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Everything posted by Tygerscent

  1. Nom nom… That beefy hairy hole is at least two meals for me… I’d have that hole and go back for more later~
  2. I love the hysterical ones the best~ Some part of sex is funny as well as fun~
  3. Fung Wa Bus, (5+ hour drive): I’d arrived early. First in line. It was winter and getting dark fast in China town. Got on the bus and sat in the isle seat putting my jacket in the window seat to dissuade anyone from taking it should the bus be otherwise unoccupied. I wanted some uninterrupted nap time~ Just before pushing off, this disorganized early 20’s lad struggles onto the bus~ Too many bags and out of breath he stops at my seat~ He was wearing tan pants that hung around his slender legs. He was tall and his cuffs slagged over his shoe tops~ “don’t say it… please, don’t say it”: was my silent thought~ I pretended to be asleep but, he stood there until finally the words fell out of his mouth: “Can I sit here~?”~ I peeked up, my sleepy blue eyes exchanging an annoyed glance into his brown impatient eyes~ His eyelashes were so long they touched the inside of his crooked wire frame glasses~ “You have to take the window seat” I grumbled hoping he didn’t have a weak bladder~ He reached over me and began cramming his bags into the foot well and under the seat ahead~ His cap fell off of his curly hair and into my lap~ I looked up at him somewhat disgusted~ He grabbed the hat and then apologized~ I didn’t accept the apology and it was obvious~ wondering in disbelief: did he “really” just grab his hat from my lap~? Another single thought: “Boundaries”~ Becoming confused with his many bags. I interjected: “ why don’t we arrange your bags above where there’s space so that you have some legroom and we’re not stepping on your belongings”. I offered this not because I was trying to be nice but, rather I was slightly annoyed by the commotion and wanted to resume napping~ So… “together” we sorted out what he needed near him on the trip and positioned the rest of his household in the overhead storage~ The bus began shaking and the air brakes hissed as the bus door closed and we rolled away from the curb~ Getting comfortable again, I decided the inner arm rest would be mine but, his constant fidgeting led to his elbow knocking into my funny bone… That’s never fun at the time~ Refusing to relinquish my claim on the armrest, he nuzzled his arm against mine~ I was now offended as well as annoyed and briefly contemplated the worth of the $5 ticket~ Was this a bad choice~? His sprawling slender legs assured me of the accuracy of my fears~ I spread my knees apart to designate the leg boundaries… The Cold War begins~ Some miles into our journey, his arm awkwardly comes to rest along mine, as well his left leg against my right~ It feels invasive and the gentle but, the constant pressure of his limbs on me takes on a new level of agitation as the bus makes its way thru the urban obstacle course of city street pot holes and sudden braking~ This guy is obsessed with his bags… Endless searching results in a sack. He digs in, removing another. The Paper bag comes to settle on my leg as he clumsily pulls out some flaky, buttery scooby snack~ The oil stains in the paper make me think “Day old”… privately to myself: “please get this off my pants”. “That’s enough…”: echoes my inner but, thundering thoughts. I can’t endure this the length of the trip~ He eats, tiny crumbs everywhere, repositioning his forearm against mine when finished~ With the slightest pressure, I push into his forearm… It’s enough to be noticeable~ There is no response. I advance with more pressure… There is still no reaction~ The tires roll, the engine hums, the bus bounces up and down~ The war is on and my thoughts drift back to territorial pissings on a school bus years ago~ “Let this not end with someone putting gum in someone’s hair”, I think as I apply even more pressure to his arm~ My efforts seem futile. So, I begin to attack from the south~ I spread my legs to maintain my position there~ This forces him to adjust himself in the chair… his knee coming to rest under mine… but, in addition, his pinky falls onto mine~ “What’s this~???” Eye lids shut, my inner consciousness