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hi guys


recently, over the x mas holidays , i had my first real escort encounter. my boyfriend was away with his family and i had ALOT of extra time on my hands.


i decided to hire an escort that was reviewed here, and two hours turned into an overnight. i had alot of fun with him..he was very hot and sexy and honestly, turned it out..but he also told me some of his problems ( the questioning stripper girlfriend back home, clueless parents, sexuality questioning, etc)..i offered advice and felt like i made a friend.


a few days later, i hired him again for another over night ( if my boyfriend knew, i d be toast)and the time was hot, he even stayed way into the afternoon ( as we both were hungover and sore...lol) but as i sobered up i realized we spent ALOT of time talking about his girlfriend, his acting career ( poor thing) and he checked his cell phones for messages from her too many times to be unnoticed.he left abruptly and i felt like i was kind of played a bit( but like i said he spent almost 18 hrs, instead of 8)


i like the kid, and would hire him again as my man travels alot, but when i call him i get no call back. my two overnights with this kid were extremely hot and reciprocal...very very affectionate and tender and also dirty and hot ( love!) but now that i havent heard from him i am confused.


i certainly didnt expect to have an affair with this kid..i am happy to pay him ( he is worth it) but as i said he isnt returning my calls..should i chalk it up as a loss, or should i be more clear on the messages i leave on his cell?


thanks i cant wait to hear what you all think

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I have never had exactly the same experience as you although I'm familiar with the girlfriend/escort angle. It appears you really connected sexually with this guy and the feeling was mutual. For him, who self-identifies as straight or maybe somewhat bisexual, this perhaps ended up being a disturbing experience, particularly if he felt emotionally attracted to you. It may be that after the second experience, he suffered a degree of remorse and decided it was too emotionally wrenching to see you again. It's a bittersweet experience for you but it may be best if you leave it alone and not try to pursue him further. Hard as it is to accept, he may have closed the door and doesn't want it re-opened. Good luck though, and keep trying to find another satisfying escort experience.:-)

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Hey Cameron,


personally, I don't think you were hustled. You say you enjoyed the time and got more time than you actually paid for (even tho some of it was spent talking about the escort's problems.) This guy as you describe him has a life going on that has many complications it sounds like. I would advise letting him have some space. You have sent him messages or calls, and he knows you're interested. In my limited experience, (emphasis on Limited) many of the guys working as escorts get emailed to death. They may also get IM'd to death. If they have phone #'s published or pager #'s, they probably get a ton of calls. All of these communications may be legit, but based on things I have read from escorts who have posted here, there's a lot of dross (looky-loos who just want to talk to escorts not meet) It is probably time consuming just weening out the bad ones, much less keeping up with the repeats and new calls, especially if he has reviews. So give it some time..a long time, if he's interested, he'll respond. True he could be having some problems, but after a month say, if you still haven't heard, try another brief e-mail.

Good luck.

Keep us posted.

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Since you’re new to this, you need to come terms with the fact that a lot of escorts are flakes. There are a lot of great guys, but there are also a lot of mental cases and you had better develop the ability to tell one from the other. My personal experience has been that those guys with girlfriends (real or imagined) are often the flakiest and I avoid them like the plague.


If he’s hot and you want to see him again…go for it...but manage your expectations. Accept the fact that he is doesn’t return phone calls and is somewhat of a mess emotionally. If it’s too much for you to take…move on.


As far as leaving a message on his cell. At MOST I might say something like, “If I don’t hear back from you, I’ll assume you’re not interested in getting together again.” I don’t know what else you are contemplating saying but it’s pretty easy to go from the escort being a flake to the client being an idiot.

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>Since you’re new to this, you need to come terms with the

>fact that a lot of escorts are flakes.




Phage is right about some escorts being mental cases and flakes. I wouldn't take his not calling you back personally. He probably prattles on like that with most of his clients and anyone else who'll listen.


Don't get discouraged, I really believe that there are more good guys than flakes out there in the escort scene.




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Guest RetrdEscrt

You weren't hustled believe me dude if you were you'd know !!


You hired a guy that is probably 'gay for pay' meaning that he is most likely straight-if he has a girlfriend at home he aint gay hon!,but gets paid to have sex with other guys,its quite a common thing in the escorting world but dont sweat it too much,it sounds like you had a good time(s).


