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Posts posted by orville

  1. One cannot get enough if you can get past the announcements in French at the beginning :)
    Also, the hunkiness of the Spanish guy seated at the piano is a sight for sore eyes!


    Seemed a great suggestion that a piano could be made available for public use in America. But, then, one is only too familiar with the lack of civic sense (not everyone, but a few spoil it for everyone) in a place like San Francisco or New York.

    I think my ears had an orgasm.

  2. One cannot get enough if you can get past the announcements in French at the beginning :)
    Also, the hunkiness of the Spanish guy seated at the piano is a sight for sore eyes!


    Seemed a great suggestion that a piano could be made available for public use in America. But, then, one is only too familiar with the lack of civic sense (not everyone, but a few spoil it for everyone) in a place like San Francisco or New York.

    I think my ears had an orgasm.

  3. watch from beginning to end......I always laugh at the staid Lucerne Festival audience's polite-but-reserved reaction to what is probably a perfect performance of this highly upbeat piece.....


    I insist. Too bad there is no love reaction to posts in this forum.

  4. watch from beginning to end......I always laugh at the staid Lucerne Festival audience's polite-but-reserved reaction to what is probably a perfect performance of this highly upbeat piece.....


    I insist. Too bad there is no love reaction to posts in this forum.

  5. Got me ... the research papers related to gratitude expressivity customs in Brazil and elsewhere do not exist, and I have never peer-review published on help-seeking dynamics.

    I am prepared to make generalizations about cross-national rates of rudeness and alpha fails, but it would not be particularly useful.

    Thanks for admitting there is no such study and you are prejudiced and making xenophobic, probably also racist, remarks. And be prepared to make not even a single generalization. You are not allowed to make any malicious remarks targeting any nationality here.

  6. 15K views and just 1 review in RM. He probably has enough income from another job or is not very successful with men as it doesn't seem he interacts much. I wonder if "30 MIN $100 ( Quick and to the point )" means he jerks you off. If not the case, it wouldn't be appealing for many.

  7. Just being pedantic here, apologies in advance: A proper study would do averages, not generalizations.


    Apologies accepted for being pedantic and not knowing that a proper study would include statistical averages as part of the results but also conclusions in form of statements that I purposely called "generalizations". But of course I do not expect any references to the nonexistent study.


    Averages in the number of instances of a particular behavior can be calculated.


    Yes, but the numbers themselves can't tell any story to the people not familiar with statistics or the field of study. That's why we have results interpretation to find the insights that would explain said behaviour.


    (For e.g. of the result of a study could be: in one country the phrase "You're welcome" is used on average 22 times per day as observed on a the group that is being studied, whereas "De nada" was used 8 times per day on average as observed on another group of a similar age and social status in another country).

    And when those averages are different from one country to another that is interesting to know, and it can, sometimes, explain misunderstandings between 2 nationals of different countries.


    I forgive you for completely missing the point about my expression "National Study that allows you to make generalizations about an entire country" because that would be complete non-sense. Brazil is a nation of 213 Million, just as big as the US, with massive economic and social inequalities across the entire population. Even if possible to be calculated, anyone saying that national averages could be used to describe every single element of a diverse universe of 213 million is just delusional.




    You can do cultural studies by just stating facts and reporting what you find. You don't have to make "generalizations".


    Yes, generalizations don't apply. And no, you can't do a cultural study by just reporting and stating facts. It's not Accounting, it's Human / Social Sciences (reference in my comment above).


    TO CLOSE: Insinuating ( as some have, at the beginning of this thread ) that all Brazilians have an ungrateful culture is misguided and falls into xenophobia and racism, so please stop it.

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