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Everything posted by RandyVue

  1. Is there any boy you haven’t hired???
  2. She was the personification and embodiment of class, dignity, and excellence. I just love her. In my mind she was going to live forever, and with all of the incredible performances she’s gifted us with, and people she inspired, she absolutely does live forever.
  3. For those of you who live in or visit Palm Springs seasonally, do you still plan on going to PS? Is there going to be much of a season this Spring?
  4. Who would be your celebrity dream client?
  5. https://pin.it/V0d6egB Kristoff St. John has transitioned to the afterlife (may he rest in peace), but he is the only soap star That i have had a thing for. Had a crush the minute I saw him...a beautiful man. *I dont know how to upload the photos yet but i included a link.
  6. What is something that surprised you when you got into the business?
  7. I don't know who brainwashed you into thinking 35 is old, but you are wrong. 35 is still very young in terms of years. You're an adult, but a young adult. Scientists have literally studied the brains of human beings and determined that we aren't fully adults until we hit our 30's, though some physically age faster than others due to many factors https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-47622059 The first thing we say when someone dies in their 50's is that "they were so young when they died," but some people pretend like it's old when that person is alive...it's very, very strange. I don't think people should pay attention to the number anyway because it is something created by man that was actually rooted in paganism...and its just a number system that has no real meaning other than it marking an anniversary of your birth, but every day is literally an anniversary of your birth so you don't need to wait 365 days to acknowledge or celebrate it and I think it's strange that so many people do...but that's a whole other discussion. With all of that being said, I think you are only as old as you look, think, and feel.
  8. If your client asked you what you wanted for Christmas, what would that be?
  9. I wish you guys could still advertise on Craigslist. Im surprised another site hasn’t come along to fill the void.
  10. For the providers and masseurs who are on hiatus during these lockdowns, what have you been doing with the time that you have in lieu of doing business?
  11. As Kaboom35 said, the providers who don’t love it and are just doing it as a means to an end are not going to say that here on the forum because they won’t want to alienate clients. Only providers who love it are likely to respond to this one.
  12. Do you have a preference between the two?
  13. It’s likely because it doesn’t do anything for him and the sensation may even feel uncomfortable for him. Im the same. It does nothing for me to have my pecs licked, but i like sucking on some muscle pecs if the guy is into it.
  14. I really find it annoying when people compare someone not being turned on by someone who is overweight, to having racial prejudices. Example: A friend of mine is Indian. He is ambiguous looking and could be greek or Italian. He is hit on by a guy on Grindr who wants to hook up with him. My friend tells the guy that he is Indian, and the guy then looses interest. So he found my friend hot when he thought he was greek, but when he learned he’s Indian, he is no longer interested. That is racism and prejudice. That is NOT THE SAME THING AS SOMEONE NOT BEING TURNED ON BY SOMEONE WHO IS OVERWEIGHT SO KNOCK IT OFF ALREADY.
  15. Trust your instincts Allow people to help you Invest as early as you can
  16. I said in my answer that I personally dealt with a lunatic and gave examples. I shouldn’t need to go into detail about how bad it was and everything that took place. Id rather not relive it by going into detail. Others who read it seem to be able to put 2 and 2 together to make 4. If you can’t, then you have bigger problems, and details wouldnt have helped you understand anyway.??‍♂️
  17. It’s not as much about fear as it is about being careful. Fear isn’t the point. When I was a provider I gave out my real name to a couple of guys who needed it for the purposes of purchasing plane tickets and what not, which makes sense. But it is entirely different for a provider to feel comfortable giving their real name or sharing any other info about their lives to a client, versus a client going behind the provider’s back to find out their real name, social media accounts etc. Why do they use different names? For the same reason some clients do: to protect their privacy and information. There are crazy people out there. People who will use your real name to then find out where you go to school, where you work, where you spend your free time, blackmail you, harrass/stalk you etc. What could go wrong? Speaking from experience of dealing with a lunatic client, LOTS can go wrong. So it should be the provider’s decision whether he feels comfortable disclosing what his real name is to a particular client. If you don’t understand that then I don’t know what else to tell you.
  18. I would not assume that if I were you. Unless he uses his personal social media accounts to promote his business, he may want to keep his work life separate. Some have work social media accounts under their alias, and personal social media accounts under their real name. If the social media accounts are under his real name, he may not want you following them. These are called boundaries. It is not difficult to not be creepy or obsessive. Imagine if providers started being nosy and snooping for the real names of clients and their social media accounts and other info. This is called cyber stalking by the way....Providers deserve the same respect and privacy that clients deserve. I don’t mean to sound indelicate but this should be very easy to understand.
  19. Former provider here...i had one client tell me that he had found out my real name by researching. It creeped me out and with a few choice words, I threw him out of the apartment that I had at the time. That was the end of that. If he wanted you to know his real name, he would tell you voluntarily.
  20. Palm Springs has a few advertising but Im bot drawn to any of them so Im bringing a masseur with me?
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