It sounds to me like you think you didnt get your moneys worth ,dont forget YOU re paying for this guys time so if you want him to shut up and get down to business then say so,it seems to me that nothing really bad happened just chill out and enjoy ,the only problems seems to be with the guy you chose so if it didnt intrude on you getting your rocks off then just carry on as normal.

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Guest Fin Fang Foom

I swear, this is like a big old slab of red meat for me. Let's get started!!!


>It appears you

>really connected sexually with this guy and the feeling was



"Mutual"? Says who? THEY WERE BOTH DRUNK!!! Cameron even admits they were hung-over the next morning and that over time he "sobered up". Drunks ALWAYS think there's a profound connection with the person they're slurring their words with.


Furthermore, I think it's safe to say that, more often than not, johns believe that whores (it's morning and some of you need your engines warmed up) HONESTLY are into them when, in fact, the whores were mentally holding their noses the entire time. The fact that two hours turned into an overnight was because the whore knew he would make more money - and NOT because he had found a soulmate in the Cameron.



>For him, who self-identifies as straight or maybe

>somewhat bisexual, this perhaps ended up being a disturbing

>experience, particularly if he felt emotionally attracted to



And that's a 3,654 point "PERHAPS".



>It may be that after the second experience, he suffered a

>degree of remorse and decided it was too emotionally wrenching

>to see you again.


(Insert sound of a cat hacking up a fur ball)



>Hard as it is to accept, he may have closed the door

>and doesn't want it re-opened.


(Cue violins)



>Good luck though, and keep

>trying to find another satisfying escort experience.:-)


You wanna get laid? Hire a whore. If you want emotional drama, that's what you have a boyfriend for. Give him a call.


Dear dear sweet confused Cameron. The reason you're confused is because you fooled yourself into thinking the guy gave a rat's ass about you. You paid him a bunch of money, he's totally fucked up and is one of those guys who will tell anyone who's willing to listen all about how tragic his life is. You mistook his narcissism for interest in you. It happens all the time so don't feel bad. Just don't let it happen again.


Admonishingly yours,



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FFF--u certainly have a way of cutting through the bullshit!! rise above all that emotional rationalizing crap. talk about calling a spade, a spade. u have real talent. }(

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Guest Kenny021

Harold (FFF) from Boys in the Band is completely correct. Just mention (I want to Pay you...hire you) and you'll get a return call.


Why are you so emotionally involved with him anyway....what about your loyal, unaware boyfriend?

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Maybe he doesn't return your calls because your messages come across as a "Fatal Attraction" type of obsession? It never ceases to amaze me, the number of clients who inhabit a self-delusional fantasy world. http://www.gamers-forums.com/smilies/cwm/cwm/eek5.gif Hey guys, it's like going to Disneyland, you purchase the ticket, ride all the rides, but at the end of the day it's time to hit the exit gate. Another visit requires the purchase of another ticket. If the amusement park is closed for whatever reason, then move on!


I am really, really confused as to why you would even think you were HUSTLED??!! http://www.jamezbrown.com/mysmilies/cwm/cwm/uhoh3.gif Damn man, you got 18 hours of company and sex for an 8 hr. fee! If this is your idea of being hustled, then you must have led a very sheltered life so far.


Regardless of what "tag" is self-applied, there is a BIG DIFFERENCE between hustlers, whores and escorts. http://smilies.networkessence.net/s/otn/other/11doh.gif

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Hey Hawk, i'd be interested in your definitions:


"Regardless of what "tag" is self-applied, there is a BIG DIFFERENCE between hustlers, whores and escorts.":D

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>Regardless of what "tag" is self-applied, there is a BIG

>DIFFERENCE between hustlers, whores and escorts.



I agree. I'd have to say that even if this kid was gay for pay, the worst you could say about him during his time with you was that he was bit of a blabbermouth and somewhat unprofessional about checking his cell phone.


A funny thought just occurred to me. Isn't this the opposite of the usual complaint in reviews where they say "He was cold and hardly spoke at all."