is wide open and my new awareness burns thru the dark situation with X-ray vision~ Acutely, my focus becomes fixed not only on the shared pressure points but, his pinky~ I peek ever so slightly and see his slender finger resting upon mine. Darker skin, pink border around the cuticle, neatly groomed nails… his personal hygiene is as well thought out as his take over of the seat he occupies and mine~ Curiosity overcomes annoyance. It’s become a game of paper-scissors-rock~ My turn again: I push my little finger under his just a wee tad~ Gees that engine sounds loud suddenly but, the thin sheets of silence between us unfold one by one~ Paper covers rock~ The night has fallen and the game has changed but, uncertainty is in the air~ One… two… three~ He moves slightly and in this opportunity, I remove my arm from the rest, my pinky is free and for a split second there seems to be a relief but, in our mutual regrouping, I drop my arm down and it comes to against his leg, my pinky resting on top of his thigh~ Unintentionally profound at the moment~ It’s a tie~ Seconds roll by like boulders on the road… each time the bus hits one, there is the hand to leg reconnection~ His upper body leans into the window… The soft curls of his brown hair leave tracks in the condensation of his breath against the pane and with a slight twist of his shoulder, his legs moves into me… My hand unmistakably open-palmed, comes to rest on his thigh~ The hum of the engine and soft rocking of the bus disappears under my rapid heart beat~ It gives me a hard on~ The flags have moved and the front lines along with them~ A scrummage has taken form~ I advance my play… a single, gentle and nearly indistinct “petting” is returned by an equally gentle slide of his thigh under my fingertips~ A wetness forms in my briefs and I can feel it~ The liquid bollus collects into a tear that moves from behind my balls, up the length of my cock and ejects like a pellet thru the slit of my cherry head~ The movement of the bus amplifies it ten fold~ In nearly slow motion, my fingers embrace the muscles in his thigh… it’s an easy but confident “hug”… he lifts his leg into my advance~ For whatever reason, I’m still clinging to the tactic of pretending to be asleep~ Turning my head and peeking thru my eye lashes, I see the other patrons are sleeping, or perhaps pretending to be~ With courage and a deep sigh, I shift myself… my hand becomes familiar with his inner thigh~ The tension in my pants is excruciating~ In his “pretend” sleep, he extends his legs thru the crap he’s stored under the chair in front of him… we are back to pinky play and now there is the distinct roundness of his left nut under my finger tip… I’ve forgotten about gum and was thinking that this was not really like the school bus journeys of days gone by~ This continues on instead reminiscent of a miniature petting zoo where I start out with a baby piglet but, then ambitiously go on the hunt for a hungry giraffe~ What progressed over the miles earlier seemed to now be navigated my the sway of the bus… my hand spread out like an octopus over the entirety of his crotch~ Looking over toward him, those soft curls, long eyelashes… light brown skin, nostrils slightly flared… his lips were moist… they seemed barely to touch… I could see where he missed shaving~ Wondering where the limit might be, my fingers instinctively navigated to the button fastening his pants~ This motivated him to move completely~ The ball seemed to have been blocked from its goal and the game now over, but, he then reached down into one of the bags between his feet, rummaging around and finally pulling out a large coat, not for the winter chill but, the heat of the moment~ Carefully, he wrapped himself in the coat, draping an open end over my leg and arm~ Hidden under the muse of his creative mind, my hand traveled back across the hill of his thigh, along the inner curves of his leg, turning up the highway toward the highland where there seemed a park… opening the gate, I found a forest within. Aha~! I’d found the home of the giraffe~ The petting zoo was open and I’d found a friend~ I entered… His fur was wet and soft like a lamb… an innocent giraffe lamb~ “My” innocent giraffe lamb~ The neck of the beast was