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Everything posted by Walt

  1. Thanks...and that's exactly why I originally asked where is everyone finding their data! Where do you find the 5% number? On the U.S. Department of Labor "Inflation Calculator" it leads to the 18% from 1/2019 to 10/2022 shown above -- and then links to "How to Use the Consumer Price Index for Escalation" https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/statistics/inflation . Is the Department of Labor using the wrong figure--or are greedy companies just ignoring the facts?
  2. Where do people get their data? I use https://www.bls.gov/data/inflation_calculator.htm. It states 18%, but I'd be interested to know where other people get their updates to make sure there aren't "alternative truths."
  3. Walt


    Agree! That's a very good retort. Or the best of both worlds: When they reply: "One,"reply "omg." 😉
  4. Walt


    That's going to be my reply from now on. 😉
  5. If VictorXX had actually met him he would have encoded his post using the members' secret decoder ring, ergo he never met Dean. And everyone who hasn't met Dean has a secret handshake which kcx2 hasn't used...at least not yet. Although I have never said this before about QAnon, I am going with their official position concerning Dean and his supporters.
  6. ???Prescription meds for what? If someone is 21 and takes a "lot of" prescription meds because they are survivors of childhood cancer/organ transplant/HIVAIDS/congenital illnesses/etc. (and even for crippling anxiety), I say wow they're lucky to live in a time when their life can be extended and its quality improved through modern medicine. I know many people my age (and younger!) who were not supposed to live as long as they have so far. Not all prescription meds for younger people are for syndromes "as advertised on TV." I have also known "grandmas" and grandpas who could have benefited from more medication than they were taking due to a combination of poor communication of symptoms and possible treatment plans with physiscians who might not know about the latest treatments...but that's for another post.
  7. LOL. I spent a minute wondering what in the world is wrong with the word "errant"? Or maybe "Nathan"? Or is it the way the two words fit together and spelled something else unexpectedly? Or something else...? Only then I realized what you might be concerned with! 😉 So my answer is NO! From this queer to your ear: there is great power in reclaiming the words that others use to shame us!
  8. And when he logs onto Porhhub, he only reads the articles. 😉
  9. Or might have to do with that he saw the movie??? 😉
  10. Agreed!!! I was also contemplating Dean....but these exceedingly long posts filled with effusive and "ceaseless adulation" make me seriously wonder what's going on, and greatly lowering the potential I will contact Dean.
  11. The new NYC Ginger Experience (TM) is till in the planning stages but is scheduled to open in Times Square in 2024, just around the corner from the Hard Rod Cafe. Until it opens, we'll all have to use the old analogue gingers.
  12. Well, I'm glad we're all on the same page about that!
  13. I fully support shutting down every single solitary blog that no one has actually seen, but that people have heard about.
  14. Yes, but you need to know the secret handshake and have a secret decoder ringer in order to read it. That's why none of us have ever actually seen it -- although we keep hearing about it.
  15. Walt

    about AxelSJ

    Maybe his marketing team has proposed this strategy to build anticipation and increase postings on Company of Men -- for a period of time before the provider actually hits the market? It's like when they show previews before a movie for films that won't be released for months.
  16. I am happy it didn't make you personally feel badly, but just because you were treated that way, doesn't mean somehow that you can do it to others. Insulting/teasing/bullying/name calling others because it was what was done to you is a tradition to be broken, not to be carried on.
  17. Heaven forbid that anyone should try to rise above the natural base animal instincts to be a mean bully, right?
  18. Current acceptance rates Goldilocks -- 33% Harvard -- 4% Bozo -- 0% Clearly Bozo is more discriminating than most. ;-)
  19. Walt

    FiiveStar NYC

    The implication is that the pictures could be/may possibly be/probably are stolen, and that potentially the ad is being put up by a scammer. It is a cause to beware and proceed cautiously....at least until someone else has more information.
  20. Agreed! This is 100% true! But it does not at all follow that he who has met more providers makes "better assessments." There are some pretty savvy, well spoken, articulate, AND frugal posters withing the Company of Men too.
  21. Isn't this effectively saying that rich people write "better assessments"/reviews? As Margo Channing said: How nice for you, how nice for the escorts you like, how nice for everybody. Or something like that. 😉
  22. A question about Rentmen reviews: I sometimes click reviewers' profiles to check if I can determine if they have similar tastes to mine and to see if I can read between the lines to decide if they have a consistent profile, how long they have been posting, and ultimately if they are "real" as opposed to inauthentic posters trying to boost ratings. So sometimes the review I just saw on the provider's page is not listed in the posted reviews list on the reviewers page. How does that happen?
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