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Everything posted by Alex93108

  1. Kiss and show my lovers some love. Some people don't know how.
  2. let’s cut him some slack here . I think we can agree that some form of deposit make sense when there is a justification. Travel, visits out of town and things along similar lines. Personally if there was travel arrangements made , I would make that on behalf of the person i’m hiring , so the deposit would be small anyway , to cover incidentals , trip to the airport etc and maybe a small portion of agreed total Otherwise, I tend to adopt the restaurant principle , you pay at the end of the meal , which is 99% of the restaurants in the world unless it’s a meal at the French Laundry , Le bernadin etc Similarly i never prepay for hotels ever - it’s always a credit card guarantee cancel 1 night prior . Providers are free to do what makes sense for them . expect some pushback and fewer takers if it deviates from what is the norm, given the type of meeting requested
  3. Alex93108


    I remember when it was £150 , which by the way , was not that long ago . £200 is the norm now post covid . £300 is a bit much, though I have seen that regularly for major porn stars with significant credits on major studios ( and not just an onlyfans page or insta following ) and at least 20-30 detailed reviews on rm. Now that restrictions are easing it wouldn’t see be interesting to see if the rate holds
  4. @Benjamin_Nicholas you really get around. i'm kind of impressed at your wide breath of knowledge ( on a lot of stuff) . I have a love hate relationship with London hotels, and I have stayed at a range of them. From Claridges ( which is fantastic, but so not cheap) to a dump of a Residence inn ( the one by the Tesco's ) in Kensington . The walls are paper thin. I haven't found one I truly liked, that didn't cost an arm and a leg. My two simple rule about London hotels ( If you are searching) - Stay out of the congestion zone. Any place east of Marble arch. ,will incur a congestion charge for cabs or vehicles entering which can add up .I don't often cab around, but I like to do avoid this. The congestion zone is for vehicles only. You can look up the congestion zone map on line. The Intercontinental Park Lane is in the congestion zone for example…… I had a provider ask me for an uber to my place once, which I didn't mind ( it was late) , but I was glad I wasn't staying in the congestion zone. Kensington is not in the zone. - Stick to Zone 1 ( the tube goes by zones, so yes hotels further out are cheaper, but you'll pay a lot in transport)
  5. I am at least curios : Did his real name match or closely resemble his working name?
  6. Just curious why you even gave him too stars. I think no stars.
  7. This is basically the same as failure to get hard. The appointment ends and reschedule . I make it known to providers that I realize you are human, but thats a major deliverable, and if you need to go over time to deliver thats on you. I have been with guys who run the clock due to equipment failures……thats unacceptable
  8. dix huit Though with a provider i would use less formal speak ( french speaker here also )
  9. I think this can be resolved by the pre meet discussion - we don't talk about money during the appointment, will leave fee for your time after. Something along those lines.
  10. Not a provider here : but in the german speaking world, use GayRomeo There are country specific sites - consult the travel section . Rentmen gets an international audience, and high end - because of the cost associated with the membership I think
  11. This very interesting. I will initiate convs on RM and follow up with text so I have the power to do a review. I have had bad appointments, but typically send the "provider" a text directly to discuss. Ive never been outright scammed like this i typically only leave 5 star reviews.
  12. I have never actually done an out call - but that sounds like sound advice.
  13. Alex93108


    I generally do not tip outside the United States , as a matter of principle . Inside the US i do because , well, it’s sort of expected . I agree - it’s gotten out of hand in America , and sadly the propina culture has spread to mexico also
  14. I would only consider giving money upfront to a provider who i have personally met and hired at least twice and only if the situation warrants - i.e travel involved . Never for an in town appointment
  15. I think it’s super dodgy that he has a few review now telling people to trust him with deposits . Also he claims to spend weekends in London now . Last i checked London is a good 1 1/2 - 2 hours away , each way . the plot thickens . If true this ought to be reported to sleepy boy
  16. Personally HIV status is irrelevant for a massage
  17. it was in no way intended to be disrespectful. At 400-700 dollars a night ( I believe my rate was closer to 500 ) asking me to use the pool next door because the pool in your hotel is not ready is unacceptable. Having the spa closed is unacceptable also. With just one restaurant open and that bar downstairs it’s basically a Kimpton hotel ( but at Four Seasons prices ) . No. I have plans to come back for next years Southern Decadence . Presumably the pool will be ready by then More importantly Nola is recovering from the hurricane but the quarter is back in business so i hear
  18. Cash in a discreet envelope is my preferred method. And I think I can speak of most of the people on this forum, I think both the clients and providers that participate are well standing people, the ones I have corresponded with and in some cases personally hired.
  19. I had reservations to stay there but promptly cancelled. Because - Pool not yet open / ready. To accommodate they are sending people to a hotel next door to use the pool. Like homeless people. Sorry. - Only 1 restaurant is open - Spa not open. I'm a Four Seasons fan, but I'm not paying FS prices if FS service is not provided and not all amenities are included.
  20. This would depend is this is a massage or escort appointment, and the country where legality issues arise. For massages always after, often I've paid in a reception area, or the persons home / living area after I got dressed etc. For escort appointments, I have noticed the best ones ( i hire worldwide ) almost never ask, I am usually the one that brings it up Subtle hints like "well I had a nice time' coupled with getting dressed etc. is sufficient. If you had to be slightly more aggressive I would say, "I think our time is up dear, unless of course you want to play some more" - or something to that effect. in the US, its always payment for time / donation - thus asking is a grey area, and for some people may be slightly vulgar. In some ways , I would have liked to believe the encounter was real, instead of a paid for fantasy, so asking is perhaps too blunt and ruins the experience. Keep me believing it was real till the end. Other faux pas would be counting cash in front of me ( I don't mind , but that universally rude I think) , and overly aggressive upsells after the appointment . Also I have encounted a guy ( in Brazil) who was very conflicted about the profession and had issues even touching the money ( he has since retired, but is only doing past clients ) and gone back full time to his main job , I had to convince him to take it. That said some of the lousy and might I add expensive London boys I have had were not shy about saying "bank transfer" immediately after i was done. i will not be inclined to hire them again. ( the encounter was bad too) then proceeded to try to upsell me on 3 ways with their friends. Its always the bad ones that ask so directly in my experience. To quote someone here, the sex is easy, the social aspect ( and subtlety ) of this is what differentiates the good from the great.
  21. That’s class - and a keeper . I would keep him on the payroll and tip generously
  22. Its funny - the escorts that are not that good almost never forget payment but for the ones that are fantastic , payment is almost an after thought ( I have to remind them) I remember the last bad appointment I had, the first words out his mouth after got dressed was, "Bank Transfer? " - this was in Europe. By contrast A favorite of mine left, and forgot - he almost left the building I was in, I had to flag him.
  23. Except the autogate doesn't give you a stamp, so make sure you go though manual immigration. ( frequent visitor to the UK here)
  24. This compared to the Russian / Slavic guys who I tend hire who tend to be serious clock watchers. The last one I met in London promptly left after I was done . Need to lecture him about that. There is a tradition of not being serious clock watchers among the Brazilians, I almost always need to tell them to leave . I will point out tho - you need to stay at better hotels that will bring towels and change sheets, after play, and not run out of water bottles! But with men to support - I guess its hard to have it all ! . And for the love of g-d, shorts in Paris? in the Fall? To each his own ( they do look comfortable)
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