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Posts posted by seattlebottom

  1. 6 hours ago, BSR said:

    Ho hum, politics as usual.  No matter how loudly professional victims screech, the rest of the world just ignores them. 

    Actions speak louder than words.  Any documentation of gays & blacks leaving Florida en masse?   No, of course not, because these warnings are all just empty rhetoric.

    It's a travel warning not an evacuation order.  Reading comprehension is a thing 😉.

  2. I remember you giving shout outs to other escorts in Vancouver.   As a result I had my first escort encounter with someone you had mentioned,  he went by the name of Guy Franck, frenchtop2001.  We never met but I made infrequent trips to Vancouver and you had retired by the time I was ready to hire again.

  3. On 10/12/2022 at 9:05 PM, ThroatCummer said:

    Without going into too much detail, I have eliminated an entire department over this.

    You live 30 minutes from our office but refuse to come in ever again? .. and you still want that $180k salary? Nah, it don't work that way.

    Historically, Asia and India outsourcing was a fucking train wreck because quality was never there. But now there's an epic crap ton of countries and people with the same skills that will do your job for a fraction of the price. I can get someone in South Africa, Brazil, or Romania to replace you in ten seconds. Oh, and there's a hundred million of them lined up applying.

    Welcome to globalization.

    My highest performer (our Chief Compliance Officer) can do her job from the Lido deck of a cruise ship and never come into the office ever again, and I won't give a fuck. Because she's a master at her work and she gets shit done. 

    But now, when we need a new person, our universe of hiring is the entire planet. It's going to be a really hard lesson for the tech skilled workforce in the USA to learn over the next few years. No company is going to pay $180k for a software engineer that wants to sit at home down the street from the actual office in Manhattan. I need you in the office to be creative because there's value in that. If you don't want to do that, then you're going to be replaced by someone in Lebanon or Croatia.   

    WOAH. Need to put down the keyboard.

    Wait, what were we talking about? Open markets and how they influence escort prices? 'Night :) 

    Maybe I'm misreading this but you'll fire someone who won't come into the office and hire someone from another country who won't be able to come into the office either?  Are you going to sponsor the person and pay for their work visa just so they can show up and work in the office?  Seems like a terrible waste of time and money. 

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