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Everything posted by BgMstr4u

  1. I guess I have my own compositional issues. My second sentence should have been: “I wonder what makes the taste of him elegant.” The dog ate my homework.
  2. Well, half of gay Palm Springs lives in trailers - ahem...manufactured homes ... and there’s not much trash there!
  3. There’s a tragedy in the making. Liubit and Charlie will be in couple’s therapy before the month’s out.
  4. “Always well-dressed and have an elegant taste.” From this lad’s ad. Perhaps he’s Ivy, but he must have snoozed through English composition. I wonder what the taste of him him elegant?
  5. I agree with all the good comments above. As delightful as I am sure I am to the discerning souls who take the trouble to get to know my inner self, my outer self is not exactly thrillingly attractive. I love well-built guys who are almost always moving in the other direction when I work up the courage to say hello. What a godsend good escorts are! Polite, interested, sexy, and available. Sad old man? Maybe. Do I let it get me down? No. Well, at least not on a good day. And anyway, why not hire the best? My sex life is at least as problematic as my house’s plumbing. Give me an expert every time.
  6. I can think all I want, reason myself into almost any kind of sexual situation, tell myself I really do like being more diverse, but you know what? If Gabriel Cross (who is gay), SC’s Dan of old (who is probably straight), SC’s Jamie (happiest bottom boy ever) or any of their type so much as smiled at me, I would just totally lose it. Heaven. The second coming. The rapture. I don’t know about anybody else, but I’m imprinted and there’s not much I can do about it. http://www.smutjunkies.com/updates/wp-content/uploads/models/108/108414b.jpg https://small1.myjub.com/eyecandy_img/11281/sean_cody-dan_5_11281_9.jpg https://men4menlive.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/jamie1x.jpg
  7. I understand and sympathize completely. But don’t you think at this point that that particular horse is already out of the barn, so to speak?
  8. Really.... you are in the business of attracting people. Men. Which is to say, critters who think about sex all the time but have Intermittent Commitment Syndrome. Instead of bitching about us, you need to study what works and perfect your game. They seem to be buzzing around enough. Instead of being annoyed at the buzz, figure out what about you lands you one. Rinse and repeat. But without the buzz, Nothing. Love it or lose it.
  9. Are pretzels and ginger ale kosher? That all I get unless I pay extra.
  10. Moe, I started reading this today because I was looking for information on keto and it popped up in the search function. I too have a weight problem. I kept reading because your writing is so good and your story was riveting. 10 months in now, and I’m wondering how it has gone. Your approach to all the advice seemed realistic and sensible. I’m hoping that you’re in a better place. If you read this, please let us know how things are.
  11. Not sure if it fits the category, but the first word that popped into my head was ... thin.
  12. Thanks, Ben. With him, garbage not so much. How many pedestrian vehicles are saved, redeemed, even classic because of fine acting. So many.....
  13. Soooo..... The prosecution’s charges in the Nantucket case against Kevin Spacey have been dismissed. Are there other cases pending against Spacey? If not, does that mean his career can continue? Or has this process permanently damaged him? I certainly hope not. I for one deeply admire his acting. I thought he was beyond superb in L.A. Confidential. His Frank Underwood in House of Cards has to be one of the finest television serial drama characters ever..
  14. His downward trajectory makes me sad too. I remember writing a note of encouragement on this forum when he was starting out. I was moved by his ambition and his enthusiasm, which I found attractive and stimulating.
  15. Sometimes “short” in the context of a conversation means abrupt, verging on but not quite rude. That would make sense to me given his explanation of a rough day. He may have been apologizing in case you felt offended.
  16. Rockhard’s Dilemma. It sounds like one of those unsolvable mathematical and/or philosophical problems for which some long-departed benefactor created a trust to award the prize when it is ever solved.
  17. Like other esteemed pioneers, my date of record is Dec. 31, 1969 as well. Going on 50 years. Escort years, I guess. Where 50 is the new 28, or whatever the peak and perfect age may be. What a thrilling ride! Thanks to Hooboy! Thanks to Daddy! Thanks to all!
  18. The male ego and p***s size... It’s like the children in Lake Wobegon: They’re all above average. Ya just gotta love it!
  19. Have you been with Gabriel yet? How is he doing? Still unable to travel to the US?
  20. Thank you, Benjamin. I think this is the secret no matter where you are. No external environment by itself can provide what we need if the need comes from within us. There are obviously places where it is objectively better to be gay than others. But the real secret to happiness, no matter where we are, is to create places and times we enjoy and invite friends into them, sharing ourselves with them, building them up, making what we already have better, growing into goodness together.
  21. I’ll be in NYC the second half of June, looking for bottom to versatile smooth muscle boys. Or at least well worked out. Smart and fun is a big plus. The Gabriel Cross type. But he’s not on this side of the Atlantic these days. Any suggestions?
  22. I think he’s a phenomenon. Wildly smart. But more than that, he has a grasp of the mathematics of the game rarely seen up close before. That he openly identifies as a sports gambler from Vegas makes me proud in a weird way. I grew up in Vegas and have usually been vaguely ashamed of where I came from. Here’s a genius level intellect who makes his living being smart in the world of gambling. Being very, very smart is not the usual take on Vegas, though I know plenty of very smart Vegas people. Nice to see it up front in public.
  23. In many parts of the US regular taxis are not a realistic option. For those places without extensive taxi service or even minimally plausible public transport, which is like most small and medium sized cities and suburban and rural areas, Uber and Lyft have been a godsend. People who could not get around now can. The rules governing taxis are often onerous and the economics daunting, so their fares are higher than many people can afford. I suspect that the Uber business model is based on drivers working occasionally to supplement other income, providing a revenue stream to pay for car expenses and a bit of money on the side, not for full time permanent employment. My heart goes out to the taxi drivers caught in this squeeze. My anecdotal experience in NYC, having lived there for seven years ending a decade ago, is that the drivers who do the work and pay the bills for the medallion owners are often caught in a terrible squeeze even without Uber’s competition. It would be interesting for some enterprising journalist to research who the medallion owners are and how they are treating their drivers in the face of the loss of medallions’ value. NYC is rife with shady characters wherever there is big money to be made, and for a long time medallions were like LA real estate: the prices only moved in one direction - up. Now that they have lost value, the pressure on drivers to make more for the owners and keep less for themselves may be too intense.
  24. A very helpful thread. Especially helpful is @Monarchy79’s comment about the odoriferous realities of everyday life. Sometimes there just is no way to be squeaky clean by the time you arrive. In which case a shower is just the trick. A suggestion to providers: A designer bathroom with clean towels, good quality toiletries and no evidence of your personal life is ideal but not always possible. But everyone can achieve neatness and cleanliness. Fresh washcloth and towels, good soap and shampoo, sparkling clean shower and personal stuff carefully stowed away are within reach of everyone’s grasp, as it were. And they speak welcome to your client.
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