long, slender… firm and it bent outward~ So hungry it was that copious amounts of slippery dew spilt out lubricating my hand~ I could almost not help but to slide up and down his length~ His plump veins pulsed under my fingertips… the velvet curves of his flesh helmet filled in the gaps between my fingers~ His heat radiated through my hand… The window was dripping with condensation~ In an effort to be stealthy but, none the less full of intention, my fist throttled his caramel meat… Slow…. Steady… long stokes… his body involuntarily melting into my grip~ So wet… So warm~ The bus took a sudden turn off the highway… I felt the beast thicken in my hand… looking over, the blue of my eyes spilt into the brown of his… our glances met and in single second, I felt the tip of his cock split open under my finger tips… a flood of semen cascaded into my hand~ I felt the fabric of his pants get wet~ The moment over came me as did the tension under my buttoned pants… The bus hit a pot hole, my nipples brushed against my shirt… and holding the wetness of his cock, at that precise moment, I felt my face become flushed, my heart pound, my pupils dilate: Release~ The light switched on in the bus:”We’ve reached the rest stop and food oasis. Please be back on the bus in fifteen minutes”~ Our pants were visibly wet~ Stained~ The scent of semen in the air~ How could people not smell this I wondered~? “I think I will get a burger and use the bathroom”, he says in a shy but, friendly voice~ “Yes… of course~ Me as well”~ Jackets wrapped around our waists, we headed into the oasis~ Quiet conversation followed later on the bus: He is a young professional, engaged to be married~ Intelligent and full of ambition, his experience in life is only beginning~ This was his first encounter with another man~ We exchanged philosophy regarding human sexuality and private interests but no numbers~ The bus finally stopped, the door released its hydraulic pressure in a single, explosive burst… “Pshhhhhhhht~!” He walked out of the open door and into open arms, glasses still crooked, long eyelashes sweeping the inside of the lenses~ This boy and his many bags~ A Beautiful boy~ A magical moment~ I saved the five dollar ticket~
  4. It’s awkward when at a social event and there is a couple together, both who have hired you independent of their partner’s knowing~ Awkward, I tell you~ Suddenly it’s a white elephant party, a “quietly walk away” situation. People may interpret that as being dismissive or arrogant when you’re really just trying to protect your Client’s anonymity~ It’s just rude to be the person that walks into a party and shouts across the room: “Hey ‘chubby-cock4beef cakes’~! I haven’t seen you on rentmen lately, how’s that cancer coming along~? …and your wife’s Alzheimer’s~? Is your son still vacationing at Betty Ford’s or is he back on the streets again~? Still running for office~?”. 😳
  5. “Hi… I’d like you to meet my husbear~… Oh, do you know each other~?🤔”
  6. Very true about this being one of the lines of work that takes a special person to be a partner long term, whether that be love relationship life partner or friendship partner~
  7. There remains the potential discrimination of instant stigma when someone outs you like that rather than taking the time to know you~
  8. Yes… interesting topic~ When does someone “out” their self~?🤔 (…also for a different discussion some other time: being outed by someone else as a matter of character defamation and malicious intent/discrimination~). Even aside from dating, I’ve made it a policy when meeting new people or rekindling old friendships from the past to offer upfront a description of what I do for a living/profession/career… I don’t wear a tee shirts advertising any of that or introduce all that before mentioning my name but, when it’s feeling like some body wants to go to a deeper or ongoing level of knowing me beyond “I saw that movie too”, etc, I offer that information up~ it’s important information not only about me but, about the industry, both of which I represent~ Before anyone invests more of themselves on any level than they personally want to, I want there to be the opportunity for either one of us to step away from the developing relationship~ it’s not always the other person that chooses to step back, sometimes it’s been me~ I generally only interact with my Clients~ That’s my choice… It’s a good fit for me~ My Clients are my friends and family~ I’ve only tried dating a few times during my career… Twice was with Clients and once not a Client~ All three seemed to have had the issue of “whose more important, them or my appointments with other Clients~?”