Dan Dare


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HUSTLER!!! - a user, a scammer who is out to get the most he can while delivering the least possible. Concern for the client is none as he is only out for his own wants. Sexual satisfaction, if any, is mediocre at best, as their main skills lie in the areas of spotting easy prey and developing the charm and guile to bag the game and to elude capture. The more skilled and educated can be found posting on the internet preying on lonelier and more isolated older gays. This is a much more long term and lucrative proposition than others who have to rely on haunting the sidewalks outside of and working the crowd inside of gay bars during "gray gay" hours looking for the more inebriated men as they are the easiest targets. They can spot the ones who have had a few and are feeling all "hot and horny" and not in their right minds. Easy to rub the cock with one hand while picking the pockets with the other or talk into a stroll where they can rob them more easily. Never, ever to be trusted enough to take to your hotel room and even less so into your home, as when you wake up in the morning you may find both him and all you own long gone. That is of course, if you are lucky enough to wake up at all. Main focus - next victim. http://www.gamers-forums.com/smilies/contrib/ruinkai/GRIM2A.gif


WHORE AKA MALE PROSTITUTE!!! - provides sex by the act or the hour, often many times a day/night. Concern for the client is 50-50, as he does like to get repeat customers, but on the other hand does many customers so the loss of one is not that big of a deal as there is always someone new coming around. Usually tries to limit the sex to providing oral as that allows him to satisfy the most customers per night, but will do other vanilla type activities in order not to lose the customer. Sexual satisfaction is mediocre to good, depending on which number of customer you are for that day. The vast majority are honest and just trying to make a living and are not out to rob or assault you. Safe enough to take to your hotel room, but iffy as far as taking him home with you. They used to be prevalent in the old days at "infamous" street locales and hustle boy bars, but that scene is long gone except for a few lingering cases and a few of the more decent gay bars. Most, but certainly not all, lack the necessary skills to be a top of the line escort, but they are good at providing sex and are much appreciated. Main focus - next customer http://smilies.crowd9.com/contrib/sally/roller.gif


ESCORT!!! - possesses a full range of marketable skills allowing for a larger and more varied client base. Strives for 100% client satisfaction by focusing on meeting the client's desires. Can "act the whore" if that is what the client wants, but unlike a prostitute he doesn't have multiple customers per day. Usually offers a wider range of sexual activity, often including passionate kissing, role playing and fantasy scenes. Also more educated, intelligent, talented, a professional in other areas, conversant, and adept in social skills. Great company both in and out of bed. Totally trustworthy for hotels and overnights and longer at your private home. Main focus - totally satisfied repeat clients http://smilies.crowd9.com/otn/realhappy/bigok.gif


Of course you are free to disagree. These are just my opinions, based on my own personal experiences.

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RIGHT ON!!!! Nothing worse than being with an escort who won't talk! I was with one like that with whom I had booked an overnighter. Jesus, just getting him to engage in a conversation was a hell of a lot of work on my part. When we went out for dinner and a couple of cocktails, I found myself wishing I could just excuse myself to go to the restroom and not coming back! But I wouldn't do that, as I'm not that type of guy.



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Of course, I wasn't there so can only extrapolate from what Cameron has said about his two experiences with this escort. It was the fact that Cameron had tried to contact him again and had been ignored that made me think this was not just some cheap whore, as you would have it, since if he was, he would have been only too happy to see Cameron again and take him for another ride! Also, I took Cameron at his word that the sex was hot, nasty, tender etc. Ever heard of a love hangover, sweetie? Maybe not in your case, you somehow give me the impression of being emotionally stunted. Oh well, tant pis as they say in old Quebec!!:-(

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I don't feel you were hustled. You had a good time and appear to have gotten more than you paid for. It would appear that you had such a good time you got attached to him and feel he should feel the same toward you. This is not unusual for first time escort experiences but you need to realize, he is an ESCORT, not your new lover. At first I seemed to be attached to the guy I hired, then I hired the next one, had a Great time and forgot about the first one. Now I've lost count of all the guys I've hired. Even though I've done repeats with a few and count one as a regular, I realize its JUST GOOD SEX and company that I"ve paid for. One Escort I hired had the following on his website. "Your not Julia Roberts and I'm not Richard Gere, so let's get together and have a good time". That may apply here. But, if you really want to hire while the boyfriends out of town, I'd suggest you try Escort #2, hopefully have a good time and then see how you see the situation.

