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Everything posted by honcho

  1. I especially like 41; 33 and 34 are the stuff (certain kinds of) dreams are made of. Are the Rockland brothers depicted in 40? (Even though me thinks 41 may have a bit of photoshopping going on due the great simliarity of an arm tat visible on two of the guys, I'd still be glad to have a large print of that in a hallway !)
  2. What does a 400 pound canary say? (Now recite in your deepest, slowest most menacing basso profundo ...: ) Here, kitty, kitty, ........... HERE ................ kitty .....
  3. There are definitely things I would do before setting them free and I would crave their revenge. However, curmudgeon that I am, I feel obliged to point out that the man in the middle (which by the way a technical term for a kind of computer-security attack) is merely a tree-hugger, and not bound. I would fain substitute for the tree in a heartbeat!
  4. OMFG, 31+32 ... pass me the vapours, Mike
  5. I'm almost certain that Deron lived in SF at one point and worked out at the same gym I did. (Muscle system on market at the time). If so, I can attest to the super nice guy part . Might even call him a total sweetheart.
  6. The lumber jack beard is a "I'm heading in the other direction fast". Clean shaven is "If he hit on me, I'd play". Everything else is HOT.
  7. That wouldn't matter at all to some of us
  8. No info, but to save folks a few seconds of searching this URL seems to work: http://rentmen.com/ChaseAnderson
  9. The very first time I hired an escort (likely around 1977), the guy was a gymnast attending SF State U. I asked him to do some floor exercises for me while naked; he graciously complied. I've had a very long time interest in this subject!
  10. There are many photos of hot men and the guy in leather really makes me crave him hurting me in some tender and private places, but there is something just amazingly sensual and captivating in #20. Wow!!!!
  11. This is assuredly TMI but ... My most recent colonscopy affirmed what had been true 3 years previous - I do have an internal hemorrhoid, but I also eat a high fiber diet. My uncle, a bassoonist and M.D, in defending me against my mothers concerns about playing oboe aggravating lung issues said that the only occupation hazzard that he know of oboists to subject was hemorrhoids. (This conversation happened about 40 years ago).
  12. Er, the way I would phrase it is "You don't have to pay anything to become a subscriber", and I didn't and don't. That being said, you get additional privileges if you do pay, and it seems like an operation worth supporting. My disposable $$ are literally being eaten up by an indigent close blood relative these days.
  13. You definitely should visit silverdaddies.com and/or daddydater.com . I'm sure you would get hit on *a lot*.
  14. The link works, but you have to be logged into planetromeo in another window in the same browser first.
  15. We're getting *WAY* off topic here, and maybe you've never listened to the station, but KDFC *would* have disappeared if it had continued trying to be a commercial radio station. The radio frequency was sold to a more commercially viable format entity, and the staff would have been disbanded had it not been for KUSC who stepped in to keep the crew together, and bought the radio station of the local catholic university for *its* frequency. (KUSC is the radio station of the University of Southern California - which is located in los angeles and is a private university not part of the University of California system) The staff of KUSF was not told anything about it in advance, and was dismissed, including it's Chief Engineer. KUSC has been skirting what public radio stations were supposed to do. We hear "additional sponsorship provide by X, makers of Y", which is suspiciously close to a commerical advertisment, but apparently far enough away to keep the legal beagles at bay. You can buy recordings through its web site, and the profits do, in part, support both KUSC and KDFC.
  16. For me , I can't do classical music as background music ... I get too involved following every nuance. If I'm listening to it, I'm pay full attention, except when driving. My car radio is practically nailed to KDFC, which I'm gessing Rudynate is familiar with.
  17. I also knew one real model. He didn't have a killer body, or an impossibly handsome face, but was also very good-looking and athletic and apparently looked really, really, REALLY good in expensive suits for the top european designers. He told me a dropped out of that line of work and became an office manager for a legal firm in SF, because being a model was too nerve-wracking for him - always being nervous about other guys being more handsome, better built , etc ... He was a totally sweet, down-to-earth guy-next door. Sadly, I think the plague claimed him in the early 90's.
  18. Again, I can't bring myself to "Like" the content of Galahad's post, but it's the best interest of society that we be reminded of such things.
  19. The director of the wind ensemble at a local university was born in Germany, but received a DMA here in the US and it quite fluent and literate in English. Nonetheless, when he went around counting people for pairing students in a class he did so under his breath in German. (which caused one of the students to giggle, and visibly annoyed him, but he never said anything; he was much too polite). I speak french well enough to almost understand a television news broadcast; certainly well enough to get through a music rehearsal, but absolutely not well enough to eavesdrop on the subway ... I speak German barely well enough to ask directions in a train station (also having studied it for two years in high school and a year in college).
  20. Now where's that unlike-but-genuine-thanks-for-letting-us-know button?
  21. Uh, wasn't there a posting here about about a Lecturer at a distinguished UK university (with a Ph. D. in Mathematics) having a side career as to top flight fashion model? There was a music professor a local state university who was handsome and trim enough to be a model, and did belong to Mensa.
  22. "My object, all sublime, I shall achieve, - in time - to make the punishment fit the crime, the punishment fit the crime". W. S. Gilbert, c. 1885
  23. Starting a somewhat off-top rant, I would like to respond to: This is not quite accurate and misleading. In the interest of full disclosure, I recently (ostensibly) retired from a large public university on the west coast, and have contributed to open-source software, and believe in it as much as any religion Firefox is an open source project of the non-profit Mozilla *Foundation*. There are some legal and fund raising issues that make it helpful for the non-profit Mozilla *Foundation* to have a for-profit corporation as a subsidiary. Almost all of Firefox was written by volunteer, un-paid labor. Use of the video player is contributed by Cisco (written by them, and the patent licensing fees for Firefox's use are paid for by Cisco). Wikipaedia has a nice articles on The Mozilla Foundation, The Mozilla Corporation, and the original Mozilla project. In the interest of fairness, Wikipaedia states that much of the source code has for Chrome has been released as publically available, but a fair chunk of it was written by paid employees of Google. (Some of my best friends work for Google; I have no axe to grind with them. The Executive Chairman attended the public university for which I used to work, and I knew him when he was a graduate student).
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