. Time and who it’s dedicated to was of importance~ I tend to develop long-term relationships with my Clients~ They are sincerely loving relationships… there is also a business component to it~ I don’t see them outside of appointments because that can become confusing as to what our relationship is all about~ So, I find it important, healthy and fair to keep the boundaries clear~ With both friendships and partner relationships, the common theme seems to be: “which do you value more: The relationship or Escorting?” The answer is: I value and need them both~ Part of that has to do with the following: Im going to be redundant here because it’s an important point: Escorting is who I’m am, much more so than what I do~ (Being an Escort/Male Geisha is “who” I am, not “what” I do). It’s who I am and because it’s who I am, that is my Identity~ That identity isn’t based solely on sexual intercourse with others… it’s much, much more~ I’m a medical advocate, tour guide, translator, personal advisor etc… The idea of someone asking me to choose between Escorting and “them” is going to always have the same answer~ Imagine someone asking you to choose between them and your being gay or being whatever gender you identify with~ For me, it’s not even a consideration to compromise who I am simply to satisfy the needs/casual liking of the other person who might like to be in a relationship with me to whatever degree. What is the quality of a relationship with somebody who likes/wants you for what/who they want you to be but, not who you are~? I can’t/won’t become someone other than who I am~ Like/love part (or all), of me but, as Popeye says: “I ams who I am and that’s all’s that I am”~ So, when I put that information out there, (allowing either one of us to step back from a developing relationship), I’m doing something out of respect for both of us. We can go deep, deep, deep or watch each other from a far… If the potential isn’t there at the moment, we still have the opportunity to develop something later because boundaries and life change with time~ We can invest the different aspects of ourselves in whatever type of relationship we develop in some way that is healthy… Healthy Compatible relationships are good~ Unhealthy compatible relationships perhaps not so much~
  9. He blocked your exit and insisted you stay against your will and then harassed you after the appointment with texts/emails~? 😳😳😳 No~! No~! …and NO~! You never want to be a baby sitter, feel unsafe, be unsafe, feel threatened or bullied/harassed/stalked… Generally a good idea to stay in somewhat constant communication with your potential hire or Client before meeting and up to day of… if you start getting texts that are incoherent, unintelligible, feel threatening, text back explaining your confusion and discomfort and then use the block feature when appropriate~ Glad to hear that you were able to negotiate your way out but, so sad, (on so many levels), to hear stories like this~
  10. It’s only upsetting when they don’t turn the card the right way or insert because it’s a chip card…
  11. It’s rainy right now… so, I just follow the link and go to the nasa/space video~ Well… and go for a nice three hour midnight stroll in the woods~ Dark and quiet~ The coyote packs and great horned owls I’m familiar with here that normally are very vocal are completely silent this evening~
  12. Marriott can be this way: courtyard on one side of the road and the regular one across the street and connected by a sky bridge or tunnel~ The parking lot is central to both…
  13. It’s all good to swipe the card… my underwear say: Please swipe to enter~
  14. Oh ya… I just looked that up~ Interesting~ https://www.budgettravel.com/article/four-towns-that-have-their-own-currency_12433 Now I want to see how they deal with the exchange around tax time~ Is that considered “foreign income”~?
