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Everything posted by Charlie

  1. It's now being reported that two of the Europeans listed as passengers were not on the flight--both had reported their passports stolen in Thailand. Certainly suspicious.
  2. When it is 117 here and someone reminds me, "But it's a dry heat," I want to smack him.
  3. The story of Dr. Faustus is a medieval legend that long precedes both Goethe and Gounod. However, the late escort Adam Faust certainly chose his escorting name for that reason.
  4. I have been late posting in this thread, because I drive a Prius, and I haven't needed to fill it since before Thanksgiving, so I can't even remember what I paid last time. I just came from my local Phillips76 station in Palm Springs, where I paid $3.66/gal for regular.
  5. I have had pretty much the same experience with him.
  6. Earlier this year, we adopted a nine year old miniature poodle from a shelter, where he had been placed after his owner died. He seemed to be almost in shock from the sudden change in his life, and although a poodle was not a breed I ever wanted to own, we couldn't resist his sad story and took him home. The first week he was polite and quite passive, but once he realized this was going to be a permanent home, he became a bundle of energy, and has brought us much joy. Obviously, we won't have him as long as we would if we had got a puppy, but old dogs need love, too (I should know).
  7. I also noticed the different uniform numbers on the first two photos, but I don't think the third picture is the same guy. I also wonder if they are Oakland As players, since they seem to be playing in a small park, not the Oakland stadium.
  8. $3.39 for regular today at my local Union 76 station in Palm Springs. Now I'm glad I bought that Prius last March when my Toyota dealer had no customers.
  9. I have grown addicted to HGTV--I have always been interested in residential real estate, and it's fascinating to see what people want and don't want. The formats of shows like "Househunters" and "Property Virgins" are a little too rigid and predictable, but I still enjoy them, and, like deej, I'm impressed with their willingness to work with all sorts of shoppers, including gay couples and singles. Many of their regular hosts are also obviously gay, and some seem chosen more for their looks than their talents; why do my contractors never look like that?
  10. Aren't all the photos of the same model?
  11. I thought he was better looking than his photos. He was pleasant, but I wouldn't describe him as particularly "interactive"--I thought he was somewhat disengaged.
  12. That he said, "I have bitterly disappointed all of you," clinches it for me: he still doesn't get it that everything doesn't revolve around him. He hasn't bitterly disappointed me, because I don't care what he does sexually, and no sensible stranger would care. The people he has bitterly disappointed are his family, and the sponsors who paid him bigtime for endorsements that they now fear will not pay off. I am just moderately disappointed that the golf tournaments are less exciting without him.
  13. I just came back from a 2400 mile roundtrip up and down the west coast, in which gas was everything from $2.69 to $3.09.
  14. What is all the hooha in this thread about Tiger telling "lies"? Does someone here know that what he has said happened is not true? Or are you just jumping to conclusions? As for the role model thing, I am not aware that he has ever claimed to be anything other than a great golfer; if people want to claim him as their model for something more (model husband, loving parent, servant of God, etc.), that's their problem.
  15. Because my mother had colon cancer at 70 (she had successful surgery and lived, without any recurrence, till 102), I have had a colonoscopy every five years since I was 55. It's a nuisance but not a big deal. However, I read recently that there is a new non-invasive procedure which actually does a better job of detecting the polyps, but it will probably be a while before it becomes a standard procedure.
  16. Down to $2.98 in Palm Springs. Is this the longest (time-wise) active thread in M4M history?
  17. I use premium gas in my car, and when I went to my local station in Palm Springs yesterday, the price was $4.02/gal. Time to break out the bike.
  18. I just noticed that I made the very first reply in this thread, in Nov. 2001, when I paid $1.38 for hi-test in Philly. Yesterday I paid $3.75 for hi-test (for the same car!) in Palm Springs. And my income is half what it was in 2001. No wonder I'm not doing much hiring.
  19. I suspect that if we did the "six degrees of separation" game in Hooville, we would discover that almost everyone has some escort in common.
  20. And even though he doesn't show his face in his ad, I think he is one of the most handsome men with whom I have ever had sex (and that is a lot of men!).
  21. I saw this movie last night, despite the stupid title, because the main character is an escort, and the movie was reputed to have an unusual twist. The movie is narrated by X, a 30 year old (advertised age 25, of course) escort, who is supported by a coterie of twelve clients (the Catholic religious references are rife throughout the film). When one client dies, he acquires a new one, a cultured elderly man who wants only conversation until, he says, X truly desires to have sex with him. X claims not to have had sex with anyone except for money since age 12, and is severely emotionally repressed. Naturally, he is deeply in love with his beautiful roommate but will not admit it, despite the roommate's invitations to a relationship. The twist is that he eventually does have passionate sex with the elderly client--the only extended sex scene in the movie, an interesting dramatic choice--and that finally allows him to open up emotionally. Although this sounds rather heavygoing, the film is mostly comedy, and often quite amusing, so you know there will be a happy ending for everyone. The problem for me, as a viewer, was that the plot was quite predictable yet highly improbable, with too many convolutions and flat, unnecessary characters. I also found watching the sex between escort and client unnervingly deflating--it made me feel that it was time for me to stop hiring escorts, because I wouldn't be able to get those images out of my mind. Anyone else have reactions to this film?
  22. Charlie


    Today's coverboy Cory in SF should start the juices of armpit hair lovers. Too bad that the review is by a first timer who doesn't sound totally believable to me.
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