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Kevin Slater

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Everything posted by Kevin Slater

  1. Just snapped this pic. Best caption? Kevin Slater
  2. Just to be clear, that steep drop at the end (indicated by the gray shade underneath) is likely due more to cases not being tallied yet than a true, drastic reduction. Kevin Slater
  3. We've said all that needs to be said here, and the sniping continues.
  4. We've flagged that account as a spammer. They were posting in a lot of forums as well.
  5. Moderator's note: Gents, cut the sniping.
  6. They’re releasing another batch tomorrow (Saturday) at 10 am, though there are slots bookable (for a jab tomorrow) right now as well. https://vax4nyc.nyc.gov/patient/s/monkeypox
  7. Moderator's note: Gents, let's leave the snarkiness out of this otherwise useful thread.
  8. The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay Me Talk Pretty One Day Kevin Slater
  9. I'm not holding my breath. I think they want to get as many folk their first shots first. Kevin Slater
  10. My vote would be for strikethru over, say, right alignment, fwiw. We sued to be able to code it in (I think [s] and [/s]). Is that long gone?
  11. Does this explain strikethru as well, or is that something else?
  12. Well, it was clearly the famous case of the... missing link. Kevin Slater
  13. Whatever you do on your browser to make the text bigger or smaller. On Firefox on my Mac it's command + or -.
  14. [strike]test[/strike] <strike>test</strike> <b>bold?</b> <b>test</b> nope. these used to work.
  15. Rob addressed this in some other post. I can't remember the upshot, but I bet if you make your screen wider, or try on a different browser or device, you may see it.
  16. Please do not. Identifying a provider's day job would likely violate the no personal info rule. Kevin Slater (qua moderator)
  17. I see it in Firefox on my MacBook (Pro). It's the thing that looks like a chain.
  18. Moderator's warning: Gents, what part of stick to the topic (seeking arrangements, not the cost of living in NYC) didn't you understand? Multiple replies have been hidden.
  19. Just to beat a dead horse, there are slots open for tomorrow, Sunday.
  20. During the trading day I'm somewhat glued to Yahoo Finance. I don't really care about the price streaming (I use Fidelity's Active Trader Pro for that (not that I'm an active trader)), but whatever business news about whatever stocks I follow is helpful. I like that it let's me follow an unlimited amount of stocks and that it's free, but it's pretty buggy. I've tried CNBC but it either didn't let me follow that many stocks or didn't have a good news feed (I forget which). Curious if anyone on here has a better alternative to suggest? Kevin Slater
  21. NYC Alert: More monkeypox vaccine appointments go live at 6 p.m. today, Thursday, August 4. The schedule second dose box is no longer grayed out. https://vax4nyc.nyc.gov/patient/s/monkeypox You might want to do a trial run beforehand so you can breeze through the steps at 'go' time. Further details and discussion here.
  22. Rather attractive, I dare guess. Kevin Slater
  23. Wait... so I shouldn't have one beside my bed? Kevin Slater
  24. I would think so (they’re rental properties and I don’t know any limitations off the top of my head). But I’m happy with the units I have (two of them at least), so what’s the play there? Kevin Slater
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