  15. Also important to note: the delta variant accounts for the majority of new infections around the world and throughout the states… Another variant is spreading thru the states and is on the watch list: AY.4.2~ It was recently found that: “… People infected with Delta carry around 1,200 times more virus in their noses compared with the original version of the coronavirus. The amount of virus in vaccinated individuals who become infected with Delta is on par with those who are unvaccinated, and both can transmit the virus to others…” (see below article). The benefit of the vaccinations being, less likelihood of serious to life threading illness development~ https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/963030?uac=222610PG&faf=1&sso=true&impID=3802382&src=mkm_covid_update_211116_MSCPEDIT
  16. 1:02 a.m. EST The Beaver Moon lunar eclipse will start at 1:02 a.m. EST (0602 GMT), and the moon will be 97% covered by Earth's shadow at its peak. The eclipse will end at 6:03 a.m. EST (1203 GMT).15 hours ago https://www.space.com › beaver-mo... Beaver Moon lunar eclipse 2021: Here's how to watch it online | Space
  17. The gift of a recent exchange of dialog between two thru Introspective and collaborative thinking~ 18/11/2021
  18. 1). God’s Own Country… Movie about a young man’s struggle coming to terms with his need for male intimacy thru a love based relationship~ Profound and familiar to those who have ever been faced with straight life expectations and discovered they needed something more~ Compelling. Thick Accents but, don’t let that stop you. Believable and shows the hero nature of a man becoming to himself~ 2). We The Animals: A coming of age story of three brothers growing up under the confusion of conflicted parents who have a turbulent and unresolved love relationship. The youngest of the three sorts thru the experiences in his world via illustrating a diary he hides under the bed~ In a sort of “rites of passage” adolescence, the youngest discovers his true nature and finds his own path towards becoming a young man~ Gay content. Real. Visceral. Intense. Magical. Heart warming. 3). Farewell My Concubine: Two Chinese Orphan boys find homes in a Chinese opera house. Each is cultured to play the lead roles in a traditional Chinese Opera depicting the forbidden love between the emperor and his beloved concubine whom he betrays in the end but, regrets eternally~ One is forced to play the male role of the Emperior while the other is forced to play the female concubine role~ The strict standards of the opera guild force not only perfection on the stage but, inevitably, the boys take on the roles in their real time lives~ They become the characters themselves flawlessly~ The movie takes you thru their journey from childhood to adulthood and thru the great revolution of Beijing~ Brilliantly scripted, edited and directed… Flawless acting~ Outstanding cinematography~ Lots of history~ Insightful, engaging and emotional~ In some ways it depicts a tragedy but, then again a victory of true love and dedication that is profound~ Mandarin and Cantonese w/ English subtitles. Depicts Historical events. Strong themes. Beyond gender bending: Gender roles redefined. Beautiful. Tragic. A cinemagraphic treasure~
  19. I have a nature fetish… It’s amazing to have somebody on the other end of you engaged in the most intimate of acts while you’re gazing into a beautiful sunset, azure blue waters, basking in a river, looking over a vast greenscape, swimming with colorful fish… the air entangling itself into your heated moments like a third partner… The heat of the sun or soft tickle of rain on your skin as another… an orgy of elements that peak together at climax~ Thunder, Lightening, Rainbows… Sunrise~
  20. I know… it’s humorous but, female courtesans agencies generally have this in m place as a protection for their courtesans and to reduce the number of stalkers and flakey Client requests~ It puts some accountability in place on the part of the Client~
  21. I’ve use Lyft and Uber and a few other ride services including several abroad. Nationally here in the states I prefer left. I’ve already been waiting for an Uber ride numerous times where they simply didn’t show up because they excepted another ride. The part that irritated me about that was they canceled after I’ve been standing out there and waiting for maybe 45 minutes an hour and a half. One time in San Francisco I had an Uber driver drive right up to me and as I was reaching for the doorhandle, he took off… I called and texted him to ask him what was going on. He told me to call for another ride because he excepted a better job for somebody going to the airport. I called the company and got that all resolved but, what would ever make me want to use that service again~? I have found Lyft drivers to be more friendly, I found them to be more on time, the rates are better and according to many other drivers that I talk to the company treats the drivers better. A lot of them work for both companies and so they have something to compare to~ Somewhere I had learned that Uber also had some sort of political agenda and public affiliation~ And depending on where you fall politically, that might influence so you might want to ride with
  22. I love to have goals and I’m now engaged in this new interests. Building a better world… It’s just time and necessary~ Take a peek below: https://www.seasteading.org/ in line with that are these new developments: (nautilus eco resort and various other eco resorts)~ seasteading is really the goal… 26D021FA-6B6A-4AED-A88C-69FC7955F4FD.webp
  23. Primo… A sultry 1970’s Italian Love song… and then this link to “The Rose Island” trailer: based on a true story about an engineer who built his own nation in international waters off of Remini, Italy~ https://youtu.be/qS2NtbEoIc8
  24. Are serious inquiry appointments secured by a non refundable deposit like women’s salons tend to do~?
  25. What is full body ending~?🤔😳
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