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Everything posted by honcho

  1. I can't bring myself to "Like" what happened, but I thank you for sharing it with us.
  2. The receiver in 378 and 381 reminds me of Mike Gaite . . .
  3. If this guy were amenable to bribes it would be totally, and devastatingly ruinous to my wallet ... he is SO my type....
  4. I have a one syllable name, which I've disclosed before to be Keith. My father, had no way to shorten it, so the familiar term of endearment was "Keithey-Weethy". (ugh). My mother was named Theodora Roberta. (I think it's pretty clear my grandparents were hoping for a son as their eldest child). When she was in school the other kids used to sing the Torreador song from Carmen to her with changed lyrics: O Theodora, Don't spit on the Floor-a , use the cuspidora, that's what is for-a. As soon as she was legally old enough to do so, she dropped her first name, and went by Bobbie to her friends. But Roberta is what was on her driver's license.
  5. How truly *awful*. I'm grateful that you brought that insight to the discussion, but there's no way in hell that I can "like" that such things happen, nor make jokes about it.
  6. I did live in the country for a year, and would fool nobody about my american origins, but here's what I think they would do: They would likely drop the H. The "in" would sorta come out like after the p in pan, except they won't raise the tongue to close off the sound. - it's called a nasal vowel - you're breathing through your nose and resonating as you say the vowel a little bit - and they would join the "s" for the c to the l - a(n) - slow To go really off topic, the other nasalized vowels would be o in the word "on" (like own - but don't close off the n) (on ne sais jamais - one never knows) the u in "un" (un autre livre - another book) the e in "en" (en bateau - on a boat, and pronounced a bit like english "on" again without raising your tongue) and the u in "une" which you'd have to hear -it's a you-ee dipthong that's been nasalized. Around Paris, they mostly pronounce the "un" like "in", and when I carefully tried to make the distinction somebody said "Tu parles comme un vieux de Montmartre" - You talk like an old fart from the snobby north part of Paris (even though I was 24 years old at the time).
  7. I did live in the country for a year, and would fool nobody about my american origins, but here's what I think they would do: They would likely drop the H. The "in" would sorta come out like after the p in pan, except they won't raise the tongue to close off the sound. - it's called a nasal vowel - you're breathing through your nose and resonating as you say the vowel a little bit - and they would join the "s" for the c to the l - a(n) - slow To go really off topic, the other nasalized vowels would be o in the word "on" (like own - but don't close off the n) (on ne sais jamais - one never knows) the u in "un" (un autre livre - another book) the e in "en" (en bateau - on a boat, and pronounced a bit like english "on" again without raising your tongue) and the u in "une" which you'd have to hear -it's a you-ee dipthong that's been nasalized. Around Paris, they mostly pronounce the "un" like "in", and when I carefully tried to make the distinction somebody said "Tu parles comme un vieux de Montmartre" - You talk like an old fart from the snobby north part of Paris (even though I was 24 years old at the time).
  8. The little man is leaping out of his chair for this one!
  9. Uh, hot as f, but possibly better posted in the Ass Revolution thread? One might argue that it isn't completely consonant with the concept of a *quiet* day at home ...
  10. NASA Announces Selection Of Two Hot, Ripped Astronauts For Man-On-Man Mission To Mars http://images2.onionstatic.com/onion/5788/9/16x9/1600.jpg http://www.theonion.com/article/nasa-announces-selection-two-hot-ripped-astronauts-56505 HOUSTON—After an exhaustive 18-month evaluation process in which an applicant pool of hundreds was narrowed down to the two very buffest candidates, NASA announced Friday that it had chosen a pair of hot, ripped astronauts to take part in the first-ever man-on-man mission to Mars. Shirtless and oiled-up for their appearance before the press, former Air Force captain Stephen Dunhill and Malibu, CA lifeguard Blake Brawner were introduced by officials who said the two tanned studs had completed an Astronaut Corps training program that pushed them to their mental, physical, and carnal limits. NASA confirmed that the two mouthwatering male specimens possessed both the courage and the raw, insatiable lust needed to complete the landmark mission . . . .
  11. Also long as we're playing "If wishes were horses", and imagining icons for "likes" - The theatre and movie reviews in the San Francisco Chronicle uses small pictures of little guy in a chair, asleep, paying attention , or jumping out of it wildly applauding. I'd sure like to have had the little man jumping out of his chair for more than a couple of WilliamM's contributions here - some examples:
  12. I'm sure my esteemed and learned colleague from the other side of the pond knows that they are mobile phones employing cellular technology instead of satellite transport. Even a vendor of such devices, headquartered a mere 55 miles away from my residence categorises [sic] telephone numbers as "home" or "mobile" (or <tradename>).
  13. Stunning; just Stunning ... f'ing frantic to suffer for him.
  14. Yup, has my endorphins raging in anticipation of some fine suffering ... I wonder if it the picture was mirror imaged - seems like the armband should be on the left. Thank you again, SIR!
  15. < Sheer masochistic fervor > Can you imagine these guys with a beard, in a harness and chaps? < / Sheer masochistic fervor >
  16. Perfection .... f u c k i n g ... h u r t ... m e
  17. Another imminent danger to my wallet; to use a very un-pc term: melt-in-your-mouth-cute-in-a-masculine-way
  18. This one also belongs in @whipped guy 's Hotwired thread
  19. Eaxmple of guys I would break the bank for ...
  20. I wonder what unicorn would have thought ... jet black hair & blue eyes, although not quite as young or lean as the magical one's usual tastes ... If the fellow had passed me on the street, say even a couple of weeks apart, secondly as the top pic following the second (it is after all easier to shave than to grow a mustache in that short a time) I would not have recognized him as the same person, though would have undoubtedly done a double take on both occasions ... Color me "WOOF".
  21. These guys are hot enough to make me want to go hurt myself ...
  22. I suspect that the lack of evidence of a companion is simply him being too busy to be involved in a serious relationship of any kind. He gave a TED talk in which he said he was actively engaged puruing his academic interests; that alone could eat up all the hours of the day, and then to also work out and going on modeling gigs hardly leaves time to sleep. Here's what I could dig up in the way of academic papers (I don't feel at all guilty about this; for my day job when non US nationals apply to use a university supported research facility, we routinely search for publications to vet that they are who they say they are and appear to have the appropriate background to make use of it): "An inverse design methodology for long last-stage steam turbine blades" http://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/1508258/ Full text here: http://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/1508258/1/Boselli_thesisFINAL.pdf (especially for @AdamSmith ) (he also has a profile on researchgate.net with a facial picture that matches).
  23. Damn ... that dude makes me hungry to suffer ...
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