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Join The Hunt! Handsome Tourist Sought For Public Sex


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The NY Post has kindly brought to our attention the case of a handsome blond tourist in Pattaya Thailand filmed having sex in public! Horrors! We all know what a bastion of morality Pattaya is, so if enough of us join the hunt, perhaps this man can be found and made to come to his senses. Or, we could administer justice right there on the street, punishing his offending member by lashings with the tongue!

Here's the link, with no paywall: https://nypost.com/2022/12/26/cops-hunt-disgusting-tourist-filmed-having-sex-on-busy-road/

Here's who we seek to bring to justice:


Don't let him get away!


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Really????? Seeing couples having public sex in Pattaya is kinda like seeing someone ride a roller coaster at Six Flags or a congregation member praying in church or Megan Markle being repulsive: it's expected. I have seen worse in Pattaya, including:

  • Above ground loose plastic pipes carrying human waste into the ocean.
  • A man lying on the filthy beach getting tattooed. (I took a picture.)
  • Two 20-something Korean guys trying to get an American tourist's attention in McDonalds by lowering their shorts and fondling themselves. (OK, I was the American tourist, and it worked; they did wind up coming back to my room at the Marriott next door.)
  • Prostitutes every two or three feet lining the sidewalk against the beach in broad daylight, many of whom had no problem reaching out and grabbing someone's junk in an attempt to reel in business. 
  • Ladyboys literally grabbing men in an attempt to get them into "massage parlors."
  • Drunk people having sex inside the open bars on Walking Street. 
  • The worst Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum imaginable. 

Gosh, I love Pattaya. 

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1 hour ago, Bucky said:

Is Pattaya's Walking Street still considered THE most hedonistic of streets worldwide for straight sex tourism?  

I did a simple web search and it returned what is shown below. I dunno, though, having been to both, I would rank Walking Street in Pattaya first. A few years ago the PTB tried to make Pattaya family friendly, but they gave up.


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a travel partner and I were in Pattaya about six years ago for a couple days or so....took a very cheap bus out there from Bangkok just to see what all the fuss was about.....walked all the sexy areas and streets amid the loud music, bars, hawkers, the whole bit......it all had the feel of just a tired, past-its-prime, crowded, dirty tourist attraction......I got just a bit depressed seeing all the somewhat-desperate people working, but maybe should've accepted it and had more fun......it was popular back in Vietnam War days with the GIs getting some R and R......worried about disease and other trouble, I didn't partake of any sex stuff......the people-watching and the spectacle of it all was a blast, though......one great-looking Thai tourist cop taking a selfie of himself amid the debauchery was a hoot......

as an aside, the similarly popular party/sex street in Phuket (Bangla Road) was not at all depressing and I guess, to be honest, that was because Phuket is more upscale and diverse.......it was actually very fun......

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14 hours ago, pubic_assistance said:

Does anyone go to Pattaya for anything other than easy sex ? Seems perfectly normal behavior to me.

Believe it or not, the company for whom I worked for over ten years - one of the largest companies on the planet - has a huge plant there. People would have to go for work often.

Also, one time when I was there a large group of Mormon kids were in the hotel (Marriott) for the start of their two-year missions. Several of them had been on my flights from Portland to Seoul and Seoul to Bangkok a few days earlier. On the first flight I sat next to a kid the others called "Super Mormon." He refused to take off his polyester suit coat and was sweating profusely most of the flight, leaving large white circle stains on the jacket at the armpit. He was a really nice kid. I wound up having breakfast with them one morning at the hotel. While in the restaurant, several couples also came in for breakfast. I could not tell if the kids were consciously ignoring this or if they really did not realize that old American/Aussie/Russian/Middle Eastern man + young local woman likely equaled prostitute. 

The Sanctuary of Truth is IMO the one tourist attraction worth seeing in Pattaya. It is an all-wooden temple on the ocean. Spectacular. 

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