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It doesn't sound like you were hustled, at lest in the conventional sense, but sounds like he messed with your head, which is probably worse! You had a good time, and I'm not cynical enough to think that it wasn't a bit mutual on at least some level. It's not impossible for an escort to feel something towards a client, especially as things are hot and heavy (hormones!) and especially when booze is brought into the mix. But sounds like this guy is a major head case -- undecided about his sexuality, his committment to his girlfriend, and no doubt a whole host of other things. My guess is he won't stay in the profession long (maybe he's already quit), and is probably a whirlwind of drama wherever he goes.


For your mental health, I'd suggest never trying to contact this guy again, or you'll just become (or continue to be) obsessed. The whole thing has probably left you in a funk, and by now your boyfriend is scratching his head trying to figure out what's up. Next time you're left to your own devices, find an escort who's reviews indicate that he's more professional, so you don't have to go through all this again. There are plenty out there. And fer crying out loud, don't let him hang around for 18 hours in a drunken stuppor! Do the deed and get back to your life. You'll feel so much better in the morning! :-)

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Thanks Hawk--I think i've got the difference. A hustler, if given half a chance, will beat you out of the money. A whore will fuck you out of the money. And an escort will charm you out of the money. ;) Which brings to mind the words of Oscar Wilde--"You can be young without money, but you can't be old without money."

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You are most welcome kind sir! http://jeeptalk.org/crack/smilies/contrib/dday/wink.gif

But in reality, age has nothing to do with it!! Many young men hire and many older men escort!!!! Regardless of what the esteemed Mr. Wilde espoused! http://smilies.crowd9.com/contrib/unknown/face46.gif


BTW: I showed you mine, so turn about is fair play and it is time for you to show yours. I am most interested in hearing "your definitions"! http://www.jamezbrown.com/mysmilies/contrib/scorchio/saevilw.gif

That is of course, unless you have no experience on either side of the fence, selling or buying, in which case don't waste our time!!


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Upon rereading, that last post was a little more 'out of line' than intended. I bear no hostilities nor animosity, but am truly interested in your definitions of hustler, prostitute and escort based on your personal experiences. Have a great day!! ttp://

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Guest DevonSFescort

>And fer crying out loud, don't

>let him hang around for 18 hours in a drunken stuppor! Do the

>deed and get back to your life.


So true. I forget who said this, but part of what you're paying us to do is to go away when we're supposed to.

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thanks for all of your respnses. i read them, some in amusement, some i took under advisement, and some i laughed my ass off about.


for the record, i only called him twice since the holidays. yes, perhaps i should of disconnected myself from him after the experience but as i am not HEARTLESS, i did want to check up and see if he was all good. although we did have two bottles of wine between two of us, by no means, were we fucked up.


i do realize now that some escorts are flakes and that they have baggage ( as we all do) and him not getting back to me was for whatever reason. i dont think being humane can corallate with being a stalker or possesive ( how you all came up with that one is beyond me, but worth a chuckle).


i dont feel hustled, i did take the advice from one of the chat room posters and left one more message stating if he didnt call back i woudl realize that he was not interested..and the next morning i got a call.


for the record, i am in no means thinking i am forging a relationship with this kid, it was just nice to know that he was ok.


i am in a relationship with a guy that i love but like alot fo relationships, it has its problems, and we are working on them..but my choice to hire an escort was a choice out of need ( and i am glad that i did).


i saw the escort this weekend again as once again, my ever travelling man was in milan doing his thing. we had a great eveming but i am now well aware that irs a business transaction and the sex and tender ness and the affection is real but ends when the time ends.


i do not think i was hustled in hindsight, i just didnt know how it all worked. the escort and i talked when he came over this time anfd it made for a better time. can't we all lookk back at a time when we were younger when we were confused by our sexuality and needs? i understand where he is and i htink alothough he is an escort, that , in my opinion, no one really has bothered to ask this kid, how he is, etc.


i got whatever "closure" i needed and i am glad that you all gave me some solid advice.

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