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Posts posted by CuriousByNature

  1. Not to cause a pity party or anything, but when someone tells me they want me to rape them. It takes me back to being a child and my uncle holding me down with his friend all those nights. Or when I was drunk with a person I thought was my friend and I couldn't move. So, he penetrated me when I told him to get off. And it makes me feel weak being a giant who was taken advantage of. I think that's why it should be considered. Because you don't know what type of trauma you're bringing up when asking someone to rape you or when you make it a fantasy that you want them to do

    You were vulnerable, but please dont ever confuse that with being weak. Those who took advantage of you were the true weak ones. Thank you for sharing such personal details - that takes courage. Blessings and peace to you ?

  2. People protested and forced the laws to be changed.

    Interesting that the last execution for sodomy was 1835 - still horrendous, but I would have expected it to be later in the 19th century. The 1830s seemed to be a period of social change, after the death of George III in 1820, followed by George IV and William IV before Victoria ascended in 1837. I think Britain abolished the slave trade around that time too... like 1833 or 1834.

  3. Forgive me if this is a stupid question, but does anyone have any opinions about how differences in height can either enhance or detract from an experience? Im not asking about a person's preference for taller or shorter, but more about the 'mechanical' implications. Are things generally better when two people are the same height? Are there advantages or challenges when one is 5-foot-6 and the other is 6-foot-5? For those who find that kissing is important during the activities I imagine height differences can affect how things 'line up' so to speak... and I fully realize I am revealing profound ignorance by even asking ?.

  4. I wish people wouldn't use that word so loosely like it's a turn on. I don't kink shame. But, I find it highly insensitive when clients use the term to describe what they want me to do to them. I'm pretty sure someone will tell me I'm wrong for feeling this way. But, as someone who has survived rape, I don't think it should be fetishized

    I know your post is not seeking sympathy, but I just want to say Im really sorry that happened to you. I happen to agree that the term should be avoided. Rape isnt about sex, its about violence - which is more than simple dominance or control, though those are certainly aspects of it. The thing is that some people, for whatever reason, are turned on by violence - a tiny minority even to the point of murder. And there are people use the term 'rape' even though violence doesnt turn them on but without fully appreciating how it might affect others. They aren't looking to trigger anyone, but that is invariably what can happen.

  5. In one of my water safety/lifesaving classes we practiced rescue breathing on each other. The girl I was paired with had very long nails and when she pinched my nose shut she almost drew blood. We tried a few more times before calling it quits.

    So her rescues may survive drowning only to die from blood loss.

  6. I don't want to sound like prude, but....


    How does one get past the knowledge of what comes out of that orifice? No matter how squeaky clean a person might be, somewhere up that digestive tract is something most people would never want near their mouth. And wouldn't there be some unpleasant smell wafting down from further up? I find that taste is highly affected by smell, so thats why I'm asking.

  7. I don't want to sound like prude, but....


    How does one get past the knowledge of what comes out of that orifice? No matter how squeaky clean a person might be, somewhere up that digestive tract is something most people would never want near their mouth. And wouldn't there be some unpleasant smell wafting down from further up? I find that taste is highly affected by smell, so thats why I'm asking.

  8. Well I would like to thank those that asked privately how I was doing. I am still in quarantine but will be out on Sunday. I was tested for antibodies and I am negative and my Covid test is negative. In the pursuit of caution, I am completing the full two weeks of quarantine.

    Good news. In addition, it should be stated that the hospital has seen a marked downturn in the number of new cases and the administration has been able to close down floors which were changed to Cover floors during the worst of it.

    At one point, we had three ICUs and most of the patients in those ICU were on ventilators. We had had over `100 patients on ventilators related to CoVid and less than 15% survived. That sounds terrible, and it is, but compared to other facilities, that number of survivors is actually high. We did well in keeping people off vwentilators so compared to the number of cases seen, the number who needed to go on ventilators was low and the overall death rate was low and the ventilator death rate was low. We were lucky to be part of the medical trials with medications that seemed to help.

    So äfter having 3 ICU filled with CoVid, about 28 patients at maximum capacity, we now have one unit and only 5 patients on ventilators. Part of that number now is related to the return of surgeons. They are now willing to come to the hospital and do a tracheostomy on a patient. Those patients can be moved to Long Term Ventilator Hospitals, driving the number toward acute cases with chronic cases moved to essentially a specialized rehab facility.

    We also had three floors filled with CoVid patients and now two of those have been closed. One has reopened as a regular care floor and the other is being sterilized. The one remaining unit is for patients with Covid but not requiring intensive care. Right now there are only 2 patients in that unit.

    So as of today, after having as many as 120 Covid patients in the hospital at the peak with a peak of 30 ventilator patients, we have less than 10 patients and less than 5 on ventilators.

    We now test all patients coming to the ER. We are starting the drugs of Tocilizumab and Remdesivir early in the course and we are using convalescent serum as soon as a patient has e symptom which will allow them to be part of the study, So this is all looking very good, This is where wee should have been a month ago or more, but we are here now. Still, this does no mean this is over. I have had two patients die this week and one newly placed on a ventilator.

    The 19 year to who I had coronavirus exposure tested positive for antibodies and then negative for Covid in a short period of time, so he is back home. It is likely that my exposure was minimal or none. Still the concern I had was real and it remains real.

