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What’s with the epidemic of people not responding?


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Not even just referring to client/escort interactions (though it definitely present in it as well). But just in general among the gay scene. I’ve read articles about it, but I want to bring it up here because I think some of it seems to be more particular to the gay/hookup scene culture. majority of this Behavior tends to happen around that.

I’m also not just talking about random Timewasters or casual chat conversations (I have occasionally been guilty for not responding to messages on chats/email). I’m talking about people where there has been a fair amount of chat between. Like where you’ve actually met in person.

Since when did men become such B*****s? Many don’t want to communicate. I understand texting and technology can get overwhelming, and I can usually tell the difference between someone who’s just busy, or if a chat just naturally fades. Versus someone just flat out blowing off for no reason. 

I think the straw that might affect my continuity in the business, is that type of behavior. Even when it’s not coming from clients directly, I don’t like having to work with people who don’t feel they have a moral responsibility to communicate their thoughts and feelings. 

I also wonder if a lot of this has to do with race. I know the “race card” is a sensitive topic, but as a gay person of color, I feel like some people do it out of spite or fear (and to be fair, some of it even comes from other people of color) Afraid to communicate, afraid to disagree, afraid of anything that “might” elicit a conflict. So they just don’t respond. I see it all the time. Meanwhile, they’ll happily chat and hash it out with their White friends like it’s nothing. As of now, I’ve had at least 5-6 people off the top of my head within the last 30 days, who has completely fell off the map and stopped responding to me for no reason. And everything seemed to be fine beforehand. 

Edited by Jarrod_Uncut
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Might be related to the same on Grindr.

I noticed this behavior of sudden disappearance on Grindr. I've had multiple conversations with young men who engage in lengthy conversation and claim to be very interested in meeting only to disappear never to be heard from an hour into the conversation. 

It's a strange phenomenon

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8 hours ago, pubic_assistance said:

Might be related to the same on Grindr.

I noticed this behavior of sudden disappearance on Grindr. I've had multiple conversations with young men who engage in lengthy conversation and claim to be very interested in meeting only to disappear never to be heard from an hour into the conversation. 

It's a strange phenomenon

And for stuff like that, I try not to get too bent out of, just because it’s easy to hide behind a screen and some people just want attention or they may not even be as attractive as the pics (can’t name how many times I’ve come across people who look different from their pics from years of “partying”)

What gets me are the guys who I’ve actually met before, and seemingly had a great time or seems like things are going “somewhere” (even if it’s just a casual friends with benefits situation, no expectations). 

I want to put the blame on Grindr, but I can’t help but wonder if it’s more sinister than that. I think the drugs, weed and alcohol in the gay community has turned so many into cowards. Because 99% of the people who do the ghosting game I often find: they’re either druggies or drunks. Even if it’s just pot. It never fails.

And that’s not judging or putting down the community, but it seems to be a cycle. If I can put 2 and 2 together and weed out the ones who are shit faced drunk every weekend, or doing extra curricular: maybe that’s a start.

Edited by Jarrod_Uncut
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