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Everything posted by wsc

  1. You pull this sheet in some places, and you might get the sheet knocked out of you.😉
  2. This is why they made the eyeroll emoji!😉 Well done!
  3. Do they make these for humans? I'm asking for a friend.
  4. wsc

    I love the view! Let me take a l-o-n-g look!
  5. I'm up -or down- for anything with these heavenly hunks. Smoldering!
  6. If you have your heart set on one of those listed above, you should first establish availability for your schedule. Of the four, only one (Jake Tyler) is currently in Vegas and I doubt there's a guarantee that that will hold true until after Thanksgiving. The other three are in Dallas, LA, and NYC at the moment. This makes it even more important that you contact your intended, not only about your particular want list, but also to nail down scheduling and availability. Otherwise, it will be catch as catch can when you get to Vegas - or elsewhere. Happy hunting and have a great time!
  7. Incoming!!! [I hope.] Is that regulation issue underwear? I didn't know A&F was a DOD supplier.
  8. I get more of a dark alley vibe, but thug is a good approximation. For me, he also has that lean and hungry look that so alarmed Caesar, as it does me as well.
  9. I agree with some that Unicorn could be abrasive when he wanted to be. As can we all, I imagine. But I think people are more interesting when they are themselves. And I regret that anyone was made to feel so unwelcomed to be himself that he preferred to leave. I will miss his voice in the fray and will hold to the hope that he will reconsider and come back to us. How boring our world would be if we were all the same.
  10. This is even more disturbing! Patterns, man, patterns!
  11. That's one of the prettiest animals I've ever seen. The dog's nice, too.
  12. There is a way out - To take up arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them? To die, to sleep ... and by a sleep to say we end the heartache and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep. To sleep? Perchance to dream? Ay, there's the rub; For in that sleep of death what dreams may come when we have shuffled off this mortal coil must give us pause ... thus conscience does make cowards of us all. [Hamlet, Act III, Scene 1]
  13. [Shamelessly repeated from my post in Halloween's Coming gallery:] A couple without costumes was trying to sneak into a costume-only Halloween party. The girl threw her hands around the boy's neck and just sort of hung down his back as they went up the steps. They were stopped by a doorman who told them of the costume requirement for entry to the party. "But we are wearing a costume," the boy protested, gesturing towards the girl. "We're dressed as a turtle; this is Michelle."
  14. I guess it's easy for him to know when he's put his best foot forward.
  15. A couple without costumes was trying to sneak into a costume-only Halloween party. The girl threw her hands around the boy's neck and just sort of hung down his back as they went up the steps. They were stopped by a doorman who told them of the costume requirement for entry to the party. "But we are wearing a costume," the boy protested, gesturing towards the girl. "We're dressed as a turtle; this is Michelle."
  16. I'm confused. I like the tail idea but don't see any strings or straps or belts to keep it in place, so I wonder what's ... OMG!
  17. He [the bishop] told churchgoers: "I apologize to everyone who is affected, sad or even upset by what has happened. There is no agreement with moral evil, and all those involved will be punished according to canon law, regardless of the verdict of a trial." Sounds Catholic.
  18. The adorable and ever-enticing Danny Bliss! Loved him in so many scenes, but especially in The Prettiest Face I Ever Came Across. (Great Title BTW)
  19. I always love the Arts District of the cities I visit.
  20. You break it, you buy it!
  21. Was this photo taken at a full moon? I'd have to floss after a session!
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