleaning and my username didn't work anymore. I gather the escort we are discussing had something to do with that. Or did he? Hard to tell.



>Skinny, skinny, fat, fat, fat,

>come on tulane, where u at?



Puh-leeeeeeeeeze! We all know the best go to LSU! :-)

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Enough Already!!!!


I kicked Ethan out last year after futilely trying to reason with him on some issues. He spurned my attempts to reconcile and only continued his assault on me and began to hijack this website.


I let him back in because I am a forgiving (and forgetful) person but history repeats itself and it wasn't long before he was needlessly attacking members here, running off my customers and insulting me. (Folks, I have the email to prove it but I do not feel I need to share his vile crap with you.)


Ethan is NOT welcome here. I will not allow him to speak on this site through other people. I deleted all the posts that quoted him and I have instructed the moderators to do the same.


I take full responsibility for my actions. I do not come here often and I certainly do not like to post here anymore, so my VOLUNTEER moderators were left to take the heat.


I apologize to the moderators.


Now, please get off their backs. You can continue to pile on me. I rather doubt that I will read it. I have been in P-Town and I do not have time for the pain.


This website is not about me (and it is CERTAINLY not about

Ethan.) Will everyone just get back to having sex again and quit fretting about what sinister conspiracy I am up to? I sure do not want to get the Mini-Me involved in this. :-)


Thanks a lot!

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Guest LikeItHardInPenn

RE: Enough Already!!!!


I've lurked here for quite awhile now. I've enjoyed it & I've gotten plenty of good leads on boys when I travel. (THANKS, HooBoy!) I haven't fellt compelled to post until now.


Ethan certainly is annoying. I tend to skip past his rantings. But, I have to say, it sounds like you're hiding HooBoy. Deleting posts & silencing Ethan only makes it look like you're afraid of what he has to say, or afraid of the truth, or both. I hate to offend you, but you're using the tactics of totalitarianism: you make a pronouncement & then forbid dessent. I'm sure that's not what you're going for.

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Guest Thunderbuns

RE: Enough Already!!!!


>>Ethan certainly is annoying.


You noticed!


>it sounds like you're hiding HooBoy. Deleting posts & silencing >Ethan only makes it look like you're afraid of what he has to say, >or afraid of the truth, or both.


>>I hate to offend you, but you're using the

>>tactics of totalitarianism: you make a pronouncement & then

>>forbid dessent. I'm sure that's not what you're going for.


What does it take to make you understand. This site belongs to Hooboy. We are allowed to come here and make use of the information as best we see fit. We are also allowed (encouraged) to contribute.


But, having said that, it ain't our site - it's his. And if anyone doesn't like the way it's run, they are free to stop reading it and/or posting to it and LEAVE.


I would also add here that if any one of you had been attacked by the moronic Ethan as Hooboy has, you would have given him the boot many moons ago.


What you're doing with all this criticism of Hooboy is like being asked to someone's house for dinner, and then bitching because you didn't like the menu and the way it was cooked & served. You are in complete control. The next time you are asked for dinner - refuse!


And don't tell me that Hooboy needs our membership support to make it financially viable for him. Bullshit! If 10% of the American population is gay - as stats would have us believe - that equates to a possible membership of 25 million. So if some of you pick up your skirts and leave in a snit - who the fuck cares. You can be replaced. Trust me on this.



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RE: Setting the Record Straight


>So he stuck to his guns - big deal - only a fool sticks to

>his guns when he has no background on the subject he is

>preaching. And a bigger fool who elects to ignore the truth

>when presented to him by one of the moderators of the site.




TB Please articulate 'WHAT TRUTH HAS BEEN PRESENTED TO ME THAT I AM IGNORING" --be specific since you claim to know--and then tell me why you are you such an antagonist? Is it really from what I have said here or does it go back to other threads? Or is it that I am defending Ethan whom you've made no bones about not liking? Whatever the reason, I have stuck to my guns so to speak because I believe the cause is more important than Ethan, you or I or any one other individual.


This a message center that WE as the contributors have made commercially viable--yes, FOLKS, WE MAKE IT VERY PROFITABLE, believe me and without us, there would be no MC or web site still here. Does that mean we don't have to follow rules, of course not--but they should apply equally for all and be very narrowly drawn when it comes to infringing on free speech.


For instance, since yesterday, 3 POSTS FROM THIS SITE HAVE BEEN REMOVED without any explanation. Yesterday I messed up and included a name which was a mistake and Deej posted me saying it had been removed--fine--that was fair and I accepted and appoplogized and reposted with deletions of the name--Today however, 3 posts removed without explanation.


The hallmark of this site has always been said to be truth and honesty -- big banner at the opening page--shouldn't that carry over to what we write and post even if it goes against the beliefs or bias of the "management"? Hey, this is like a newspaper--it enjoys all the First Amendment Freedoms and maybe even some tax breaks that newspapers and magazines are eligible for. Regardless, there is a concordant responsibility to allow reasonable free speech. Is someone breaks the rules, then let us know what they were--or more to the point, let them (Ethan, in this case) know what it was for.


You accuse me of being uninformed, yet you fully seem to approve of the BANNING with having any of the facts whatsoever--is that just because you don't like Ethan that you can justify the conduct, or would you feel the same if it happened to one of you Allies on the board?


It just so happens that I have copies of many emails between Hooboy and Ethan and I am here to tell you Ethan has been screwed as a personal vendetta and for no other reason.


Even Deej admitted yesterday that despite Ethan's abrasive manner sometimes, the moderators did not agree with what happened to him--does that mean NOTHING to you since you are so tied up in your hatred for Ethan that you are willing to let him be simply "eliminated" from here without explanation or justification? Then who is next? Me? I'm sure that wouldn't bother you either, but then what if it happens to you or your ally here--what then--it may be too late to start screaming foul and mustering support, my friend--so think b4 you speak on this issue, 'cause I do have the emails and I seriously doubt that you nor do you have any other information except for your prejudice and dislike of Ethan.


Quite frankly, if you were treated the same way, I would be here doing the same thing, not cause I like you or suspect I ever will, but because if it can happen to you, it can happen to me--same with Ethan.


This thread has ran a long time and received many posts and my concern now, with the deletions of posts already, is that it maybe shut down so as not to deal with the real issue here--I hope you all don't let that happen--this is not Ethan's fight anymore, but an issue to preserve all of our right to free expression on a Message Board that promised us that--and one of the few that our "niche" market has.



Flower :*

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RE: Enough Already!!!!


>And don't tell me that Hooboy needs our membership support

>to make it financially viable for him. Bullshit! If 10% of

>the American population is gay - as stats would have us

>believe - that equates to a possible membership of 25

>million. So if some of you pick up your skirts and leave in

>a snit - who the fuck cares. You can be replaced. Trust me

>on this.


Funny, how you are morphing into Ethan. I hate to say it because I don't have much time for him, but generally enjoy your posts.

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>I think you are missing the point here.


No, I am not. Nor is it apples and oranges. I found a lot of Ethan's speech to be offensive and dangerous. I find the defenders of swallowing semen to be offensive and dangerous. I am not sure I would censor either, but frankly I find the latter more dangerous to my health than the former, and were I to ban speech I would start with the latter not the former. In the current environment, the childishness of that strand bothers me much more than the silly rantings of Ethan. I can ignore him, but it is hard for me to ignore the fact that escorts or their clients with whom I share them think swallowing semen is funny in 2002! It is not!!

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