    Judging by the Influenza pandemic of the last century and the expectations of medical experts, a second wave is likely.

    It is not certain but it is likely. We all hope that the experts are wrong but we are preparing as though they are right.

    My advice to those who ask for it: continue to use social distancing. If you want to limit this, continue to use a mask and encourage others to do so, so as to prevent spread should you be an early symptom patient or an asymptomatic carrier. Take reasonable personal precautions. I can continue to use take out rather than eat in. I limit my elective contacts to people I believe are being judicious about their health. I am hoping my judgement on that is good. I will not be going to the beach, the movies, the dine in restaurants for quite some time. I do not know when I will electively take a plane again, I will be doing masks and frequent hand washing and Purell and I will be doing food shopping at off hours.

    I am at high risk and I have seen what this virus can do to those at high risk and even those who are not. I am not anxious to test its virulence and resilience, I suggest you all take the same precautions. .

    Once again, I encourage you to be vigilant. More than 110000 people have died in the US. More will die. You are your best advocate to prevent your becoming one of them.

    This situation is a lot easier for me as I was always a homebody. But those of you who are social butterflies, consider staying in the cocoon a bit longer.

    Thank you for this very encouraging update. I am really glad you are doing well.

  9. Perhaps one option would be for sites to offer an 'Avoid List' feature as well as a 'Buddy List'. There are many reasons why someone may not be adviseable for contacting aside from racist and political attitudes they may harbour. But I completely understand why the OP has focused on the racism factor given the horrendous things that are going on currently and the terrible history of discrimination in the US (and here in Canada).

  10. Quit. Making. Excuses.


    Side gig or not, you can still treat people with respect and professional courtesy.


    This guy has left and come back more than the McRib. Buyer beware.

    On a side note, I hope the McRib never makes a return.

  11. Not an easy situation. When a relative says something I find disturbing I usually respond with, 'You don't actually believe that, do you?' This invariably leads to a discussion, some defensiveness and justifying on their part, and often finishing by simply agreeing to disagree. But as long as I remain calm and rational in my arguments, things rarely get out of control. Even though I may think what they are saying is evil, I remind myself that they themselves are not evil - just ignorant or misinformed. I always hope that by confronting their opinions in a patient and fact-based manner they might realize their position does not have a solid foundation after all. Most of the time there is no obvious breakthrough, but I also cannot see what small changes may be happening in their hearts.

  12. I‘ve never been a TV person. Is there something iconically gay about the Golden Girls? I see it referenced here occasionally.

    I wouldn't say it catered to any particular demographic, but the casting was very much on point. Betty White playing a ditz after playing a vamp on the Mary Tyler Moore, Rue McLanahan playing a vamp after playing a ditz on Maude, and Bea Arthur being Bea Arthur...

  13. Just don’t overthink the situation. I’m sure you’ll have a good time. Hiring in these types of situations is difficult at best. Your situation reminds me a bit of a Golden Girls episode. Rose wasn’t sure if she should go on a cruise with Miles because she would be in a stateroom all alone and the possibility of sex might arise and she hadn’t been with a man “in that way” since Charlie died. Dorothy’s advice was spot on....if you don’t take a chance, nothing will happen. But if you take a chance, you’ll know and great things might happen (or something to that effect).


    Btw...this guy has my quintessential cock.

    Lol... any reference to the Golden Girls is a good reference in my book. But if I remember correctly, didn't Charlie also die while he and Rose were in the moment, so to speak? ?

  14. by late July / early August lots of variables go into knowing the water temps....summer weather definitely warms up the shallows....there are also differences between ocean side and bay side beaches.....(the wive’s tales say that bay side = warmer).....anyway, jump in, your bod will quickly adjust if needed....& the time in the water will be refreshing.....pick a spot with a hot tub nearby, if needed......staying away from P-town in the summertime on account of “water too cold” really doesn’t make much sense.....but if that’s how you feel, that’s really all that’s important....sending you warm wishes for safe travels.....


    (I’m currently in Israel & will be vaca’ing in Eilat for the 1st week of July....on the Red Sea at the southern tip of the Negev desert.....that time of year the words “hot” & “boiling” can almost be interchangeable to describe the water temps there....84/85 F minimum)

    by late July / early August lots of variables go into knowing the water temps....summer weather definitely warms up the shallows....there are also differences between ocean side and bay side beaches.....(the wive’s tales say that bay side = warmer).....anyway, jump in, your bod will quickly adjust if needed....& the time in the water will be refreshing.....pick a spot with a hot tub nearby, if needed......staying away from P-town in the summertime on account of “water too cold” really doesn’t make much sense.....but if that’s how you feel, that’s really all that’s important....sending you warm wishes for safe travels.....


    (I’m currently in Israel & will be vaca’ing in Eilat for the 1st week of July....on the Red Sea at the southern tip of the Negev desert.....that time of year the words “hot” & “boiling” can almost be interchangeable to describe the water temps there....84/85 F minimum)


    I don't mean to hijack the post by @tony, but do you know how the scuba/snorkeling is around Eilat? I hear its awesome at spots on the Sinai and the coast of Egypt, but haven't heard much of anything about the Eilat or Aqaba portions of the coast. Is there a place in Eilat you would recommend staying? Thanks!

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