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Posts posted by BgMstr4u

  1. A true original.


    Pahrump is one of the strangest places in America. Unfortunately now being tamed by the golf course condo people, who in their own ways are as worthy of study as the UFOs so beloved to Art Bell and his following. They just look normal.


    By those of us who treasure weirdness, he will be missed.

  2. Every year I want to go and every year I can’t. So I content myself with sampling the properties on Zillow, picking out fun ones to give a private event for what is surely is the best party going anywhere. Just in case I win the lottery. My current favorite:



    Big enough to hold you all, but not so big that we miss the Best Bits, with lots of nooks and crannies for Fun Moments to be interrupted.... just Vegas enough for cracks about poor taste but not so ... (choose your favorite adjective: ———-) that we actually feel oppressed. [i especially like the Morrish Style of the P.S. place.]


    For over the top Vegas style this takes the cake. I’m not sure the codes allow this taste within the city limits of P.S. But what fun for a big party!




    But then to wow you all in the best ersatz Midcentury Modern style... no nooks and crannies:



    I really do wish I could, to reward all of you for the great site you have helped create here. Have a wonderful time!

  3. There used to be a phone sex service called the Dungeon which had a free line. I loved that service, called it for years, and had wonderful ongoing fantasy conversations with a number of guys. A while back the format of the line changed — no longer free, and seemed to have gone straight. So I stopped and terminated the phone I was using. Sometimes there would be a call directly to me to continue off the line. I thought I had lost the calling information but recently took a look at that phone and saw that the call information was still available on the chip even though the number is no longer active and not available anymore. So now I wonder.....


    Would it be a good idea to try to reach some of those guys again? All I have is a name — likely a nom de porn, as mine was — and a number. Call and leave a nonspecific (nothing overtly sexual in it) message with my new number? Text a nonspecific message and see if they call back? Or just forget it?


    I miss those chats. They were fun. I assume that the other guys’ lives have moved on, as mine has as well. But it would be fun to get back into it again if possible.


    Any advice? Private Message is ok. Thanks.

  4. On the whole I turn off to tattoos. There are some that actually look good, but not many, at least not to me. But the thing that turns me off isn’t just the esthetics. It is that the tattoo is a statement and having a permanent statement puts limits on imaginative play. I like escorts who can play along with my scenarios, and unless they are physically a canvas I can project my desires onto, the fun is diminished for me. I certainly respect self-expression, but what I am engaging an escort for is a kind of theatre. Tattoos limit the escort’s role-filling abilities to the extent that the tattoo is a counter image.

  5. Me as well. I have one of those LG thingies that slides open to reveal a mini keyboard. After 4 1/2 years with it I am gradually learning how to text. So far I can confidently answer a text, but haven’t quite gotten there yet with sending. On the other hand, I have an ipad mini and LOVE it. It does pretty much everything a smart(er) phone would do except it needs wifi. My secretary is always on me to get a smart phone, and I am strangely resistant.

  6. I visited BA 10+ years ago and loved it. Would love to return. One thing hasn’t changed: the Argentine economy is fairly volatile. The peso has been on a steady decline in value for the past 4 or 5 years. Five years ago the exchange rate was just under 5 pesos to the US dollar, and now it is just under 20. But the inflation rates are high and fluctuate. So there can be uncertainty about prices even on a short term basis.


    Do you have any hotel recommendations?

  7. I agree with bnt. SC has changed, and not for the better. Hard to put my finger on it (as it were) but the guys seem, on the whole, a little coarser. More mustaches and beards, more tattoos. There was a sort of innocent thing going in the former SC, even when the acts themselves were pretty comprehensive. Good clean fun with good clean boys. That sort of thing. Now maybe not quite so much.


    I credit Sean with building something wonderful. I loved it when he was in his prime. In my imagination he now has a big, beautiful and very private house and infinity pool where he entertains his guys (and maybe some of us) in style, and they repay him with clean, sweet, fascinatingly beautiful, gorgeous sex. He definitely earned it. Even the elusive Dan will have returned, to honor the man who created with him the most beautiful set of stills ever taken. We can dream!

  8. I love Jamie. He is perhaps the cutest, most positive and energetic model I have seen.



    And then there’s Dan, whose solo shots were, IMHO, perfection. There’s just something about him that draws me back again and again. He is only featured in one interactive shoot, which was not a success, and I believe he left the business altogether. A great loss.


  9. Thank you, Honcho, for your kind comment. Another reaction. It has been so strange to be on the receiving end of so much kindness and generosity. I like being generous to others but have not much been needy, at least in the sense of not being in control. It is wonderful and humbling at the same time.

  10. Along with so many others, I have been evacuated by the Thomas Fire near Santa Barbara. Fortunately my place is still intact, though I can’t go back quite yet. But other friends and friends of friends have not fared so well. I have been staying with a lovely lady whom I did not know well but who will become a friend for life.


    The strange part of it is being safe and comfortable, thank God, but weirdly disconnected from so much of my life.

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