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Everything posted by Walt

  1. Hmmmm.....I think if we can all voice our wild and crazy evaluations and cancelings here based on hermenteutical interpretations of individual provider minutiae here on Company of Men, then it is perfectly OK for providers to have a place to let loose their heartfelt comments! 🙂
  2. Walt


    So you're suggest we attract expensive sex workers, and that they make more money than American citizens??? That really doesn't make sense, and definitely won't bring prices down.
  3. Walt


    Yes, I remember that too! But the bad part was that I'd have to walk 5 miles each way in a blizzard and then after coming back home and milking the cows I'd have to finish up the work that I'd left undone by the light of a kerosene lamp.
  4. Walt


    Ah, but not for those others who 1.) have decided $500 is within their budget and 2.) want to do their darnedest to avoid sloppy seconds. Variety is what makes the world go round!
  5. Walt


    Midwest sensibility. Midwest quality. Midwest intelligence. Midwest perspective. Totally Midwest.
  6. Walt


    Well. maybe thanks -- or not -- for revealing the truth or spreading false rumors perhaps, I guess!
  7. there are a few holes in your statement my friend. im sure you are quite the nice man. i wasnt talking about YOUR passion i was talking about the escort who sees multiple people per week that are not chosen by their own libido but by their needing to make rent. when you chose your sexual partner there is passion from the side of the person or persons doing the choosing. so yes you would more than likely have passion on your side but i hardly feel the escort has passionate urges unless they are physically or emotionally turned on by the hirer. as for them "rising to the occasion" thats functional/mechanical more so than passionate. ever hear of viagra? ive spoken to many many escorts over the years on a basic level and trust me almost all said the little blue pill they ate like candy when they were working. but we can agree to disagree. I was not speaking only about my own passion, but that I have met [empathetic, professional] providers who passion and making out matched mine 100% move by move! Passion is much, much more than just an erection, which seems to be how you are defining it. (Of course, many, many, many providers are indeed mechanical and don't rise to that level that personal empathetic level.)
  8. So completely incorrect. I am definitely not anyone's dream date nor am I the guy that any of the handsome providers I have met would automatically be "totally into" -- but I am indeed a passionate and nice guy, and I can assure you some providers definitely rise to the occasion for "passion and deep make out sessions." 😄
  9. LOL, yes, Just like elected officials, priests, and grade school teachers, personal trainers never do drugs. It's simply just too...too..."inconsistent." 😉
  10. Are you implying it's preferable for people to give up their youthful dreams and aspirations, commit to a single achievable goal early, and simply become a maintenance guy at the first possible opportunity? 😉
  11. There is a difference between: "He is a notorious cumdump that routinely gives it up for free. Look up his twitter." and "He is a will-known fun-loving bb bottom who is so hot and sex-positive that he often seems to be having amorous adventures with guys who aren't paying punters or Johns. He's definitely not just sitting around the iPhone waiting for bitter old name-calling queens to text! Look up his twitter." Tone and nuance. Not all "synonyms" mean exactly the same thing.
  12. Walt

    A New One

    LOL. Exactly! I wish there was an easy way to be able to re-edit almost everybody's posts to be more appropriately descriptive. Maybe in the next update, perhaps? 😉
  13. Sometime I forget to double check if says "EVERYWHERE" in the pull down menu right next to where one types the word(s) one is searching for.
  14. Excellent question! I am also wondering why the following post which is similar in some ways didn't include a similar volume of demands for the the original poster to name the perpetrator.
  15. @rustyrex I am sorry that this happened to you. You did nothing wrong; you did the best you could at that moment! Commonsense and trusting your gut are always a good route...but sometimes it doesn't happen. When it comes to physical safety, just get out of the there and hopefully into a more public space where there are others, if you can. Again, you did nothing wrong. At the moment, relax, do some deep breathing, and don't beat yourself up. Sometimes talking to others can help get the anxiety out of one's system. Sometimes people on here are a little more supportive. Do what you need to do to reach some internal personal comfort level and equilibrium -- and ignore everyone on here demanding you name the perpetrator. I have trouble understanding how some people here can be so egocentric and selfish as to think that you as a victim exist most importantly to protect them. Take care of yourself, do what you can do, and ignore people making demands of what you should do before you are ready, if it all.
  16. Walt

    A New One

    Give him your credit card and send him to Bergdorf Goodman. It worked for Richard Gere and Julia Roberts; they weren't exactly a social/style match at the beginning either, and now they are the stuff of legend. We are looking to you @NYguy to prove dreams can come true!
  17. Walt

    411 on The Last Viking

    Yes! The message is clear: It wasn't really "Design" at all -- let alone "Intelligent."
  18. Walt

    NYWhore in NYC

    LOL. Many of the users here on Company of Men would be extraordinary Talmudic scholars in another lifetime, who in the absence of any actual evidence tease out lengthy and detailed facts and "meaning" from a few words here and there or from their own interpretations of and commentary on the previous breadcrumbs left by other scholars immersed in the obsessive study of Company of Men.
  19. Sort of like Patty and Cathy Lane. Some people thought that "they're cousins --IDENTICAL cousins!" but others wondered why they always vacationed in the same city at the same time.
  20. My first thought when guys get a little older, grow a beard, put on a bit of muscle, and change their haircuts is that they are phony, so not sure what you mean?
  21. Oh, life is a glorious cycle of song, a medley of extemporanea, And love is a thing that can never go wrong, and I am Marie of Romania. --Dorothy Parker
  22. LOL, as if he popped out of the womb with that beautiful, uber-muscular, body. 😉 I think Sean Austin looks great, but I also realize that EVERYTHING about most of the guys we are all looking at is fake, fake, fake -- from the tips of their pedicured toes to their lovely teeth, from their chiseled bodies to their sun-kissed tans and smooth skin, from the way they smell to their names and stylized personas. Very, very, very few of them have that all natural look of our keto-ish hunter-gatherering forefathers.
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