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Everything posted by BgMstr4u

  1. So many SC guys on my would-be escort wish list. From days of old: Jamie, that impish power bottom. And two-video Dan, who disappeared, went straight and was never heard from again. But his solo and photo set were the best ever. I suppose they’re both sagging gracefully into middle age now.
  2. Are 28% of young male adults still living at home? There’s your answer. What horny young guy wants to parade the fancy of the moment in front of dad and mom in their barcaloungers watching Americ’a’s Got Talent on the way to the bedroom that still features a single bed and your junior high school era decor. Maybe even your Batman sheets.
  3. Thanks for the quote. I deleted the post a while back because, on reflection, I thought it was too snarky. An unsuccessful and possibly mean attempt at humor.
  4. BgMstr4u

    Young n Hung

    Excuse my ignorance, but what is a pocket gay?
  5. Not to deflect this thread, but how does it work being an openly gay escort in a Muslim country, even one as seemingly liberal as Dubai?
  6. Unfortunately, you have to pay, and the rates start at extortion and move on up from there.
  7. I’m resurrecting this thread because I recently watched a number of Tommy Regan’s video clips on OnlyDudes and fell in love with his look, his smile, his eagerness and beautiful body. Also because in poking around online for more information, like whether he had quit porn and escorting or was still active, I ran across a site called rawconfessions.com with a thread on him in which several posters state that he is dead: https://www.rawconfessions.com/confession/show/tommy-regan-gay-porn-hustler- I sincerely hope this is not true. Even if he has problems, which is far from rare in this line of work, I pray he is dealing with them and still trying to use his unique gifts to bring beauty into the world.
  8. The thought going through my head reading this is, This is what it must be like for many women a lot of the time: To be the object of someone else’s desire. The guy could have been anything, from a shy sort working up the courage to tell you something from the depths of his heart to a serial killer stalking his prey and everything in between. It doesn’t matter. What matters is your response. You were made uncomfortable, you did not want that attention, and you got out of it safely. Except something in you was violated. It’s nice to be thought good looking, but the weird factor in this seemed too great. It’s as though you exist to please him, not as a person but as a projection of his desire. There are structured situations where openly articulating attraction is acceptable, within the conventions of that kind of situation, which is what ice cream socials are for, not to mention more explicitly sexual gatherings. But everybody there has signed on to flirt appropriately. You were right to follow your feeling, for no other reason than you have a right to own the integrity of your own response.
  9. I love phone sex, the free kind, when I can find it. I am 100% certain that there is exactly zero correlation between a great voice and imagination and an actual physical body. Phone sex in that sense is a little bit like Lake Wobegon, where all the children are above average.
  10. You can check it all out in their website: TheAdonisLounge.com. It also should have instructions to join their email list, which is how you get invites and addresses for the all-nude parties. The talent is nude, not the clients, thank god. Generally there is a door charge for the regular, public events, not sure how much but not more than $20. The entry fee for the parties is usually $50. The interactions are usually $20 per song. If memory serves.
  11. Adonis is a male strip operation that is held in various locations in NYC and LA. It features mostly bodybuilder types. It comes in the vanilla version - some guys dancing in jocks of various kinds while others solicit companionship for $20/song, and the all nude version, without the dancing but with the same intentional interactions with the clientele. The first type is openly advertised, the second is by invitation to those on their email list.
  12. To me the most exciting part of escorting was the interview - the actual physical interaction with a lad who wanted me to want him. That is largely gone now - the lineup along the wall at Rounds, the discreet conversation at Numbers, the fleeting moment of thrill in the side room at the Gaiety. Places gone but not forgotten. That’s the attraction for me of Adonis and Villa Gianni.
  13. There was a time in LA when you could drive down Santa Monica and feast your eyes on the trade, many of whom were simply stunning, then turn up Laurel Canyon, park in the back and take the staircase down into Numbers, chat up Joe or one of the other great bartenders, catch up on the gossip with or about the management. The clients were often brilliant (on one memorable occasion Ashkenazy was there, to mention just one real star in the firmament) and the boys were ... also brilliant. God I loved it then.
  14. Mike Grey. Golly - what happy memories! I wonder whatever happened to him.
  15. What a shame that our famously inefficient immigration system seems to have found a rare moment of effectiveness with GC. Without doubt he is one of the chief ornaments of his trade, sweet, smart and sexy and now apparently unavailable over here. A most excellent reason to visit London again!
  16. Gabriel Cross! Wow! Is he as nice in person as he seems to be in his public presentation? You are welcome to private message me if you would prefer.
  17. That’s strange. When I follow your link, it isn’t there, but when I follow my own likes from it, or use the search function, it comes up, sometimes after I accept the content warning.
  18. There’s one still up called Jinxedrifter. Beautiful, fully naked guys, some hard. But they seem like art shots - no touching or masturbation, I think, and they seem always to be solo.
  19. Wow. Beautiful! Chains and sword/shield.... inviting fantasies?
  20. Cute guy. Every picture except his dick he’s looking into his phone, which is in his left hand. His dick is in his right, so maybe the phone’s in the left in that one too. I wonder if you pay extra for him to put it down.
  21. Thanks, @Wolfer, for sharing your story. I love hearing about experiences like this because they are real. I’ve certainly made my share of wrong turns down the lane, survived, and later on was glad to have had the experience. I don’t mind being a foolish old man sometimes. Not that you are or were, but it can happen to all of us. I find joy in being stirred by beauty and am glad when my energy starts flowing, even if I know it flows mostly downhill. So what if we’re drawn like moths to the flame. Most of the rest of my life is so “sensible shoes” that I’m glad to kick up the heels every once in a while. That’s what growing up is for. So I let my heart flutter and my eyes open a bit wider and my smile grow a bit bigger and let myself be charmed into something a little bit foolish. And if he’s more than that and worth the effort, god be praised. I haven’t found that one in the course of this hobby yet. Lots of fun guys, but not yet The One. But there’s always the hope, and meanwhile a bit of fun. And when needed, the diagnostic and strategic skills honed over a complex lifetime to extricate myself when appropriate. Which you demonstrated so well in your story! Thanks!
  22. There seems to be something of a before and after tattoo effect in the pictures. Unfortunately for him, I prefer the before version. Picture #1 with the harness is really cute. The surly look with reflective sunglasses in #4 not so much.
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